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Hello -Hi
We wanted to share some special news. A lot of you guys can see right here
We have a new addition to our family
Welcome our new son. Tyga Wolverine de Guzman. He was born at May 25th
2020 we are just so super excited
We wanted to share him with you guys because I know a lot of you have been asking
How is he doing? Say hello to everyone
So, who do you guys think he looks more like his mom or his dad it's hard to tell his eyes closed first of all
His full name is, like I said, Tyga Wolverine Guzman. Personally, I wanted to have like a strong,
memorable name someone that, you know, you say like, oh, wow, and you remember, and you know Wolverine just came up
Yeah, so I was like but I like, I... -I was kinda joking around
I wasn't joking around. I was like serious -I was joking aroun
That's actually a really cool name and it really like stuck to me and we shortened it
over time like after a while that Wolverine was too long. So he started calling it whoopee
But as we got closer and closer to giving birth Maiko's like okay, I don't know if you can call him Wolverine especially in Japan
One of the things is it's like she wanted to really give him a Japanese name, which I'm okay with
It's just easier and if you're in Japan a lot of people don't speak English, like most people don't speak English
so like you gotta have an easy name for everybody to understand if his name was a Wolverine his first name was
Wolverine people's gonna be like, huh?
You know people's not gonna remember it first don't even know how to pronounce it and I don't even know how to write it
That's just like too much trouble for him to go through all through his life. Yeah, make it easy for him
Cause in Japanese is its u-ru-ba-din, right?
Yeah, which is quite difficult to pronounce. Like for me, it's really important to help kanji in the name.
Like I have my kanji and that kind of defines you.
Yeah, it actually doesn't but you feel like it does. I actually wanted to give him like really strong kanji,
or really animal or wild kind of kanji. We gave him like a kanji of the tiger.
So, finally we agreed to name him Tiger Wolverine de Guzman
Wolverine as his middle name
In Japan, they actually don't have any middle names.
So his just first name is Tiger Wolverine and his last name is de Guzman.
It sucks that you can't have any space though between Tiger and Wolverine
It's like one word: Tiger--Wolverine. --So you can see that's his actual name right there.
This is Taiga.
And this is Wolverine.
So it's super crazy. He's less than one month old.
He's actually been pretty quiet for the most part, aside from when like he's hungry,
but all of that stuff is on the Tokyo zebra Channel we've discussed it
So if you're gonna see what's going on, definitely check out that channel probably the next month or so until July 18
I'm gonna be taking some time off of
The Paolo from Tokyo channel just so that we can spend a little more time with him watch him grow kind of like enjoy these
Moments and just you know spend time as a family
But we will post some videos on our other channel Tokyo zebra
Just some like quick updates of what's going on at the baby. Maybe some vlog style videos
Just kind of show you like what's actually going on
In fact, we just released a video the same time as this video on that channel of Maiko going into labor
So if you guys want to see that and everything that happens after that definitely check out the Tokyo zebra channel
I'll leave links in the description as well as I'll pin it in the comment
Also as you guys know we have our Instagram channels Paula from Tokyo Mike Cody Beauty
We've been like I want to post so much stuff on him and like what's going on with our family
We started a new Instagram channel called Tokyo zebra
And it's going to mainly him but just like more of our family and what we're doing
So if you guys want to see that then definitely check out that Instagram account as well
Also, a lot of you have been asking for daily life videos and rest assured a lot of those videos are coming.
Just had to put a lot of them on hold just because of the pandemic, it was difficult to film,
coordinate, and do everything when everything is kind of, you know, shut down here in Tokyo. So those videos are coming. Don't worry.
And there's just all the other food videos and everything we do on the channel - all of that is coming as well.
He's been making this Pokemon sound. -Yeah, I think he's trying to evolve.
So let him know Wolfy, if you guys like this video help us out and hit that like button if you guys
want to see more of us check out our Instagram accounts
all right here -> Paolo from Tokyo, MaikoDeBeauty, and Tokyo.Zebra
and if you guys want to see more videos about
Tokyo or any Japan guys and hit that subscribe button and the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one.