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  • Um. how I became involved with Dog Bite Dog...

  • actually a funny story.

  • Because. um. at that moment in time I hadn't filmed a Hong Kong movie...

  • ...since Initial D. which was about a year and a half. two years.

  • Um. I just came off filming my firstJapanesemovie.

  • Um. and I didn't really wanna do any bubble-gum. cotton-candy movie...

  • ...which is what 90 percent of the movies in Hong Kong. to me. are.

  • Uh. Soi. which is the director. Is kind of known...

  • ...for being kind of edgy. kind of crazy for Hong Kong.

  • If you put him in a different market he's not too crazy.

  • But. uh. my experience with this guy is that I filmed a movie with him before...

  • ...called the Wishing Tree or something.

  • Final Romance. actually. it was called.

  • And he was playing a cop and he beat the crap out of me.

  • And he really beat the crap out of me.

  • So when I saw him for the first time I was like. “This guy...“

  • You know? And when he gave me the script. actually. he was like:

  • Okay, I want you to play the cop, and the cop is like this. like this. like this.“

  • And I was. “Okay. let me read the script and I'll get back to you.“

  • And I read the script and I was like:

  • If you don't let me be the killer I'm not gonna film this movie.“

  • And why I did that was because it's totally crazy and totally different...

  • ...than anything that I've ever done.

  • And everyone says that I can only do a certain type of role...

  • ...then here is something that you've never seen me do before.

  • And it's totally outside of the picture of what people think Edison Chen is.

  • So I decided to take it on as a huge challenge...

  • ...and as kind of a gamble to gauge where moviegoers...

  • ...locally on Hong Kong cinema are. and in a more international spectrum...

  • ...what people are thinking about Hong Kong cinema.

  • When I first read the script. I had picked it up and I was like:

  • Okay. cop. cop." you know. “A troubled cop. okay.“

  • I've done this in a certain way in other movies.

  • Boring. for me. The script wasn't boring. but the role for me was boring.

  • Whereas this other character is running around hungry. dirty...

  • ...bleeding. killing. not speaking. “mass murderertype of ordeal.

  • And it really kind of just got something in me.

  • I was like. “This is interesting. This is gonna be fun.“

  • You know? Like. “I can beat the crap out of people...

  • ...and be wild and crazy and not get in trouble for it.“


  • For someone in my position to do a film like this is a breakthrough.

  • I think that people here are so image-conscious...

  • ...about even what they do in a movie...

  • ...that a lot of these type of films don't get to get made.

  • And. um. I wanted this movie to get made. and for people to really see it...

  • ...and people to really feel it and enjoy it.

  • So many reasons why I did this movie.

  • It was about time for me to take. like. a left turn...

  • ...instead of making rights all the time.


  • I actually saw this movie as being a disaster in Hong Kong...

  • ...but a hit everywhere else. especially in Japan...

  • ...when I first started filming the movie.

  • So like I said. I had just come off my first Japanese movie...

  • ...and I was thinking I wanted to do something...

  • ...that would make them happy as well.

  • So. I mean. all of these are reasons why I did the movie.

  • And lastly. it's because it would have been a huge challenge for me.

  • I mean. I'm totally not that character. Nothing near it.

  • I mean. I'm a bit crazy. yes. but in that way. no. you know.

  • And it would really be a gauger for me to see where I am at in my acting.

  • And I think it gave me a pretty good look.

  • To prepare for Dog Bite Dog, one of the things that I did...

  • the initial steps was study myself in the mirror.

  • Why I did this is because I cannot look anything like myself...

  • ...and I had to speak without speaking.

  • So I had to take some certain strong expressions or things that I do--

  • Like. say. if I'm always touching my nose...

  • I usually do in my regular life. I cannot do that...

  • ...because that kind of makes me seem like I'm more calm...

  • ...and I'm just. like. more easygoing. you know?

  • I just have to be straight and. you know. like. solid and...

  • There's certain things I took away...

