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all right.
It's really good to be back, though.
He's gonna be pulling up in just a minute.
This feels weird.
He's driving.
Oh, yeah, Yeah, I know the last couple of days have just been meetings and pitches and proposals and stuff like that, but today we're doing a live it of scouting for any event slash tour.
I figured I'd bring you along.
We're gonna hit up a brewery.
All right, so this is the place here.
It's not really what you expect.
When you hear brewery like you can actually see the brewery itself over there.
It is basically winter.
So he's turned this on for us.
And when I come in here, there's a nice little garden.
Look at that.
Have the opportunity to sit here and do this in such a beautiful area.
My only regret is I didn't bring the drone, so I'm sorry it wouldn't fit in my bag because it's such a local brewery.
Like people just drive by and they come out of the shop and just hang out with them and talk on the street.
I love it.
I might love it too much.
Oh, all right.
So I just polished off like four pints of beer.
And now we're heading back.
Obviously, I'm not driving this time.
I gotta relieving the driving up to Sherry.
That's the drive.
There's a driving dance.
Why didn't anybody tell me about the driving way Way?
So we've stopped to grab some ramen for dinner on.
As we walked by here, I saw one of the most gorgeous sunset that I've ever seen.
I kind of just want to stop it Noon on Wednesday.
Now on, uh, yesterday just gonna ended.
Amazingly, I bought more beer at night.
I know you're drunk Way Had a meeting in the morning.
We just finished up a little bit of shopping.
And tonight we have the bone in chi for our np o.
It's like a really long party that a special edition.
We're basically we've been having the same argument for, like, the last year at least.
Like whether or not it's better to live in month CMO or better to live in Tokyo.
We took that argument to the podcast sharing made pretty case Anyways, tonight, tonight we have something called a bulling Que Does this?
One of the big New Year's things is the boning chi season.
It's like if you work for a company, you go for drinks and all that stuff, and then the sheen in kind the beginning of the year.
Some places do both, some to one of the other boning Kai's, like, basically way to just wrap a ribbon around the year and like and actually, as I record this and as I talk, you were sitting in Sheri's office right here in month CMA, and I know we talked about it before.
We put together an NP O over the last year, a nonprofit organization focused on communications and social media and everything like that.
Tonight we're all getting together and doing our end of year party.
You know, I really thought that after quitting my job, I wasn't gonna have any bone in kind this year.
I am hungry.
Just learned a new phrase called Cute Aggression.
I'd never heard it before, but apparently it's a real thing.
I'm gonna have Jasmine explaining when you you get angry like you kind of want to squeeze.
That's cute aggression.
Look at this laughing video.
Look at this pink ball, just like e like like like I never even heard of that before.
We're finished with the boat named.
This place is closing up and they're kicking us.
So we're going to get out of here.
It is the next morning.
Now on, we are off to the area of dough.
Go own sentence.
So I thought this Mercedes Benz had, like a really cool fall design, but it actually just had leaves all over.
It was need behind me.
Is Diogo own Sense station.
This is like the fanciest Starbucks ever share.
You did a video, right?
I'll just link that right there.
Also, it's called the book John Dish.
It's worth noting that this training Oh, that was good.
I didn't expect that a couple years ago we had Sharla and to shamisen players called Kiki Come out here and they had they had the opportunity to take the train.
I think I like.
Do we drive along side of it so I could get like shots of the train for your guys video?
I was not a youtuber at that time.
I was just recording for other people's videos.
We're coming up on Go, go on, send right now and I just kind of wanted to introduce you guys to Diogo said, because the last time I was here was shooting other people's videos and not my own.
This is it right here.
This'll particular own Senate said to be the inspiration for spirited away like the only thing in there.
There's actually several incentives like he took from, but it's gonna be closed for seven years.
Mind you, the staff told me just the upper floors bath themselves are still gonna be open the whole time.
So if you're coming out and you want to check it out, you won't be able to stay in these upper floors and everything like that.
But you will be able to go in and take a bath.
So we just climbed these stairs expecting something epic and amazing.
Let me turn the camera around and show you what we got.
What is this so disappointing?
This is really cool.
There was actually like, a tight going here.
It was raining, so I put away my DSLR and I'm recording this on the GoPro for now, so the lighting is gonna be absolutely terrible, but I'm gonna try and show you anyway.
look at that.
It's really nice A sherry.
You You look so ready for rain.
We're on a mountain.
And on this mountain there is much in my castle.
Yeah, It's my second time being the second time, right?
I don't think I've come up here three times.
Is my third time.
We just had a discussion.
Knows that this is my second time.
She's like, No, it's not.
It's your third time.
First time of the first time I came to a He may 2nd time was when Charlotte was here.
And this is my third time off to the castle on.
We've just been shooting video content up here and checking out the views.
You know what?
I'm just I'm just gonna give you guys like, five seconds.
So do you have any cool facts about month CMA Castle fact.
Um, Mottama Castle itself is kind of rare because he told over the mountain not so many.
Many like Lord wants to build a castle on top of the month of you.
Just like if they somebody else attack them, they can't escape.
Yeah, So I think there are only few castles in Japan that are on top of mountain.
Okay, look, get this.
Terry shares, like in the car.
She's having no part of this.
Wow, That's a nice Christmas tree.
I'll give it six stars.
That's cool that I was able to do some, like, touristy esque things here in Muncie M of this time.
Considering the number of times I've been here.
If you were to come out here, what would you do?
There we go back for noise and excitement of Tokyo.
Hope you guys enjoyed this.
One of you dated mean the world to me.
If you would give it some loathe.
Did you guys have a favorite part of this trip?
If you did, let me know.