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- Hey, everyone!
Today, Little Apple and I are tackling a classic,
the chubby bunny challenge!
(loud crash) - Oh, yeah!
Lets get this thing started.
- Uh... who are you?
- Yo I'm Chubs the Bunny,
I'm here to take on all challengers.
Let's do this!
- Um, Chubs...
we were just gonna do the cubby bunny challenge
the normal way, you know,
where you try and put marshmallows
in your mouth and say chubby bunny with your mouth full?
- You kidding me right now?
Everyone knows that's dangerous.
You could suffocate.
Get theses marshmallows and your rules outta here!
(loud crash)
- There's a trash can right over there,
but I guess that works too.
- Listen Chubs, with all due respect we have this covered,
so we're just gonna do the chubby bunny challenge
without a literal chubby bunny involved.
- Hold up, who said I was chubby?
- Uh...
- The name is Chubs, not Chubby, no relation all right.
This bulk ain't fat, this is pure muscle,
y'all about to find out the hard way,
'cause here's how the challenge is gonna go down:
pull a slip of paper out of this protein shake container
and we go head-to-head!
That's the Chubs Bunny challenge.
And that's what we're doing today, understand?
- (groans) yes sir.
- I got rabbit ears, yet I still can't hear you.
- Yes Chubs, we'll do it your way.
- Fan-flipping-tastic!
Now pick your first Chubs challenge.
- Um... okay.
Looks like I got sumo wrestling.
Huh, well I don't know about this, I've never-
(loud crash)
- First rule of sumo wrestling, be alert at all times.
- Wow, okay, a lot of holes going in the walls today.
(mocking sound effects)
(Little Apple groans)
- I'm okay by the way, thanks for wondering.
- Okay then, cool,
so I guess that does it for today's video,
thanks for watching everyone,
don't forget to like and subscribe-
- Not so fast! (DJ disk scratch)
You haven't challenged Chubs yet.
Everyone has to challenge Chubs!
- You know what, I think I'm good.
- No matter, I'll pick it for you.
Oh wouldn't you know it, sumo wrestling!
- Uh, look you're obviously very aggressive
and very skilled at sumo but-
(loud crash)
- Flawless victory.
(Chubs laughs manically)
- Okay well, we've all had a lot of fun,
let's call it a day.
- You kidding me?
I'm just getting warmed up.
Chubs ain't leaving until Chubs actually gets challenged.
- Okay, I challenge Chubs to never speak
in the third person again.
- Silence, select your next challenge slip.
- Uh, no way dude, it's just gonna be sumo wresting again.
- I assure you there are other options.
Like dunk contest, but be warned, this bunny got hops.
(loud crash)
( heavy metal music)
- Um, is there a slip of paper that says sweep up
the broken glass you just littered everywhere?
- No, but there is bowling.
Beware to anyone who dare challenge Chubs,
they're bound to strike out!
(Chubs yells)
(bowling pins fall)
- Dude, let's make a break for it.
- Agreed, we gotta get outta here.
(DJ disk scratch) - Leaving so soon?
I told you Chubs has excellent hearing.
Now, the time has come for you to select
our next head-to-head challenge, do it now!
- Okay geez.
Hole in the wall?
- Oh my favorite, as the name suggests,
the challenge is to make holes in the wall.
- Yeah, I feel like you've been doing that all day dude.
- Silence! Now brace yourselves!
Whoever makes the most holes in the wall wins.
One, two, three, go!
One, two. (loud crashes)
- Wow!
- Three, four. (loud crashes)
- Um, yeah I think he's gonna win this one.
- Wait, I have an idea, five!
(DJ disk scratch) - What? Uh, really?
You've made five holes already?
- Uh yeah, they're just really small,
'cause, you know.
- I love it, finally a challenge!
- Five, six. (loud crashes)
- 10.
- Seven, eight. (loud crashes)
- 27!
- Don't get comfy, I'm about to catch up.
Nine, 10. (loud crashes)
11, 12. (loud crashes)
13, 14. (loud crashes)
(loud metallic ding) (Chubs yells)
(DJ disk scratch)
- Wow, nice one pear.
- Thanks, I guess you could say
things panned out in the end.
(Pear laughs)
- Really dude?
- Sorry.
- Well they say the chubby bunny challenge is dangerous,
but I didn't think it would be dangerous like this.
- You said it Little Apple.
Also, I'm pretty sure this is a load bearing wall,
so we should probably get out of-
(screaming) (loud crashing)
(heavy metal music)