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  • alright I have my next victim

  • I feel like I'm cutting off everybody's hair all the time

  • it's really fun but I want to make sure that you guys know that i'm

  • not anti-long hair

  • I think long hair is beautiful but I like short hair too

  • so this is awesome Christina

  • that I was telling you about, I cut her baby williams hair a little while ago

  • and she decided that she wants to chop off her hair a little bit

  • at or below her shoulders and do a really cute balayage

  • like peekaboo highlight technique so that's what we're doing today

  • and I am ready to chop off this pony tail

  • what I did was pulled it back the way she naturally parted it when she came in

  • I pulled it back in a ponytail and then I held my fingers where that ponytail met and I pulled it back around front

  • to make sure that was long enough for her so we have that length

  • and this is where it is

  • and we're going to cut it off now, when I do this I usually

  • I usually just stick my shears in and do a little bit at a time

  • it helps to not make your shears dull

  • it's gone!!!

  • it's scary. oh and look at her pretty ombre it's gone

  • it's like a little pony horsey tail

  • it's falling apart because I didn't put a very good elastic in there

  • now i'm going to color it because this cut is definitely

  • not done

  • it's uneven, there's a long piece right here

  • but you know what it's close enough to where I won't be waisting a ton of color

  • i'm going to do the color and then we'll cut it after the color is done

  • so for the color she wanted the top to not be

  • any maintenance so doesn't want to have highlights that come straight out from the top of her head

  • so we're going to section off right at the roll of the head and that is where the head

  • starts to roll

  • down so like the top of the head would be here these are the sides

  • this rolling part that's right on that little roll that we're going to pull this

  • hair up

  • and I'm just doing a circle section in the back and it doesn't have to be perfect

  • i'm going to pull all of this hair and put it in a clip

  • now i'm not going to want to do anything on the roots of this hair, I might pull it down

  • and do just a few on the very ends like a balayage technique

  • but all of the highlights that I paint on or I mean an ombre technique maybe just with

  • this but I will a deeper highlight in through here to make the peekaboo but I will be using

  • a balayage and that is just when you paint the highlights

  • onto the hair freehand and you're not using foils and i'm using the framesi decolor cream

  • and I always use that when I do balayage technique because if you're using foils it doesn't really

  • matter you can use the bleach that swells or whatever but if you're painting it on by

  • and it swells then it will be messy and it will give you polka dots all over the head

  • make sure that the cream or the color that you are using is non swelling when you're

  • doing this technique and this is virgin hair it doesn't have any color on it we had the

  • lightning on the end that we cut off but I could even just use a high lift color line

  • on this because it hasn't had artificial color put into it but sine we want it to be I don't

  • know you said that you liked the reddish what was that in the picture that you showed me

  • but that was her natural hair okay so you're not wanting to change your natural no I guess

  • not well I think that the balayage technique will give it that look a little bit anyway

  • because so of the parts of the hair that just got a little feather of the lightener will

  • be more of a reddish tone than the actual highlight part so it should melt and be similar

  • to that so i'm going to mix up the color okay so I mixed up 20 grams of the decolor cream

  • and 20ml of the 40 volume developer and I made sure that i went with 40 because her

  • hair is very dark and we don't want the highlights to be too dark we want them to be pretty light

  • right you gotta wear gloves when you do this because it can get really messy and you need

  • a few clips to help keep the hair up so i'm going to start on her right side and take

  • down leave like an inch and a half section down so just about that big side of her head

  • and you need to pull it tight and then you're going to pick up your color your decolor cream

  • or whatever you are using and you want to have a good amount on the brush no like enough

  • that's going to fall off but a good nice line on there and you are going to pick a spot

  • and start and you just draw it down and then i usually do a little bit wow frog in my throat

  • I usually do just a little bit different on the levels just to make sure that it doesn't

  • have like solid lines in there and these keep it real soft and natural so that you don't

  • have huge noticeable lines and then on the ends on just these little ends i'm going to

