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  • Male: Thank you very much Lee. So I'm going to talk to you about you, and how you can

  • be brilliant every single day. So, big as... I spent the last 15 years working with some

  • of the best CEO's and executives around the world and one of my observations is some of

  • them were absolutely fantastic. But the problem is they can't be fantastic every single day.

  • Which reminds me of the story.

  • I was sat on the couch at home watching the TV about five years ago. Not that I'm a golfer,

  • but I was watching the British Open, and a very good golfer called Sergio Garcia was

  • playing and he had been brilliant all week, dominating the field, and it came to the last

  • round and he was sort of fantastic, and on a Sunday morning in the front nine he scored

  • 39 shots. The previous day, on a Saturday, he'd scored 29 shots, on exactly the same

  • holes.

  • So, overnight he'd lost 10 shots on the same hole. So what happened was Horrack Harrington

  • came past him and won the British Open and the [inaudible 00:01:11]. And very interestingly,

  • exactly a year later Horrack Harrington beat Sergio Garcia. I think it was in the US Masters.

  • Sergio played brilliantly all week, he got to the Sunday, and something went wrong. He

  • was leading the field by six shots and on the Sunday, again, Horrack Harrington came

  • past him.

  • So that was sort of really interesting to me and Peter Alice, the famous golf commentator

  • is watching this and says, "It's a funny old game, golf." As though it's a complete mystery

  • why these things happen. As there was a complete loss of form. So I'm there shouting at the

  • television, it's no mystery to me. Actually I know why that happened, and I know why Sergio

  • Garcia basically between 2007 and 2008 really didn't learn that much. Because he made exactly

  • the same mistake in 2008 as he made in 2007.

  • So I'm going to share with you the secret about that. Some of the things we've been

  • teaching executives. Bringing in some neuroscience which is my background and going to reveal

  • some secrets as to how your system works. So we're going to go through that and then

  • I'm going to break with TED tradition at the end of the talk and we're going to have a

  • bit of live demonstration of something.

  • But I just want to give you the sort of model that we work to that starts to explain why

  • Sergio or anybody may lose performance or why you may lose performance and what you

  • need to do to maintain your brilliance every single day. So if we're all after the same

  • goal, we're after improving our performance in some way, or the results in some way.

  • It doesn't really matter what kind of results we're talking about, whether we're talking

  • about sporting results, whether we're talking about business results, academic performance,

  • relationship performance, sexual performance... I don't know why I'm looking at Simon when

  • I saying that. Whatever we're talking about, what is going to improve our performance...

  • Well first and foremost, in order to change the result you've got so focus on people's

  • behavior. So we've got to do things differently in order to get a different result. So most

  • performance appraisals in industry focus on what you've been doing. You go in and you

  • see your boss. And he said, "Oh, I've got some 360 data." You've been doing these kind

  • of things, that's really good. These are the things, not so good, so a bit less of that

  • please and more of that. So I want you to do that, and less of that.

  • And sometimes that actually works, and then you get a different result. But an awful lot

  • of times it doesn't make much difference or it will only make a difference if the leaders

  • stood over that employee cracking a whip and making sure they do this. So it's necessary

  • but insufficient, and the reason being is that even when people know what to do, sometimes

  • they just don't do it.

  • "I know I want to make another 1000 calls to 1000 customers, but, you know what. It's

  • Friday afternoon, I'm not going to do that." So it's not enough just to focus on what you

  • can see on the surface, on the behaviors. You've got to really get to grips with what's

  • on the inside of individuals. Why do people do what they do? If you really want to change

  • performance permanently, and be brilliant every single day, you've got to get to grips

  • with the inside.

  • So first and foremost what's actually driving behavior, it's how people think. So how you

  • think determines on what you do. So when I'm coaching a CEO, if he thinks I'm an idiot,

  • he's not going to do what I say, why would he? Or if he thinks what I'm saying is rubbish,

  • he won't do it. So I've got to get a grip of what he thinks about. In fact, that requires

  • me to ask him some questions, which is a lot more complicated than just observing the behavior.

  • But our view is if you don't get to grips and start to ask some more detailed questions,

  • you won't get a sustainable change in the results. It won't last, you'll get this variance

  • in performance... this form loss. So you've got to get to grips with how people think

  • about you, about what you're saying, about the world. But even if you did, it's not enough,

  • because it's something more fundamental driving how people think.

  • So how you think is really hugely influenced by how you feel. In fact these two things

  • effect each other. Thinking effects feeling and feeling effects thinking. It goes back

  • and forward in a loop. But the dominant factor really is feeling. So for a whole bunch of

  • neuroscientific reasons we haven't got time to explain. Actually if you want to change

  • what people do, you've got to change their thinking. If you want to change their thinking,

  • you actually have to change how they feel. This is a much more significant impact on

  • that than the other way around.

