So I'm gonnahavethisbeautiful, droopingvineandit's a happybaby.
I'm soproudofit.
Look a guard.
He's getting a littlebitofsunlight, buthe's justhe's justlivingthatlife.
Sointheshotthat I'm showingyoufrombeforethoseanddarkspotsontheleavesonnowit's spreadquite a bit.
Thosedocksputsin a lotofdifferentplaces, andwhen I firsthad, itwasquitesmall, andthenthesefinds a growingoutofit, whichhasexcitedfor, but I'm notsurewhattodonow.
I'm notsureifitneedsmorewater.
I startedwatering a bitmoreanditlooks a bithappyus.
So I thinkit's that I wasthinkingitwasgrowingcauseitneededmore, son.
But I sawthisplantin a shoppingcenterandtheyitwassobig.
Anditwasindarknessallday, and I'm likehow I lookeditup.