  • ...and there's certain things I accentuated about myself.

  • And that was the first thing that I did to prepare for this character...

  • ...because without saying--

  • It's easy to say. “I hate you.“ And then...

  • Getting that off. instead of just looking at someone and telling them:

  • “I hate you." You know. like. with just a look and the way I stood.

  • And I really had to study the way I move and the way I am...

  • order to make that a success-- To make Edison successful in this role.





  • I watched a lot of movies where there were characters like this.

  • Where I would start studying what I thought was original...

  • ...and what I thought came across as real, where I--

  • And then looked at stuff where I looked and I said:

  • That's too much,“ you know.

  • That's too much to a point where that's acting. Do you understand what“?

  • There's no way that would ever happen. or something like that.

  • Or that's too little. It's too light. you know?

  • Like. I had to find the happy medium for me.

  • And. um. in order to stay inside this role. basically I--

  • It was perfect, because...

  • ...what had happened was we had went to Thailand to film most of it.

  • And a lot of it that was shot in Hong Kong. I spent a lot of time alone.

  • I spent a lot of time alone. away from people...

  • I could stay kind of angry. and I don't have to speak much...

  • ...and if I did say something it would be worthwhile saying.

  • Do you understand what I mean?

  • So I kind of stayed within my character...

  • ...but at the same time. was still Edison when I was off the set.

  • But when I went into the set I just let it all out.

  • I have a lot of times where I wish I could be like that.

  • Like my character in the movie.

  • But I can't. And this was a good way for me to release all that...

  • ...and just let it all go without getting in trouble.

  • And Pang. which is my character in the movie. goes--

  • Has a drastic-- For me. a drastic character change.

  • Whereas I come into Hong Kong. nothing to lose. hungry.

  • Kill. kill. kill. Come in my face. I kill and I kill.

  • I go home. I eat. Good.

  • Um...

  • Whereas I run into this girl and this girl is kind of. like...

  • In the beginning. when I bump into this girl, it's like:

  • “I wanna kill you. but I need the phone.

  • So tell me where the phone is first. and then I'll kill you.“

  • But then. while I'm talking on the phone I see a picture. a family portrait...

  • ...of the father and the daughter and the mother.

  • And the father was just raping his daughter.

  • And they live in this garbage dump.

  • And I kind of-- That's the point where I start having a bit of humanity.

  • Because I relate to this girl...

  • ...because I have no parents and I lived in a garbage dump...

  • ...and I have to eat garbage for dinner and...

  • You know. there's no way-- Nowhere-to-go type of feeling.

  • And that's why I decided in the beginning:

  • Okay. this girl will be useful as a type of shield.“

  • You know. a human shield.

  • Whereas it goes to the end. where she actually does things for me.

  • And she kind of protects me. when no one else has ever in my life.

  • So it's kind of like:

  • What is this? What is this feeling that I have for this person?“

  • Because...

  • ...I feel something good towards her. but I don't really know what it is.

  • Whereas she saved me from Sam in the movie.

  • It's about hope.

  • And that. you know. even in the darkest, darkest corners...

  • can still have hope.

  • Um. and in the end of the day. even if. like. my character dies...

  • ...and the-- My wife dies as well. we still have hope. which is our child.

  • And I think that a lot of people miss that about the movie.

  • They go walk out and they're like:

  • Oh. that movie was crazy. It's so bloody and gory.“

  • But they don't really try to get into the deepness of the movie...

  • ...and what the message really is of the movie.

  • And I think that it's great.

  • And I think that people should actually kind of look for that in a movie.

  • So many things happened on this movie set. that it was crazy.

  • Like. we were sitting in a garbage dump. We were actually on a garbage dump.

  • Like. I went to The Grudge 2 film...

  • ...four weeks after I finished Dog Bite Dog...

  • ...and by the 13th hour of filming on a nice set with catering and everything...

  • ...people were like. “Tsk. this is the worst I've ever had to go through.