  • So if you feel anxious, for example, it's no good me saying to you, "Don't worry." You'll

  • have experienced that doesn't work. Or I'm doing this exam. "Don't worry." "Oh, you know

  • what, I hadn't thought not to worry. That's the answer then. Ah I'm not worried. Oh good,

  • how much was that? There's the check." It doesn't work like that.

  • You've all experienced that if you feel anxious, you feel anxious and no amount of "don't worry"

  • is going to help you. In fact, it often makes you worse. "All right, you say 'don't worry,'

  • I'm worried." So the real active ingredient is you've got to change this. Still not enough.

  • There's something more fundamental driving how you feel and that is your raw emotion.

  • So you've got to change the emotion in order to change the feeling in order to change the

  • thinking. Now you maybe sat there wondering, "Well hang on a minute. Feelings and emotions...

  • that's the same stuff, isn't it?" It is not.

  • So many people don't realize... and particularly, many of my own friends in science and medicine...

  • don't realize that feelings and emotions are not the same thing. In fact, many people don't

  • even realize that feelings and thinking are not the same thing, particularly men. So you

  • ask many men to tell you how they feel and they tell you how they think because they

  • don't understand the question. You see most of the women in room nodding, "That's true,

  • that's true. That's been my my experience." And most of the men sat there going, "What?

  • What's he talking about?" These are not the same phenomena. Thinking and feeling are not

  • the same thing. And feelings and emotions are not the same thing.

  • So if you want to change the result by changing the behavior, there are multiple levels...

  • and even if you got to grips with the emotion, it's still enough. There's something even

  • more fundamental. Down here in the basement of the human system is your physiology. So

  • the reason you get variance like Sergio did in his performance is there are multiple levels

  • that Sergio Garcia hasn't got control over. He's just concentrating on his technical putting

  • performance or the way that he drives the ball. And he hasn't got a grip of any of this

  • other stuff, even if he's telling himself and rehearsing mentally, "I'm a good golfer.

  • I'm a good golfer. I'm a good golfer." It's not enough because there's still three levels

  • that he hasn't got a grip of.

  • So if you want to be brilliant every single day, you've got to get a grip of every single

  • level. And that's how you crank out your A-game every single day. So let's just work from

  • the back to the top. So if we start with physiology, what is that? That is just simply streams

  • of data. That's all physiology is. It's data streams. So as I'm talking to you right now,

  • most of you are getting streams of data coming into your brain about what's going on in your

  • body. So some of you had the cupcake at the break, and you'll be getting a signal from

  • your gut saying, "Oh sugar. We got sugar." And it's coming into your brain telling your

  • brain what's going on in your gut. Some of you then are getting contractions around that

  • cupcake, so you've got pressure waves being created telling your brain about what's going

  • on in your gut.

  • So these are all just bits of physiology. These are just data streams. As some of you

  • might write or type, you've got joint position sense going up the nerve channels into your

  • brain telling your brain about where your fingers are. They're just bits of physiology.

  • So this is just streams of data, if you will. So what's an emotion? Well an emotion... if

  • you take all the streams of data, whether it's coming from your gut, or your joints,

  • or your heart, or your lungs... if you take the data from all the streams, all the bodily

  • systems, and it comes into your brain as electrical signals, electromagnetic signals, chemical

  • waves, pressure waves. Take all of those signals from all of those systems... that's what an

  • emotion is. It's simply energy, E, in motion. That's all an emotion is.

  • So we all have that, even us fellows. We've all got emotions. Every second of every day

  • there is an energetic state going through us. Because we're constantly digesting, we're

  • constantly breathing in and out, our heart's constantly beating. It's happening all the

  • time. So we've got energy in motion every single second of every single day. But we

  • may not all have feelings. Feelings are the awareness in our mind of that energy. And

  • that's where the problem is. The energy may be there, but we just don't feel it. So for

  • example, if you take a very common experience of most people... if we look at what is the

  • energetic signature, if you will, of something like anxiety? So what goes on physiologically

  • when we're in a state of anxiety? If we look at the heart rate, it's fast. The heart's

  • going, "boom - boom - boom - boom -- boom."

  • What else is happening? What's happening in the mouth? The mouth is dry. So you're talking

  • as though you've got co-- co-- wooly can't get the... that's happening. What's happening

  • in the palms of your hand? They're sweaty. What's happening in the gut? It's churning.

  • These are the specific physiological constituents of that thing that you would know as anxiety.

  • And I'll ask you, how did you feel? And you say, "Alright." So all that data is there.

  • You're just not feeling it. And if you're not feeling it, it's altering what you're

  • thinking and how well you're thinking it, which is changing what you're doing. But you

  • don't realize that because you feel all right.

