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Hello, everybody.
Welcome to the M, a variety show in today's video, that's gonna be a variety of things that we're doing.
One of them is going to be checking out my earthquake kit.
Also, I just went grocery shopping, So I want to show you guys what's inside my fridge and also my new fridge introductions to the fridge.
Also, the office room is looking way different now, so they'll be an update on that.
An ulcer.
I have a very easy recipe that's way too short for one video.
So I'm just gonna pop it into this one starting point for this video will be groceries because I just got back from the store.
So, uh, the fresh ready.
And I want to show you guys my new bridge.
She is.
She's very red and made her read.
People ask me how I did it.
I am obsessed with stick.
It's You might know, child.
I stick out so much stuff that come.
It's down here.
A stick it the wall in the offices.
Stick it.
It's rental friendly.
This is not my fridge.
This actually belongs to the apartment complex I bought when I'm done with that I could just rip the sticker off when it's done, So I don't know.
I just wanted Teoh.
I'm just feeling bold and cool and I wanted to try something.
A general plan for it, because it is incredibly red, is maybe putting a big piece of artwork on the front of it.
Maybe calm down the big red nous of it, but I still want a bit of right, you know, it's got a fridge at the top and it raises down the bottom side.
I have to bend down every time I want to get groceries.
OK, bridge to a time.
Eso I just reset.
Restocked Well, so just restocked on some stuff.
So I have plenty of eggs.
I found butter, which was really exciting, but has been really hard to find for a while.
But my local vegetables still had it.
Still, one of my sources milks and stuff, and here is the latest purchases.
Up the top we have, you know, my bean paste, my barbecue sauce.
I got some chicken minced me some salmon center for, and I have some ham left over from the other day when I made it's a little bit of left in a pineapple.
Here I did some some hard made to Modesto's.
So I think I'm gonna make, like, a Balinese with this.
Got a mango?
Uh, yoga.
It's fruit sauce and some soup in the back.
My pride and joy right now is my vegetable covered bikini properly.
Uh, pumpkin from last time I have chickens.
I, Pak choi and mustard spinach.
Um, I have an onion, carrots, some leftover vegetables down there.
Yeah, that's the new fridge.
Still figuring out how I wanna design the front of it.
Before, it was kind of like a bronzy brown kind of call us.
So I don't know.
I'm still figuring it out.
Recently, there's been quite a few earthquakes and quite a few big ones big enough to set off the alarms on their phones.
Which is, I don't know if you guys have never had the earthquake alarm before.
It's really intense.
It puts your phone to full volume, and it goes.
It's like simple out, and it wakes you up in scares you no matter where you are.
And sometimes it's a false alarm.
Sometimes there's not even any earthquake.
As soon as it's a small earthquake, but sometimes it will be a big quake.
I'm gonna show you guys my earthquake kit.
Uh, because there's a lot of earthquakes in Japan that it's good to have ready to go emergency kit in a backpack, like, ready to take out of the door after an earthquake.
You need it if you need to go to a shelter or need to escape the house quite quickly.
Also, it's good to have stuff in there for emergencies, even if you're stuck inside your house.
But yeah, I'll explain it more when I show you guys, Let's head over to the office.
My office with my new rug.
Yes, she got a rug.
Oh, welcome, Flow gang to the rug in my office also.
Here's the lamp.
The ice cream lip is here, and we're living our best lives.
So this is my rucksack.
And this is the look.
A storage stool in the entrance of my place.
These are like my emergency storage things, so I'm just gonna empty them out and explain all the stuff in my sack.
Theo, this is the contents of my emergency pack in my emergency entrance way stool.
So, in my pack.
I only have one bottle of water so far, but I do have 62 liter bottles arriving soon with the pipes do break during a big earthquake.
It's good to have a lot of water.
The house just in case.
Let me go through fired.
So here I have a bunch of packs of freeze dried, only giddy from money money.
You want to check them out.
There's a lot of money video that I did, uh, someone.
But you just add water hot or cold and attends into a ready to go on a giddy.
