Mytypicalschedulethat I createformyselftodaywillbelowkeybecause I wasn't surewhatwasgonnahappen.
I don't expectmyluggagetogetlost, sothat's a bummer.
Oh, well, makethebestofit, right.
So I had a reallygreatsleeplastnight.
Thisroomgetsreallydark, and I alwaysputsmetosleepreallyfast.
And I got a good 5 to 6 hoursofsleep, whichisgreat, because I usuallyhavejetlie.
Andthatdidn't happentome.
I usuallygetsixhourssleep, sothatwasperfectforme.
And I'm upearly, which I like, and I'm gonnagoexplore, don't havemyluggagetogocheckwiththeconciergethismorningandaskedif, uh, anyofmyluggagecameandtheyknew, buttheywouldletmeknowyou.
I guesstheyslipup?
But I hopeitcomesintodaybecause I needmystuff.
Look, I e not.
I wear a lotofmakeup.
I havenothinglikeabsolutelynothingexceptforchopstick.
Alsonoticedthatthereis a pillowmenubecausethesepillows, they'reniceAndthesetwoofthemnow, becausethey'rereallysoft.
Um, sotheonetheyprovideitas a standardpillow, whichis a naturalmediumsupportdownfeatherpillow.
Um, but I sleptfine, but I think I needsomethingmorefirm.
So I'm thinkingaboutgettingmaybetheorthopedic, so I mightdothatlater.
I onlyhave a couplenightshere.
I gotherelatelastnightbackfromKiev, andthen I hadouttomorrow.
I havetoleavehereatfourAMtocatchmy 6 a.m. Boymightleave a littlebitearlier, but, um, so, yeah, I thinkinthesameroomexceptthathave a differentviewthistime.
I have a view.
I mean, it's stilloftheriver, but I have a moreopendealofitsnotasobstructedaslasttime.