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  • in this video.

  • I'm gonna take you inside of a Japanese machi, A hotel in Kyoto.

  • Today I'm in Kyoto and I'm seeing a real deal.

  • Kyoto style house with over 100 years of history, also known as a kill much.

  • This particular one is called Kiriakou Kyoto Nishioka.

  • Much is a traditional wooden townhouses built using interlocking wooden parts and were popular with killed emergence before World War Two.

  • Since Kyoto was safe from air raids during the war, many of the marches are still around to this day.

  • But once torn down, these much is will probably never be rebuilt.

  • So walking inside you truly feel like it are part of history.

  • So there six different types of kill much here.

  • But this one is a Sony Chi, which means it has a high second floor ceiling, especially when compared to the sushi Nick I.

  • Q.

  • Macha with low ceilings.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Having a guard in the back is another characteristic of LaMacchia garden in the last for more sunlight and air circulation in the house.

  • But it also creates a seamless blend between nature and living space.

  • It looks like there's a food on set out for us already like this is really low.

  • But just if you're tall, I think you have to watch your head hit it.

  • But that's just because it's like old school much, right?

  • Their mother use it when you first arrive, you'll be warmly welcomed with a tea ceremony.

  • I'm not crazy about much.

  • Some of you already know, but having freshly risk, Marta is really quite on a whole new level.

  • It's kind of like a lemon citrusy taste.

  • You see, it's kind of like gelatinous, but it should, like, prepare your palate for the tea for the much She just taught me how to do this.

  • And I think I'm gonna do that.

  • I think the bottom turn it once, twice.

  • Kind of pray a little bit.

  • Yeah, I suppose to slip.

  • Wow, I'm learning a lot today.

  • You might know what to do.

  • Wondering what?

  • Why.

  • Okay, so what a lot of you guys don't know because you're probably gonna watch this after the fact Today is the final episode for game of Thrones, and I really want to watch it.

  • So I'm gonna connect my laptop to the TV and we're gonna watch it.

  • Yes.

  • So That's what we're gonna do today For about an hour.

  • Let's just check the speed of the WiFi here.

  • 12 megabits per second.

  • That's not the fastest in the world, but I think that should be fast enough for rest of A with a stream game of Thrones today.

  • All right, time to set up the laptop.

  • All right, so the PC's connected made a stream.

  • I guess I see you guys a little bit.

  • Mike, how you doing?

  • Past Have really nice past.

  • About Turn it on first, Damn it.

  • And there's a 1,000,000 times very little lies.

  • I'm really happy that there's a lot of Richmond around this area, right?

  • All right.

  • I'll leave you.

  • Michael.

  • He's arrived.

  • This looks so good.

  • Anyways, I think I'm gonna chew with Michael tonight, so I'll see you guys tomorrow.

  • All right, So I'm ready to start my day.

  • We're about to have a big breakfast.

  • I think it's coming on 8 30 Michael's sleeping upstairs, so I have to wake up in a second.

  • But I'm still thinking about game of Thrones and how it ended.

  • I don't know if I liked it.

  • I don't want to spoil anything for you guys, if you still haven't watched it by now.

  • But anyways, let me know what you guys thought of the ending.

  • Yeah, I guess it is what it is.

  • I'm started a like time to wake up.

  • Breakfast is coming.

  • Go.

  • Wait.

  • So I think we'll give Might go a little bit more time to get ready.

  • I usually go to sleep a lot earlier than Maiko.

  • And I usually get up a lot earlier than her too.

  • So So I guess we just let her sleep, Okay?

  • Michael, my girl.

  • Sometimes I don't understand her.

  • And here comes our kaiseki breakfast.

  • Good morning, everyone.

  • So breakfast has been served trying, Just looking, See, used to sitting on the floor very much.

  • Probably some of you aren't as well, but I guess you just kind of get used to it, living in Japan eventually.

  • But you know me so far, I think it's right.

  • That's Michael's hand right there.

  • She's pretty much she doesn't really want to be on camera today.

  • So when you said this much a hotel, you have the option to include breakfast or not is a very traditional breakfast.

  • All these, like little dishes, are called kaiseki, and what it means is that it just has a little bunch of little like, almost like little appetizers that all go together to make one whole entire set meal.

  • So look at all this goodness.

  • I mean, I don't want to go through and bore you with all of the different stuff, but I think like my favorites, this is like a cock a don't go, which is kind of like a sweet gelatin sauce.

  • And there's a drink on inside, so you can see right there that is that going in sauce, it's really delicious.

  • It's almost like a machine at the consistency, just a little more liquidy and this thing.

  • I don't really know what it is until I take a bite, but basically it's fried.

  • It's like 10.

  • Put a style, so I'm probably gonna like it.

  • Let's taste it.

  • There's a seat in the middle was almost like some sort of route that they put it on put up.

  • That's nice.

  • That's like, I don't think I've ever had that before.

  • The one thing about these kaiseki meals is like it's very seasonal, So a lot of this stuff that they haven't here really depends on the time of year.

  • If you stay at one of these places than definitely I would recommend at least trying the breakfast once.

  • Oh, and I was talking to the hotel also a little bit earlier.

  • They actually said that everyone had checked out that last afternoon and like people were coming today.

  • But if it wanted to get actually see the other rooms, there are actually three other marches in the complex, all connected to this one.

  • So let's check out the other three.

  • The 1st 1 has a Doma style entrance, which back in the day meant straight up dirt begin.

  • See, now, though, it's been modernized.

  • Okay, so you have living space here.

  • We have two pretty launch proton mattresses here, and then what's nice is over there.

  • It looks like you have got, which is a very traditional Japanese from my balcony, kind of sit on the balcony of your feet over and two beds in the bedroom.

  • The 2nd 1 has a very open entrance, which I love.

  • You can see that there's two bedrooms up here to me is like a full queen size bed, and then you also have another private timing room here.

  • So this one seems pretty similar to the 1st 1 Yeah, as you can see like, since there's four different rooms in this complex.

  • If you have a big family, then it makes kind of a lot of sense to just, like, book all three or all four of the rooms, and then you can actually stay together.

  • And if you've never stayed in a much like this, then what it's like, just try it once, right?

  • So we were just in Kobe yesterday, and his long trips are kind of hard because I never know what to do with my laundry this morning.

  • Just I found out is that this much has a washing machine and drive.

  • There you go.

  • Problem solved.

  • All right.

  • So what did you guys think?

  • If you like this video, help me on hit that like button.

  • If you want to see what I'm doing on the daily, then definitely check on my instagram account.

  • If you want to support the channel, then definitely check out my Tokyo merch.

  • And if you want to see more budget plan guides and release a video every Saturday morning 9 a.m. Japan time.

in this video.

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京都町屋酒店--入住後的注意事項 (Kyoto Machiya Hotel - What to Expect if you Stay)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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