It's really good.
I also have a lot of curry for some reason.
So I have Big Macs.
Curry can curry.
All of the spirit is long life, by the way, so it lost a few years.
Also, that is, with Turkey A and console.
Does this big thing of there's gonna be a big earthquake that happens is like a 70% chance of it happening with something before 2050 like a massive earthquake on.
Everybody talks about it when it comes to earthquake, so it's good to be prepared if there's like a high chance of one happening in Tokyo also have a sicky beam.
Baugh's a legal, so they're just gonna be high calorie sweets being buzz just can of biscuits.
Then I have some rescue sheets.
I think this would just keep me warm.
Will just be good for general protection.
I have toilet bags if the water stops running, have you know some spare mosques?
I have her tell two brushes and toothpaste, some utensils, just two spoons.
I have some torches.
One of them is a crank handle.
One theme, while this one, too.
So the women, Taufel said.
Basic first aid.
So Band AIDS in here put Neosporin and some painkillers as well.
A bunch of tissues, a bandage roll of toilet paper on that.
I have some feminine hygiene products.
I have a small radio as well and a guide to disasters in Tokyo.
It's got a bunch of maps and stuff inside and a guide to, uh, certain situations as well.
And there's a mega at the back.
Oh, no.
Oh my gosh, I'm reading the mangga now.
It's so intense.
Luckily, sky trees still standing.
One thing that I just recently got is a solar powered charging pack for phones or anything that you can charge with the USB.
It's gonna torch on the edge of it as well.
Yeah, it's solar powered.
So if power goes out and I have no way of recharging my phone or being able to contact anyone, I'm sure why I would work either.
But it be good to just have a charging back.
I also want to mention I have a change of clothes here, but I keep this one in the house just in case.
It's just like a little little lantern that I can Kyra emulate.
Who's there?
Who's in my house?
I can also bring this camping if I want it.
So very cute.
Very cool.
Yeah, that's pretty much my emergency kit.
It's good to go in the little backpack whenever.
Also, I have a copy of my passport here.
Okay, Time to pack it back up.
Also, this pack it took me quite a long time to build it up.
I think that's kind of a good way to go about it.
Just gradually building up.
If you see something and you're like, Oh, yeah, I have the cash dispatched to grab a little bit extra pencil.
Oh, I know what somebody told me today.
I'll just put an extra one in the in the emergency pack.
You know, that kind of thing.
A gradual buildup.
I feel like it is good.
Do it that way.
They do sell emergency packs on the Internet, old from supermarkets and stuff, but they can get very pricey.
So you can either just spend a day, go to die, so get a bunch of stuff.
Um, well, you congratulate.
Build it up on your own, or you can get some on the Internet either way.
But if you live in an area where you know that someday exhausted might happen, then this big thing today I'm gonna put this one in the entrance way in the cupboard and this one in the end, you taste so they could just grab them on the way out.
If anything ever happens now, I could show you guys the the office room and how it's looking.
I think it's pretty much done for the moment.
I might add some little extra beds L e d strip.
So I know the lance going to get a new life old and everything, but yeah, just give you a quick tour told going, This is the room where I edit and stream and basically do any.
It's really nice to finally have separation of workspace and chill space.
Yeah, this is my streaming set up.
So I have my mike now and ring light set up so I can just do my work dream, and then we have the yellow background with the little ice cream lab is just plan of it seems to be surviving.
It gets a little bit of light from this in the morning.
So thanks be doing okay.
It is a life.
That's the main thing.
Well, so this is new.
This is kind of like my filing cabinet thing.
There's, like all my important documents down the bottom that I still need to organize.
But yet so final cabinet, that top is just like computer a charge of that.
And then it's my study thing underneath that with my stationery and study books.
No old is like one study book.
I need to still organize some stuff, but I've been having a great time.
I love figuring everything out and making this space feel really good.
Okay, well, that's the office.
That's pretty much it.
But I want to show you guys a recipe That's really easy.