  • saturate it a little bit so it's kind of a balayage or ombre kind of an ombre technique

  • make sure you get both sides on the bottom and then you can just let it sit like that

  • so we're going to take down the next section make sure you wipe your hands off when you

  • grab the next section i'm just going to do one big one on this one right here right over her ear

  • make sure there is a good amount of color on the spots that you are lightening because

  • if it's too thin then it won't lift enough okay so on this underneath one I had one and

  • so on this one i'm just going to do the two edges and bring it down so you can pull it

  • a little bit tighter to a v shape and you'll notice in the middle I did a teeny little

  • one in the middle just to soften the line okay this will be the last section on this

  • side i'm going to leave this front piece out because it already has that really big one

  • alright we'll just do a few small ones on this one at different levels I like to do

  • the ones that are a little bit taller by the face because naturally the hair around the

  • face is usually a little bit lighter and if you see any really big chunks you can smooth them down you don't want anything really

  • huge dripping down into spots that you don't want them so make sure it's clean but saturated

  • okay so that's all for that side lets do the same thing on the other and you don't have

  • to do the exact same pattern you can try to match it i'm going to kind of try to remember

  • what I did but it doesn't it's not really a huge deal it doesn't have t look the exact

  • same as long as you have about the same amount of color in there it should look good so now

  • we need to do something in the back and I want it to match or be similar so i'm going

  • to take that same type of thing pick up sections starting from the back down here but you can

  • go a little bit higher because it's okay to have a darker base underneath back here so

  • i'm going to start right there just below or in the middle of the ears right before

  • the head starts to roll under really steep so right there take a little bit more okay

  • and then i'm going to be working in two different sections here because that's too big to hold

  • in your hand and the hair would just not reach so i'll start over here

  • i'm taking pretty big sections down probably an inch and she has thick hair so it's a lot

  • of hair but the more hair that you take down the less noticeable the highlights will be

  • because there's more thickness covering them before the next highlight level because i'm

  • taking a big section down and then sectioning that one off again back here to just be highlighting

  • this smaller top section so that there's like an in-between making it a peekaboo color that

  • kind of shows through the darker layer on the sides I didn't do that because they're

  • going to have all of this darkness laying over them and that will create the peekaboo

  • but since we're back here i'm just doing because it's faster and it doesn't really get seen

  • so you don't really need to worry as much back here

  • and then if you have like I did a really big chunk in the middle here so in order to give

  • it a little bit of variation i'm going to take a little section and not paint that one at all

  • so now that i'm up here closer to the top my section is a little bit smaller so

  • I can handle this whole piece because of how we sectioned off the top so i'll just do three

  • highlights on this one and

  • you can see as i'm getting closer to the top i'm taking alittle bit smaller section just because I want there to be a little bit more lightness

  • on the top

  • you can see the ends over here are already lightening up really nicely getting a really

  • pretty nice blond color so i'm glad that we're on our last section becausecatch

  • it needs to up alright so that's pretty much it I don't think we're going to do any on the top at

  • all just because she already has these leftover little bit of highlight on the ends from the

  • last time we did her balayage and that's going to blend it in real nicely and we kind of

  • want it to be peekaboo anyway so i think we're done with the color we'll just let you process

  • back here for another 15 and if these are too light if these are done if these one process

  • all the way to where i'm like oh I like how light those are and this isn't done yet then

  • I can just rinse out the two front sections and leave the back if I need to do that but

  • I don't think I will I think it will be okay it's actually natural looking to have the

  • hair slightly lighter color in the front than the back so that's why I started in the front

  • with this one okay i let it process how long did we let that process probably like 25-30

  • minutes so like 30 minutes and I just watched it and it looks light enough to me i'm probably

  • going to tone it with a B because it has a little bit of an orange tone to it so i'll

  • use a Redkin Shades eq 9B you can see here it's a really pretty caramel blond there is

