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  • hey there jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question of the


  • week our question today is a very common one

    周 我們今天的問題是一個非常常見的問題

  • it's what's the difference between this and these


  • so let's talk about the first sound and get that out of the way that th


  • sound


  • in each of these cases for this and these it is going to be the voice sound

    在每種情況下,"這個 "和 "這些 "都將是聲音

  • so the voice box is on and moving the tip of your tongue should be out of


  • your mouth and there should be enough space between your top and


  • teeth and your tongue for air to move out


  • and over your tongue that is key if you completely


  • touch the tongue to the teeth it's going to sound like a d

    用舌頭觸碰牙齒,就會發出 "嗒嗒 "的聲音。

  • sound we don't want that you want the air to keep moving ththththth


  • okay now for the differences between the vowels and the last sound


  • let's start with this here so for the e sound it is a long vowel it's the

    讓我們從這裡開始,e 音是一個長元音,它是

  • smiling vowel and your tongue is very high in your


  • mouth it is behind the top front teeth and is not touching


  • e e e for the short i sound this is sound

    e e e 為短 i 音,這是聲音

  • my tongue is going to pop down just a little bit and my mouth


  • really relaxes so i go from tense lips for the e


  • to relaxed lips eee ih eee ih eee ih

    放鬆嘴脣 eee ih eee ih eee ih

  • and in moving my lips my tongue goes from very high and flat


  • to a little bit further down in my mouth and more relaxed eee ih eee ih

    到我嘴裡的位置更靠下一點,更放鬆一些 eee ih eee ih

  • now for the next sound we have the z sound even though we spell this word

    現在,下一個音是 z 音,儘管我們拼寫這個單詞

  • with an s we are going to say a z a z is exactly

    有一個 s,我們會說 a z a z 正是

  • the same as the s sound so let's talk about that first for the s sound

    與 s 的發音相同,所以我們先來討論一下 s 的發音

  • tip of your tongue is behind your top front teeth or pointed down a little bit


  • air keeps moving out of your mouth sssss your voice box is off for the z

    空氣不斷從你的口中流出,你的聲帶 "嗡嗡 "作響。

  • same thing you're doing for the s but your voice box is now on zzzzz

    你的 s 也是一樣,但你的聲帶現在是 zzzzz

  • so let's try to put that all together we have


  • this this this these these

    這個 這個 這個 這些 這些

  • these this these do you like this

    這些 這些 你喜歡這些嗎

  • or do you like these give it a try i know people are going to notice the


  • difference if you found this helpful please share

    不同之處 如果您覺得這對您有幫助,請分享

  • this with your friends and give us a like and don't forget to subscribe


  • if you're looking for help check us out on google play itones udemy

    如果您正在尋求幫助,請在谷歌遊戲 "Itones udemy "上查看我們。

  • and our one-to-one training options at tarle speech thanks everyone

    以及我們在 tarle speech 的一對一培訓選項,謝謝大家

hey there jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question of the


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