  • You're not noticing any of that. You're just thinking what you're thinking and doing what

  • you're doing. So what we're saying is that the brilliance every day requires on you to

  • tune in to what's happening down here at the physiological and the emotional level, and

  • not only become aware of that but get control over it. Because most of you do not have the

  • control at that level. In fact, very few people have got control of any of this stuff on the

  • inside. Even when people have been highly trained on regulating their behavior... even

  • they haven't got that much control over this. So that's the source of your brilliance.

  • If you can get control of the whole thing, you can crank out your A-game every single

  • day. So how do you get control? Well first we're going to start with which bit of the

  • physiology, given that so many different signals, where are we going to start? Well we're going

  • to start with one specific signal, which is the electrical signal of your heart.

  • So your heart beats. So when your heart beats, "ping, ping, ping, ping." If you watch the

  • medical programs before it goes, "beep," which it always does, doesn't it? So the ping is...

  • the heart basically contracts and causes a spike of electricity. And you can measure

  • the distance between each heartbeat. And I don't know whether you know, but the distance

  • between each heartbeat varies over time. So if we look at your heart rate over time, we'll

  • see that your heart rate will vary up and down like that. And if you go to your doctor's,

  • he takes your pulse rate and he says your average is 70. But in taking the average,

  • he's ignoring all the variance. And it's the variance that really matters.

  • Taking the average, you lose all the critical data. That's like listening to Mozart and

  • saying the average is, "daaa." Was that Mozart or was it Pearl Jam? Okay, we don't know.

  • So it's the variance, or something that's called heart rate variability, that's key.

  • Heart rate variability is key for three reasons. Number one, it predicts your death. So if

  • I measure your variability for 24 hours, I can tell when you're going to die. So now

  • I have your attention. Alright. So we tell this to organizations. Do you know what? They

  • don't care. So we can't sell them on that. So the other reason is it predicts... if we

  • measure HRV for 24 hours, it can tell you how much energy you have got. Which is sort

  • of interesting to leaders, because leaders need lots of energy.

  • But the real reason that they buy and they're interested in this is because HRV alters brain

  • function. So when I put you under pressure, what actually happens to your HRV is it becomes

  • super chaotic. So basically, your brain receives a signal from your heart up the nerve channels,

  • which when under pressure becomes super chaos. The consequence of the super chaos is it shuts

  • off your frontal lobes and you have a DIY lobotomy. So under pressure, you lobotomize

  • yourself. It's as though you've suddenly taken the stupid pills and you've gone like that.

  • So I thought I'd just show that to you for a live demonstration. To show you how easy

  • it is to create chaos in your biology, whether you want to happen or not. So we need a willing

  • volunteer for this moment. So just to come and sit in the chair, and I'm going to show

  • you how to be brilliant by showing you your physiology. So we need a volunteer just to

  • come up, if you would. And all we're going to do is just put a little clip on your earlobe.

  • So thank you very much. Give him a round of applause, by way of encouragement. Thank you,

  • what's name?

  • Neil: Neil Nelson.

  • Speaker: So Neil is very kind. He has no idea what we're going to be doing to him, so this

  • is really very brave. So first of all, we're going to make sure Neil is alive. So is his

  • heart beating? So you can see that every time his heart contracts, it squirts blood up into

  • his ears and his ears go red. Between contractions, all the blood drains out and his ears go white.

  • So if you look at the person sitting next to you, you can actually see their ears flashing.

  • Red, white, red, white. Actually you can't see that, because your eyes aren't sensitive

  • enough. But what this little clip on Neil's ear can see, is we can see the change in color.

  • Here's red, here's white. Here's red, here's white. Here's red, here's white. So this is

  • a heartbeat. So good news now. You're alive, mate.

  • The heart's beating away. Boom - boom - boom - boom - boom -- boom. So the heart's beating.

  • And so what the software does, it measures the distance between each of those beats.

  • And based on the distance between this beat and this beat, it calculates its heart rate

  • and says its 76. And it calculates it again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

  • And you can see that his heart rate bobbling along about 75 beats per minute. So pretty

  • relaxed. Sat in a chair, your heart rate should be doing about 75 beats per minute. Okay,

  • so what we're going to do in a moment is put him under a little bit of pressure and see

  • how well he copes with that kind of pressure. Are you good under pressure, Neil?

  • Neil: I don't know yet.

  • Speaker: We don't know. Well we're just about to find that out, aren't we? So let's see

  • how well he does under pressure. So we haven't started yet, and already his heart rate is

  • creeping up to about 90. So he says, "What are we going to do here?" So we're going to

  • give you some mathematics. How good are you at mathematics?

  • Neil: Quite good.

  • Speaker: Oh he's quite good. This will be no trouble, right? So he thinks he's quite

  • good, but his heart rate's now... I'm good. I'm quite good. He's gone off the charts and

  • now he's settling back down. You can see there's a lot of chaos going through his system right

  • now. So even though, "I'm good at this," that is a natural physiological response to a challenge.