And I need to get cooking because it takes a long time to cook but know that long to make So I just gotta do it now so that I have dessert for the end of dinner tonight.
Yeah, I should schedule chats time.
Kind of a little, many, one mini kitchen chests.
So today we are going to be making What about meringues?
Man rises so easy and that's full of sugar.
And it's like a little a little quick fix.
You make a little, many one and you could make many ones If you have a mini oven to cause I've only got a small oven.
So ingredients you need to make meringues.
Ah, sugar and egg whites.
Man, If you never made meringues before, I'm gonna blow your mind.
Though it's easiest if you have an electric mixer.
If you don't, you can do it.
But your arms are gonna take growing up.
I didn't have a microwave.
The dish Russia.
Well, an electric makes us everything we makes Have to be with one of those whisks like this leg a little tiny crack ones.
So electric makes us a really good just for this kind of stuff.
But if you don't have one, it is possible also, I thought ingredient, you cannot A little pinch of salt to make a little bit fancy depressing you go Dio is separate.
You're from the white.
Also, I'm just doing a small amount I'm doing to eggs.
You could even do it with one egg if you want.
So I'll just use these egg yolks later for something and then making sure you have no york in your wife, you just whisk.
You want to go until it's like getting pretty stiff.
This is getting pretty good already.
So I might start adding some sugar.
I don't want it to be so light and probably I want to be kind of like sticking.
Gonna add a tiny bit assault, try it and see what the flu this like.
Oh, no.
I had way too much salt.
I think the salt was pouring and I didn't notice.
It's still okay.
I'm gonna add more sugar.
His my meringue.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Party trick time.
You don't have to use a piping bag.
You can just like spring the mixture out onto a baking sheet, But I will be using a piping bag.
Now fill er up.
Oh, it's such a fun, filthy mixture.
See if I can make as little mess is possible.
That would be great.
Just a little guys like that.
Well, I'm doing this.
I have to admit something to you guys.
I'm addicted to twilight.
Oh, no.
I'm almost finished on the fourth book now.
And as I've being reading it, they then announced the new book coming out.
So it was meant to be number right?
Started growing size, by the way.
So just filled up as much as you can if you need.
Teoh says, like the most jam packed thing ever.
So you could come in a very low temperature for a very long amount of time.
And that's what gives him that really airy Christmas.
Kind of drying the eggs out, I guess.
Oh, wow.
This one says 1 50 Okay, this one says 1 50 So let's see how it goes.
I'm gonna bake them just until they're done until I can take one out.
And it's like, crisp and delicious.
Yeah, I'm probably just gonna hang out now and read some more Twilight.
Uh, so I mean breaking dawn.
Got to get it right.
Okay, I'll see you guys when the meringues a cooked.
Okay, two things.
One the rains have done.
And it was totally at the wrong temperature.
I'm very unhappy with how they tend.
I mean, they're fine, really.
The kind of burnt even though they don't look like it, it's the temperature was too high debate about.
So I think it's like sports 1 2130 The other taste bent, which is pretty sad.
But, you know, they still taste pretty good.
Means Eggen Sugar on the other.
News is, I just finished twilight.
I finished all full books and took up most of my life for the past like week.
That's like I didn't even learn anything like It's not I'm not getting educated.
I'm not benefiting my life in any way.
It's just trash.
They just trashy books.
Anyway, I need a eat some food.
I need to cook.
And then you start watching the twilight movies Salmon and a baked potato, salmon and a baked potato.
Hey, okay, I just finished cooking dinner.
I have a baked potato, some salmon and some broccoli.
Sir, I'm couldn't watch Twilight.
Tom's taking up too much of my life.
Say it.
Say it now that by, uh, what is this part is that if he does well, he was just What?
Uh huh.
Hey, I just switch 3 12 33 Twilight movies On tomorrow I'm gonna finish the last two of them.
It's been a really fun time.
What a crazy way to spend the evening.
It's now, hopefuls.
Someone to get ready for bed.
Thank you for watching.
I'll just wrap this up really quickly.
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