  • This is so bad.“

  • And I'm like. “Yo. look at these pictures. Look at this picture.

  • I'm standing at a garbage dump...

  • ...that's five stories high and three footballs wide.

  • Okay. there's worms and cockroaches crawling on my feet. okay?

  • Are you--? Do you feel better?“ Like. “Yes. I do now.“

  • Like-- Ha. ha! Like. there's fully one day that me and Sam were sitting there...

  • ...and because it was winding down-- The shoot was winding down.

  • --We decided to have dinner together.

  • And I cracked a joke at him and he was laughing.

  • He's like. “Ah-ha-ha-ha!“

  • A cockroach flew into his mouth.

  • At that point I was like:

  • Wow. we're-- We are in the dumps.“ You know. like. dumps.

  • Like. people left--

  • Like. the older people left the set that day. and they had. like. their--

  • They couldn't feel the tips of their fingers because of all the--

  • It was so hot and all the pollution...

  • ...and all the badness was. like. steaming up...

  • ...and it was going into people. you know?

  • And. um. I mean. that's a story in itself. Ha. ha!



  • EDISON: This movie's action scenes...

  • ...are so different than most Hong Kong movies...

  • ...because it's not graceful. It's not beautiful. it's not kung fu.

  • It's. “I'm coming to kill you.“

  • And when you do that. you don't plan. like:

  • “I'm gonna give him a chop to the head and then a sweep. and then--"

  • Ha. you know? Like. stuff like that. It doesn't happen. Doesn't happen.

  • And what happened in this movie...

  • ...was that we really didn't have a stunt coordinator until the last scene.

  • What had happened was. I would tell the director:

  • Okay. what do you need in the camera lens?

  • You need it-- You need us to move here and then here and then here?

  • Okay. just leave it to me. I'm gonna do it for you.“

  • And then. I would go and I'd do it. And I'd punch him. I'd kick him.

  • The director really wouldn't know...

  • ...because I told him I can't really do it if you want me to 90--


  • --And then choke him. Like. I'd just--

  • Just let me go. It'll be crazy. Trust me. you'll like it.“

  • And, urn, the first time he was like, “No, no, I can't do that.“

  • I was like. “Look. just give me one chance.“

  • And then I did it and he was like. “Whoa. that's crazy. Good.“

  • [CHUCKLING] I was like. “woo-hoo.“

  • And I think that that-- That it was the right approach...

  • ...because if we had done something like what most Hong Kong action movies do...

  • would have been a joke.

  • And it wouldn't have been this crazy killer from Cambodia...

  • ...and a rugged cop off the streets.

  • It would have been. like. a Police Story Part 4 or 5 or something.

  • I don't even know what number they're at right now.


  • EDISON: Every scene was kind of hard...

  • ...because. like I said. I really didn't know what I was gonna do. I just had to do it.

  • I mean. they obviously had a few guidelines.

  • Like. when there was a car coming at me. they're like:

  • Okay. you need to break the window.“ And I was like:

  • Okay. can I break it with this hand?

  • Because I have some handcuffs on my hand.

  • I can just hold it and break the glass and it would seem real.“

  • They're like. “Yeah. that's a great idea.“ You know. stuff like that.

  • The hardest scene for me to film...

  • ...the one that I got hurt the most was in the end scene.

  • Because we had about 10 hours to shoot that whole ending scene.

  • And about four hours into it. I tripped on film equipment...

  • ...because we were in such a hurry. they forgot to take some away.

  • And I tripped on it and I fell on those rocks.

  • And those rocks aren't even and they're uneven.

  • Like. type of temple-- Like. really old-school style.

  • And I hurt my spine.

  • It was on the bottom of my spine. you know.

  • And I couldn't move. I was numb. I was numb. like. my feet were numb.

  • And. um...

  • But the director's sitting there. like. scratching his head. like:

  • We're all-- We have flights tomorrow all to catch?“

  • And. um. we just-- I just had to fight through it.