  • You put somebody under pressure, the physiology... whether he wants it to happen or not... You

  • see, he might look like he's in control. He is not. In fact, I am the puppet master. I'm

  • pulling his strings, whether he wants me to do that or not. So at the moment, there's

  • a bit of uncertainty.

  • The physiology is sort of settled around about 80. Slightly higher than it was before because

  • he doesn't know what's going to happen. So let's see how well his brain actually functions

  • under pressure. So let's see how good at that math he really was. So what you're going to

  • do is, you're going to count out loud backwards subtracting threes. I'm going to start you

  • off at a certain number. I want you to take away three and then give me the answer. Take

  • away three again, give me the answer. Take away another three, give me the answer. And

  • keep going, serial subtractions of threes without making a mistake. And if you make

  • a mistake it's 50 quid. Okay, so financial penalty for every error. Okay.

  • So is that alright with you? So no problem at all. We're going to count out loud backwards

  • subtracting three's, the mention of 50 quid look the heart rates crept up here to 120.

  • Just the tension in the system, so again, I'm just talking to him, that's all that's

  • happening. And actually by me just talking to him, a physiology chaos is kicking in and

  • that's going to be sending a signal from his heart to his brain. It's going to be inhibiting

  • his brain function, we'll see there, as fast as you can without making a mistake say your

  • subtraction of three's starting off at 300, go, come on 300.

  • Come on, faster, 286, 275, 273... Well done... Give him a round of applause everybody. So

  • what you can see is when I started to feed in the wrong answers, it's called cortical

  • inhibition, or frontal lobe shutdown.

  • So under pressure the frontal lobe shuts down in the simplest of tasks. Subtract three from

  • that number. Can't do it that is happening to all of you when you're under pressure.

  • Your brain is built this way, so one of the things you need to learn to do is to get control

  • of that physiological level and switch from a chaotic signal to what's called coherent.

  • So the thing that underpins brain function is the ability to generate a coherent signal.

  • So there's variance, but it's stable variance as opposed to wildly fluctuant variance. And

  • that is the source of your brilliance, so I thank you very much.

  • Well this is kind of nice isn't it, because 18 minutes is incredibly difficult to contain

  • what you want to say to 18 minutes, well it is to me. So we kind of showed you earlier

  • on what goes wrong under pressure. So, the human brain is constantly getting a signal

  • from all the bodily systems, but particularly the heart of the Vegas nerve. Which as we

  • showed you a sort of erratic and under pressure, super chaos causes that DIY lobotomy. So you're

  • all built that way, and you've all had the experience when somebody kind of puts a challenge

  • to you and it doesn't really matter as you saw, how small that challenge is. And it can

  • be any type of challenge.

  • Challenge to your point of view... A challenge to your ego. A challenge to your relationships,

  • any type of challenge causes the physiology to go chaotic. Causes the frontal lobes to

  • go inhibited, and you become suboptimal almost right away. And what's kind of interesting

  • about that is when the brain's inhibited it also inhibits your perceptual awareness so

  • you don't realize it's happened.

  • So you can come out of a meeting and go, "That went well." And everybody's going, "What do

  • you mean that went well. You were rubbish," because your awareness is inhibited, you don't

  • realize how rubbish you were. So it's a bit of a catch-22. So this is really what the

  • phenomena underpins. Lots of different things that you've seen and experienced yourself

  • and seen. Stage-fright, people get stage fright and can't remember their words. Kids go blank

  • in an exam, it's the same phenomena. My personal favorite Family Fortune, if you've ever watched

  • that show Family Fortunes, the two people sit at the front. We've asked 100 people in

  • the street to name something you put in a jacket potato, [noise] jam. It's hysterical,

  • you know, when your frontal lobes inhibited you say anything, and it's really funny. Ann

  • Robinson, the weakest link...

  • She throws you a simple question, stares at you, and you blurt out any sort of rubbish.

  • So when you're up with your boss, he might be the nicest boss in the world. If you're

  • feeling a little under pressure you suddenly discover you're talking rubbish. Sometimes

  • you even have that awareness. You almost sort of see yourself coming out with the most ridiculous

  • nonsense. You think, "Why is this happening?" And it's because you're built that way.

  • The human system is built that way is that under pressure, physiological chaos, brain

  • shutdown. You're designed that way. You think, "Well, why are we designed that way?" And

  • the reason is, the only reason you have anything in your physiology is survival. There are

  • survival advantages to having brain shut down. And it goes back 200,000 years when you were

  • wondering across the prairie, and a big grizzly bear comes out from behind a rock and says,

  • "Oh, human being, there's my lunch.