  • a tiny little bit of brassiness in it it's not bad but I like the tone that toners give

  • so i'm going to tone it okay I just washed her hair out I am mixing up the toner just

  • an ounce of the 9B it's called sterling and it's from the shades EQ and then you have

  • to use the processing solution it's one to one so and ounce of the processing solution

  • and I always just when i'm doing toning I just mix it with my finger real quick cause

  • it's not going to be on my hands for very long and also i ring out the hair to get all

  • of the extra moisture out because hair is like a sponge so we gotta try to get some

  • of the water out so it soaks up the toner nice so even towel dry it if you have to to

  • make sure that you get all of that extra water that you can get out okay so now we're ready

  • to pour the toner on and since it's mostly on her ends we don't need to tone this top

  • section but it's okay if it gets everywhere because it only deposits on the hair that's

  • lighter than a 9 or lightened hair it won't do anything to her brown natural hair so it's

  • not something scary just pour it all over and work it into the roots and sometimes to

  • get all the rest of the color out I dip the ends in to kind of smear it around an soak

  • up the last little bit and then you can actually watch the hair change it's like magic right

  • before your eyes so the brassiness is just getting covered up by that blue tone and it's

  • turning into that really pretty caramel color so you can see that's a different tone and

  • it looks much better so i love toning almost every time I lighten I use a toner of some

  • kind usually unless they want it really really bright and I got it lighter with the bleach

  • then I can leave it sometimes but that's good I think it's time to rinse it out Okay everyone

  • we are done with the color and i'm going to cut her hair now so the link to the haircut

  • will be right here and I will show you the end result of the color after I do her haircut

  • because then it will be dry and you can see it and it will be prettier so i hope this

  • color technique helped you and it gave you some new ideas to leave the top untouched

  • and just do the peekaboo highlights it's a fun new idea and i hope you guys try it let

  • me know how it goes give me thumbs up and comment and let me know what you guys want

  • to see next time we'll see you later bye

alright I have my next victim

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如何巴拉伊姆巴拉伊一步步髮型教程 (How To Balayage Ombre Step by Step Hair Tutorial)

  • 7 0
    Oscar Loo posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary



US /ˈprɑsˌɛs, ˈproˌsɛs/

UK /prə'ses/

  • verb
  • To organize and use data in a computer
  • To deal with official forms in the way required
  • To prepare by treating something in a certain way
  • To adopt a set of actions that produce a result
  • To convert by putting something through a machine
  • noun
  • Dealing with official forms in the way required
  • Set of changes that occur slowly and naturally

US /tɛkˈnik/

UK /tekˈni:k/

  • noun
  • Way of doing by using special knowledge or skill

US /ɪɡˈzækt/

UK /ɪɡ'zækt/

  • adjecitve
  • Completely correct; accurate; specific
  • verb
  • To get something, sometimes using force

US /əˈmaʊnt/

UK /ə'maʊnt/

  • noun
  • Quantity of something
  • verb
  • To add up to a certain figure

US /bɪt/

UK /bɪt/

  • noun
  • Device put in a horse's mouth to control it
  • Small piece of something
  • verb
  • (E.g. of fish) to take bait and be caught

US /ˈsɪməlɚ/

UK /ˈsɪmələ(r)/

  • adjecitve
  • Nearly the same; alike

US /ˈmɛsi/

UK /'mesɪ/

  • adjecitve
  • Being complex or difficult to fix
  • Being untidy or dirty

US / ˈsɛkʃən/

UK /'sekʃn/

  • noun
  • A part of a whole
  • Specific area or region within a larger place
  • Specific group of people from a larger group
  • Part of a book, newspaper, etc.
  • verb
  • To divide something into smaller parts

US /hjudʒ/

UK /hju:dʒ/

  • adjecitve
  • Very very large

US /pɔr, por/

UK /pɔ:(r)/

  • verb
  • To fill a person's glass or cup with a drink
  • To make something flow in a steady stream
  • To rain very heavily

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