  • I mean I-- It was painful.

  • It was painful. but it was. at the same time. very great...

  • ...because it translated into what was happening into that scene.

  • Because it was painful. That scene was painful.

  • Not only in a physical way. an emotional way as well.

  • So. um. I'd say that was one of the hardest scenes.

  • And there was another scene where. we're in the--

  • We're in the Dai Pai Dong...

  • ...where we're-- Like. the Chinese-café type of--

  • You know. the street-café thing.

  • And Sam just clocked me with that chopstick holder like no other.

  • Like...

  • Because I didn't tell him I was gonna do something...

  • ...and I spat in his face and he was like...

  • When the director yelledcut." he was. like...

  • ...looking at me like he wanted to really kill me.

  • And in the next shot the director was like:

  • Okay. you have to get back at him.“ I'm like:


  • Then he just came at me with this chopsticks holder...

  • ...and, barn, on my head and I was like, “whoa.“

  • I was kind of. you know. dazed.

  • But it was good because it looks real...

  • ...and it came out right and that's all that matters.

  • Like. someone told me before. “Pain is temporary and film is forever.“

  • I had pleaded and pleaded and pleaded with the director...

  • ...that if we filmed the Cambodia section...

  • keep that as an extra. director's cut or something like that.

  • Because I felt that it lost the ruggedness and the rawness...

  • ...of the first say-- If the--

  • If before we went to Cambodia was 90 minutes...

  • ...the first 90 minutes was so--

  • [GRUNTS]

  • --That when you add that next 15. 20 minutes in there...

  • seems like the whole movie just loosens up and starts to float a little.

  • And for me. I wanted my character to just stay raw and stay really crazy.

  • And just like:

  • What happens?“ You know?

  • Like, “What's going on with this guy now?“ You know?

  • But. um. the director told me that if we had had it like that...

  • ...then the meaning of the movie would not come through.

  • And that's when he sold me on--

  • Okay. okay. then I'll do the best I can when I'm in Thailand.“

  • Because I was thinking about just doing it really horribly...

  • ...and hoping that he'd cut it.

  • Um. but. I mean. I think that a lot of people watch movies nowadays...

  • ...on the level of visual excitement.

  • Um...

  • Whereas they don't look into the heart and soul of the production...

  • ...and the story itself.

  • And I think that if you watch the movie--

  • If you've already seen the movie. and you're like:

  • Aw. what is the last 15. 20 minutes?“ Like I did when I first watched it.

  • If you think about the reasoning...

  • ...and you try to look at the layers of what-- With the storytelling.

  • I think that. it's quite interesting. the last 15. 20 minutes.

  • Especially. it's kind of. like. the redemption for both characters...

  • ...and for the girl as well.

  • And I think that if you look at it in that way...

  • makes sense for the story to be more rounded in that sense.

  • When I got this script I--

  • A lot of people were like. “Don't do it. Don't do it.“

  • Because it's not gonna translate into a box-office hit.

  • And. “We don't wanna see you in movies like this.“

  • And. “Your fan base just wants to see you in a suit and hugging some girl.“

  • And-- But for me. this was the next step of my acting career...

  • ...which I had told you. that-- ls my most important part of mine. I think.

  • And. um. l. myself. think that...

  • ...I had to take two things in hand.

  • There's. like. “Okay. will this really damage my career?

  • Or will the box office be so bad...

  • ...that no one will ever want me to do a film again?“

  • But everyone's box office is kind of bad in Hong Kong right now.

  • Um...

  • Very rarely do movies have a “successfulbox office now.

  • So what-- I think it's a time of change in Hong Kong cinema...

  • ...for me especially. um...

  • ...where new ideas and new directors...

  • ...and new. more cutting-edge things are being tried out.

  • And until someone really takes that first step...

  • one's gonna really be able to make it start rolling.

  • And I was hoping that with this movie...

  • could kind of create a little snowball effect...

  • ...where more people...