  • You don't need clever thinking, in fact, if you stood there trying to be clever, "Is that

  • the brown bear, or a spotted grey bear?" He will eat you. So you need brain shut down,

  • your thinking has to become very unsophisticated, in fact it has to become binary. So you either

  • have fight-flight, or play dead. Two choices, you either just drop to the ground and faint,

  • or you're prepare to slug it out or run. It's binary. Anything more sophisticated you don't

  • need, it will kill you. So here we are, 200,000 years later, and we still have the same biological

  • mechanism. We basically have 200,000 year old software, and we've never had the upgrade.

  • We don't meet Bear today, we meet each other. But in meeting each other, the same phenomenon

  • goes on. We showed you how that chaos can cause somebody who's even good at math, like

  • Neil is, "Two hundred, uh, uh, ah, uh, shut up you're putting me off! Two hundred uh,

  • eh," it becomes impossible, a simple task like that.

  • I can tell you, I did this in the office of the Chief Exec of one of the leading retailers

  • in the UK. His first answer was 298. And he went, "Oh, no, no that's wrong!" And, he was

  • so embarrassed that he got the first one wrong, he couldn't think of the second one. It literally

  • sounded like, aahh, like he was in headlights. He just couldn't come up with anything.

  • So as I said, you're all at the mercy of that. The point being, until you've got control

  • of this physiology anybody can make you look like an idiot. Right? And what's worse? You're

  • doing it to yourself an awful lot of the time. Right? Your own anxiety about you own performance

  • is actually causing the chaos. So you're just lobotomizing yourself. A lot of people around

  • you can trigger you into a lobotomy but most of the time you're just lobotomizing yourself.

  • So until you've got control of that absolutely, fundamental basic; you might be brilliant

  • one day, you might be poor, who knows what's going to show up that day. So right about

  • fundamental, the cleverness of your thinking, or your ability to read the line on a golf

  • putt, or your ability to come up with a great idea, or how to innovate that sales process,

  • or any of that stuff. The quality of your thought, in fact, the very things that you

  • think and how well you think them is hugely influenced by your biology. Alright?

  • I'll give you a couple of light examples and then we'll show you.

  • We'll get Neal back out and we'll show you how to control your physiology. If you haven't

  • yet clocked that your biology is controlling your brain function. If we house you and lock

  • the doors and filled you up with coffee, what happens is your bladder gets bigger and bigger

  • and bigger. It starts to send alarm messages to your brain and you're getting one of these

  • pees. "I got to pee. I got to pee. I got to pee." Then if you've ever experienced where

  • you can't get out of the room but you bladder [inaudible 00:24:48] and all of that. You

  • haven't got Pampers on.

  • What you'll discover is you go deaf. Right? You ever notice that? You can't hear people.

  • You're so internally focused, "My bladder is going to burst. My bladder is going to

  • burst." You go deaf, you can see people's mouths moving, but you can't hear what they're

  • saying. Right? Then beads of sweat start to break out and you're trying to pee urine out

  • through your forehead. [Laughs] Literally, you conscientiousness is completely eradicated.

  • Alright? That's the biology disrupting your consciousness.

  • I was in a meeting recently with a woman who was 8 months pregnant. We were chatting away

  • and you saw the baby visibly ripple across. You could see this ripple go across her abdomen.

  • She was chat, chat, chatting and then she went, "Oooh!" For about 20 seconds she was

  • gone, completely left the room. Then she went, "Oh, hello..." back in the room again. It

  • was like her consciousness disappeared for 20 seconds. These are live examples. You just

  • think. But what do you think? And why do you think it?

  • I was talking to a Senior Executive, he was on a government think tank. I said, "Oh, a

  • government think tank, that's interesting. You probably sit around with loads of clever

  • people debating the issues of the day and try to come up with some clever answers?"

  • He said, "Yes, that's pretty much what we do." I said, "Have you ever thought about

  • why those answers and not the other answers? Have you ever thought about your own thinking?"

  • He said, "Oh, I never thought about that." So I said, "You're a think tank and you never

  • thought about thinking. What's that about?" So we just think, but we don't realize that

  • what we think and how well we think it, is actually influenced by something else.

  • Thought is really an emergent property within your system. The very things that you think,

  • you will think different if you're happy that if you're depressed. And how well you think

  • them will depend a lot on the biology. Okay?

  • So if you want to step-change thinking, if you want to really double or triple the quality

  • of your thinking, you can't do it by thinking about it. Wouldn't that be nice to say, "Look

  • I've spotted the problem for you in your life, you're not thinking smart enough? So I want

  • you to go away over the weekend and come back 25% smarter on Monday morning. All right."

  • That would be nice wouldn't it if you could - "Oh, you know I have a thought to do that.

  • I'll go away and I'll think about my thinking over the weekend, 25%. And on Monday, here

  • I am!"

  • It doesn't work that way. That's what Einstein said, you can't solve problems with the same

  • level of thinking that created the problem? You need a new level of thinking. But the

  • problem is how do you get a new level of thinking? You don't get a new level of thinking just

  • by thinking about it. You've got to change the context in which thoughts emerge. It's

  • the context, in human terms it's the biology. What is the biological context from which

  • thought emerges? What is the emotional state from which thought emerges? You change that

  • context, the biological and the emotional context, and you can change the quality of

  • the thought and the actual thought itself. That is the source.

  • Okay? So let's get Chris back up and I'll show you how Chris can learn, with no training

  • before, how to control his physiology. You do not need to be a... sorry, Neil... a yoga

  • master...

  • Neil: What happens to short term memory?

  • Male: Which ear are we on, this one? Alright, if you just hold that. In fact, change the

  • chair around a little bit if you like. Just turn your chair around a bit so you can see

  • the screen more easily.

  • So exactly as before. Is he still alive? Yeah. So we'll start recording. So again, just picking

  • up each heartbeat. And so, again, the software's measuring the distance between each heart

  • beat and calculating his heart rate. Now, because he's just come out of the audience

  • and walked up the stage he's going about 90 miles an hour. Just the excitement about being

  • at the front here.

  • So if you want to control your physiology, this isn't years and years and months and

  • months of practice. You don't have to be a yoga master to control your physiology. You

  • just have to know exactly what to do. All right? So we're now going to show Chris exactly...

  • sorry, Neil... exactly what to do. Mental block.

  • So over here is a breath pacer. So when that goes up, I want you to breathe in. When that

  • goes down, I want you to breathe out. And at the bottom there's hold, so wait for it.

  • Don't go too soon. Ready? And a long, slow... Okay, wait for it. A long, slow... And you

  • can follow this in the room, if you want. Just breathe in this rhythmic fashion. So

  • nice, rhythmic breathing. So a long breath it, and a long, slow breath out. Okay. So

  • I'll leave Neil to do that and I'll carry on talking to you guys.

  • So of all the things that you can do to get your physiology under control... there are

  • many, many things. But the start point is to do something that you can get conscious

  • control over. And you can get conscious control over your breathing.

  • Now there are 12 different aspects of your breath that you can regulate. 12 different

  • aspects. So when you go to classes, whether it's singing, sports, fighter pilots... all

  • sorts of things. They all taught you that breathing and breath practice. Yoga... But

  • what are they teaching you? So for example, there's a yoga practice where they teach you

  • ultimate nostril breathing. And that's kind of interesting, but in my view that's number

  • nine on the list of priorities. Of the 12. The single most important thing is rhythm,

  • which is what this is training. So, we've seen that this measures the level of coherence

  • in Neil's system. So when he's in complete chaos, he's down here in the red. And just

  • with a bit of guidance, in less than or about a minute, he's up and into the coherent green.

  • He is the yoga master. Neil brackets Yoda.

  • Okay. So you can see the physiology has changed from erratic to this coherent wave form. In

  • less than a minute. When you know what to do. So of all the things in your breathing

  • that you can do, if you start to control the rhythm of the breath that will start to change

  • the physiology just as you've seen. And you'll start to become more coherent. So his frontal

  • lobes will work better now than at the beginning of this trace when his physiology was sporadic.

  • Do you all see the difference?

  • And even though the average heart rate is about the same during that period and during

  • this period. The heart rate is the same but the pattern is different. So when you change

  • that pattern, you're basically sending better quality fuel from the heart to the brain,

  • and the brain's going to work better. And when the brain works better you're more perceptive,

  • you're more insightful, you're more clear-thinking, you can understand how to problem-solve.

  • So I saw one of the speakers say to figure out when things go wrong, what am I going

  • to do about this? Well if your brain's inhibited, you probably won't come up with the idea or

  • the right answer. But if you've got your brain switched on, you've got a much better chance.

  • Does that all make sense?

  • So when you hear people say to you, "Oh yeah. Before that presentation, take a few deep

  • breaths." I'd say, don't bother. Because a few deep breaths isn't actually going to alter

  • your brain function that much. And by the way, when they say deep, what they actually

  • mean is large. They mean large volume breaths. Because depth is really where the air in the

  • lungs is going. And what they mean is a few big breaths.

  • But even volume is only about number five or six on the batting order. The number one

  • priority is rhythm. Take a few rhythmic breaths. That will start to change your physiology.

  • So you can put this to the test. Next time before you might have to make a difficult

  • phone call, rather than taking a few deep breaths or even a few large breaths, take

  • a few rhythmic breaths. And rhythm really means a fixed ratio of in to out. And it doesn't

  • matter what that ratio is, so long as it's fixed.