  • ...especially if this movie translates into success overseas...

  • ...we'll be. “Okay. those are the movies we should be filming.“

  • Or, “It's okay to film left-field movies.“ You know what I mean?

  • And. um. was I afraid that it would damage my image?

  • No. because I knew that going into it. what-- How I was planning to film it...

  • ...and what movie critiques would say about my performance...

  • ...and that's basically who I'm trying to please.

  • I mean. in the end of the day. some weird movies make a lot of money.

  • But it all comes down to the performance...

  • ...because I don't market the film. I don't edit the film...

  • ...I don't add the soundtrack to the film. I only do my acting chunk of it.

  • And. um. I think a lot of people. especially film people, were like:

  • Okay. that was the best performance of your career.“

  • And. um. if I look back and I say:

  • Oh. if I didn't do that movie where would I be?“

  • I don't know. because right after I did that movie...

  • ...I got my first Hollywood movie.

  • The first time I saw this movie again was at the premiere.

  • And. um. it was actually a screening premiere...

  • ...the day before the premiere.

  • And. um...

  • People were. like...

  • It was divided.

  • People were like. “No. You know. this is too crazy.

  • This should be not even rated III. It should just not be shown.“

  • [CHUCKLING] You know? And some people were like:

  • This is a very refreshing. uh. break from Hong Kong cinema--

  • Regular Hong Kong cinema and I really. really liked it...

  • ...and I think that. yes. It needed to be that bloody and gory...

  • ...for the messages to come out.“

  • And. um. to be honest. I didn't really give a care what they were saying.

  • Um...

  • I myself, after watching the movie. was like. “Tsk. this-- This is great.“

  • And. uh. that's all that really matter to me.

  • Unless I'm a producer on the film. heh. I'm not gonna see the movie.

  • I'll have-- I have too many questions. I have too much of an opinion.

  • I'm too strong opinionated to be able to see a movie...

  • ...and to be able to affect the cutting.

  • I mean. I could go into a screening...

  • ...where it's only me and the director and I'd be:

  • Yo. you better cut this part. you better add this part in.

  • You better cut this scene and then add different music. and da-da. da-da.“

  • And it would make me a menace in the film industry.

  • And people would be like:

  • Never do a film with him because he'll change your whole film.“

  • So I understand that I'm kind of crazy in that way...

  • ...and I'm very. very opinionated and. um...

  • Yeah. I think that watching it as a finished product...

  • a much better look for me because then I just take it as it is.

  • And I-- Even if I'm upset with it or if I'm happy with. it's done.

  • Um. like I said. if I was producer. then there'd be a whole different story.

  • But as an actor, I stay in my acting role.

  • I think Dog Bite Dog is a very exciting movie.

  • Minute by minute. um. It keeps you on the edge of your seat...

  • ...trying to think about what just happened or what's gonna happen after.

  • And it'll keep you kind of puzzled at:

  • Okay. where is this guy coming from? What is his motives?“

  • Or, “What's gonna happen?“

  • And this story kind of unrolls at a nice pace...

  • ...for the viewer to keep very. very happy. for me especially.

  • I think that walking away from this movie will give you a...

  • Especially for Hong Kong cinemagoers. will give you a totally refreshing look...

  • what people are doing in the Asian side of cinema.

  • A lot of people are doing horror movies or pop love movies...

  • ...but we went and did something totally different from that.

  • And. um. I think. for cult-cinema movie lovers...

  • ...that this is a perfect movie for them. because. um...

  • It's so fresh for Hong Kong cinema.

  • For regular moviegoers. I think that this something...

  • ...that you haven't seen in a long time and that you need to see soon...

  • ...because. um. everyone's seen enough of the sequels and this and that.

  • And you should see something original and this is very original...

  • ...and it's from Hong Kong. with a huge. huge. rich movie history.

Um. how I became involved with Dog Bite Dog...

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  • 40 3
    tangttt1 posted on 2021/01/14
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