  • So this is four seconds in, six seconds out. Four, six. Four, six. Four, six. You could

  • do five-five-five-five-five-five-five-five, so long as it's fixed. What you don't want

  • four-six-five-five-eight-three-three-seven-two-five. That's erratic breathing, okay. You want a

  • fixed ratio. And then once you've got a rhythmic breath going. The second most important thing

  • is smoothness. Because you can breathe rhythmically but staccato. So you could go [air-breath-sound].

  • That's entirely rhythmic, but, it's staccato, but what you want is smooth. So [inhale-exhale]

  • which is a fixed volume per second round the entire cycle. So just as we probably both

  • row, my sport was rowing, that's what they teach you. So how are the rowers going to

  • win us all the gold medals in the Olympics in 147 days?

  • They teach you, whenever you learn to row, blades in the water, and blades out the water.

  • In-out, in-out, rhythm right. And then once you've learned that rhythm as a novice oarsmen,

  • the next thing is once the blades are in the water even smooth pressure through the water.

  • All the way through the stroke. What you don't want to do is put blades in the water, pull

  • really hard and let it drift a bit. And pull really hard at the end, because the boat will

  • go [sound], like that. In, even pressure, and the same with Chris Hoy on the bicycle.

  • If you look at the metrics that are done around Chris Hoy, I don't know if you realize this.

  • Novice cyclists think it's just about the kick down, but then it's the drag, it's the

  • lift. And actually it's a circle. So if you look at the metrics on that. They've got to

  • go circular and get as much pressure evenly applied around the whole cycle. So you'll

  • see the Olympic cyclist will have a smooth and even force all the way around the loop,

  • and those are the guys that win the gold metal. So it's smoothness through it exactly. So

  • exactly as we've got here, is if we can [breathing sounds], and then go [breathing sounds].

  • So you might have rhythm but have you got smoothness. As you get smoothness better it

  • becomes more and more coherent. Rhythm and smoothness exactly as you would cycle, exactly

  • as you would row, gives you the most powerful effect. Does that all make sense? So one other

  • thing, if you've got time. We probably have, I'm just yapping because we don't have lunch

  • till 1:00, so I might as well tell you something.

  • The third most important thing is the location of your attention while you're breathing.

  • So what we say, is, people teach you is you have to have abdominal breathing. Breathe

  • through the belly and all of that. Breathe through the center of your chest, through

  • the heart area if you will. Three reasons why we say breathe through here not breathe

  • through there. Or don't imagine you're sucking the air up through the soles of your feet.

  • It's coming in through the crown chakra or whatever. You could do any of that stuff.

  • The worry is where the attention is when you're breathing. Put your attention on the center

  • of your chest. Three reasons why you put the attention on the center of your chest is number

  • one, the heart generates more electrical power than any other part of your system.

  • So even though there are billions of nerve cells up here, and only a couple of hundred

  • thousand down here. The power output of your heart are three and a half watts, which is

  • way greater than the power output of your brain. Because what happens in your brain,

  • the electrical charges are going all different directions, it all cancels. But here you've

  • got something called auto-coherence. The heart has to synchronize in order for it to pump.

  • So electrically speaking the heart generates 50 times more electrical output than the brain.

  • If you want to record somebody's brain waves, you have to put a clip on their ear just as

  • Neil's got here. And pick up the heartbeat, and then you have to mathematically remove

  • the heartbeat. Because the heartbeat is this big, and the brain beat is, or brain wave

  • is only that big. The heart's way more powerful electrically. Electromagnetically the heart

  • generates 5000 times more energy than the brain. So it starts to, forgive the pun, turn

  • on its head, on what's controlling what here. We've got to start looking more broadly in

  • terms of the human system as a system. We're so brain dominant -- brain centric.

  • So if you put your attention in the heart. You're putting your attention where the primary

  • source of power is, here. So that's the first reason. The second reason, if you drop your

  • attention and breathe through here, it gets you out of the noise in your head where we're

  • usually confused. Just to drop into the body and breathe through the center of your chest

  • and the third reason which we're going to get onto is actually, we're ultimately going

  • to go from controlling that physiology up to the emotional state and show you actually

  • how do you turn on the passion.

  • How do you turn on a positive emotional state? We know an awful lot about positive emotions

  • are experienced in the center of our chest. Hence I love my son with all my heart. Why

  • do you even say that? Because that's actually where I feel it. The awareness might be in

  • our mind, but where do we feel the sensation of love, in the center of the chest. So where

  • do you clutch the baby. You clutch them to your heart. You don't clutch the baby to your

  • knee. I love my son with all my knee. We don't say that because we don't feel it in our knee.

  • We feel it in the center of our chest.

  • So the very fact that you put your attention on the center of your chest, or in the heart

  • area starts to drift you into a slightly more positive state. Does that make sense? So this

  • last thing I want to... just while Neil's impressing you, give you this other bit so

  • it might be a big myth of performance, I think is that it's something to do with the adrenaline.

  • You know, you will see this is business or in sport. You know, if you're not a bit pumped,

  • you won't perform. That means you've got to be a bit psyched. No, no, no, you've got to

  • be relaxed under pressure. Now you've got to be psyched, you've got to be relaxed, you've

  • got to be psyched, and you've got to be relaxed. You get both types of advice, neither is true.

  • It's not about sympathetic activation, or even parasymthetic activation, it's not about

  • how hot the system is, or how cold the system is. There is another part of your system which

  • really determines your output, which is really if you're in a negative emotional state. So,

  • if this is adrenaline, and this is a chemical called Acetylcholine, A.C.H., negative emotion,

  • right, underpinned by the hormone Cortisol, or positive emotion, underpinned by the anabolic

  • hormones like D.H.E.A., Dehydroepiandrosterone, banned substance in the Olympics... You get

  • caught taking those tablets you're out 'cause they are performance enhancers. In the states

  • this is known as the elixir of youth, the vitality hormone. You can get them on the

  • internet.

  • [Laughter]

  • Speaker: Right, D.H.E.A. tablets, point is, you don't need them.

  • [Background chatter]

  • Speaker: 407. So, when you heat somebody's system up, you can heat it up negatively,

  • anxiety, anger, and frustration. Or you can heat it up positively, passion, right, determination,

  • and focus. The heart rate over here is 120, but erratic. The heart rate is 120 over here

  • but coherent. Both of them have the same heart rate, both of them have the same amount of

  • adrenaline. That will impair your performance that will enhance your performance. And, passion,

  • as we have heard, is the number one predictor of performance across every aspect of life,

  • including health. If you're passionate about something, you will do it better. It predicts

  • all types of performance.

  • Similarly, when you cool the system down, relaxation is not necessarily valuable. In

  • fact, I've given lectures to some of our medical colleagues entitled, relaxation can kill you.

  • Right, so you know. Sometimes lecture titles, you know, can pull the crowd in.

  • Relaxation, and it can, because you can be relaxed and negative. Apathy, boredom, detachment,

  • indifference, all those kind of things... Heart rate is erratic, averaging 50. Now you

  • can be relaxed, and it can be positive with things like contentment, curiosity, equanimity,

  • and those kinds of things. Heart rate coherent and 50. So it doesn't really matter is the

  • heart rate is 50, or 120. What matters is am I on the left, or am I on the right?

  • And so, the secret really, if you map most organizations is you'll see a right-ward skew.

  • But people who are rightward skewed over here. If you don't believe me, you can say it's

  • the coffee machine and you will hear the negative hum. [Mumbles] Do you know what so and so

  • said to me yesterday? He didn't! [Mumbles] That's outrageous! [Mumbles] Right? And then

  • you bump into somebody else over here filled with the joys of spring. What's up with you?

  • How dare you be that cheerful? You don't realize its shit. [00:03:33.02]

  • [Laughter]

  • Speaker: Right? I'm not trying to drag you back over here, back to reality. Right? So

  • as a leader, you really, and a large part of what we do with folks is getting them over

  • here. And you live your life over here so somebody referenced [inaudible 00:43:05] in

  • the zone or the state of flow is about being over here. You know, and how controllable

  • is that emotional performance. We've got Chris' point, can we live our life over here. Now

  • as you've seen most people don't even have control of their behavior, let alone their

  • thinking, let alone their feeling, let alone their emotional physiology.

  • So how do you live your life over here? That's where the training comes in, and we've shown

  • in Neil that when we have taught him how to regulate his physiology, right, that's the

  • start point. The regulation, the physiology would at least get you to the mid-point. You

  • at least get to the mid-point with regulating you physiology.

  • So you will get to this point just through breathing. So if you learn to breathe properly

  • you'll at let get the mid-point. How do you get over here, is you've got to learn to regulate

  • what emotional state you're in. Now most people have got no control over that. Their emotional

  • state is dependent on everything outside of them, not what is going on inside.

  • So you've got to learn how to train yourself to stay over this side of the thing. But if

  • you take nothing away, at least you get yourself to the mid-point by learning how to breathe

  • properly. So to help you remember that think of breath as an acronym. B stands for breathe.

  • R stands for rhythmically. E stands for evenly. And through the heart every day. So if you

  • breathe rhythmically, evenly, and through the heart every day you will at least get

  • to the mid-point. Okay? Speaker: Thank you.

  • [Applause]

  • Speaker: Well Done.

Male: Thank you very much Lee. So I'm going to talk to you about you, and how you can

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艾倫-沃特金斯--"每一天都很聰明"--TEDx朴茨茅斯 (Alan Watkins - "Being Brilliant Every Single Day" - TEDx Portsmouth)

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    蔡宗倫 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary