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  • good morning good morning world morning guys another beautiful day in el bolson

    早上好,世界早晨 伙計們在埃爾·博爾森的另一個美好的一天

  • not a cloud in the sky and I say it seems to be the theme today is an

    不是天上的雲,我說 似乎今天的主題是

  • outdoorsy adventure day we're going to be doing some hiking actually this

    我們要去的戶外冒險日 實際上正在做一些遠足

  • particular hike is probably considered the most like must hike must experience

    可能考慮過特別加息 最喜歡必須徒步旅行的經歷

  • most experience is hiked with el bolson yes it's called Cerro Piltriquitrón

    埃爾·博爾森(El bolson)遠足了大多數經驗,是的,這叫塞羅·皮特里奎特龍(CerroPiltriquitrón)

  • thrown yes a bit of a tongue twister apparently the name means mountains

    是的,有點繞口令 顯然,這個名字的意思是山

  • hanging from the clouds very poetic we took a rural road to get here is a 40

    掛在雲層上我們很有詩意 走了一條鄉間小路到這裡是40

  • minute drive what you do need to know is that a place that you can't miss here is

    分鐘車程,您需要知道的是 你在這裡不能錯過的地方是

  • El Bosque Tallado which is a forest with sculptures basically there was a forest

    El Bosque Tallado是一片森林 雕塑基本上有一片森林

  • fire many years ago and they decided to bring an artist to create sculptures

    很多年前開火,他們決定 帶一位藝術家創作雕塑

  • with these burnt tree trunks so that's gonna be our first stop of the day yeah

    這些被燒毀的樹幹,所以 將會是我們這一天的第一站

  • and then some more hiking so let's be on our way it's good

    然後再徒步旅行,讓我們繼續 我們的方式很好

  • so a bit of information for any of you wanting to do this same excursion kind

    為您提供一些信息 想要做同樣的旅行

  • of independently basically we went to the tourist office and asked if they had

    基本上,我們去了 旅遊局問他們是否有

  • any suggestions on how we could get to Bosque tallado and they said there's a

    關於我們如何去的任何建議 博斯克塔拉多,他們說有一個

  • shuttle service that happens once in a while during low season it is everyday

    一次發生的班車服務 而在淡季,這是每天

  • if you're here during the summer but basically it's this van that departs

    如果你在夏天在這裡,但是 基本上是這輛貨車出發

  • from the main square they take you up the mountain then you have about four or

    從大廣場開始 那座山,那麼你大約有四個或

  • five hours here and they pick you up again bring you back into town so I mean

    在這裡五個小時,他們接你 再次把你帶回城裡,所以我的意思是

  • what is that like eight dollars eight nine dollars yeah so super easy to

    那八元八塊是什麼 九美元,所以超級容易

  • arrange the they'll give you like a little brochure at the tourist office

    安排他們會給你像 旅遊局的小手冊

  • with a phone number that you have to message on whatsapp and you just ask the

    與您必須使用的電話號碼 在whatsapp上的消息,你只問

  • guy like hey are there any departures for tomorrow or the coming days and he

    像嘿的傢伙有沒有離開 為明天或未來的日子,他

  • gathers a little group together and when he has enough people you guys go up the

    何時聚集一小群 他有足夠的人你們上

  • mountain so yeah we just had to wait one day until they had a departure which

    山,是的,我們只需要等待一個 直到他們出發的那一天

  • isn't bad considering its low season so yeah it was a 40-minute drive up two

    考慮到淡季還不錯 是的,開車兩個人要花40分鐘

  • dirt roads super scenic he goes as far as you can get with the vehicle and we

    土路超級風景優美,他走得很遠 如您所願,我們

  • are pretty high up if you can see from the mountains behind me let's get going

    如果你能看到的話 我身後的山脈開始吧

  • so we've got the sign right here pointing us towards the forest with all

    所以我們在這裡有標誌 帶領我們一起走向森林

  • the sculptures Bosque Tallado we've been told it'll take about 40 minutes to get

    我們去過的Bosque Tallado雕塑 告訴我大約需要40分鐘才能到達

  • there which isn't bad yeah I'm looking forward to this and

    那裡還不錯 是的,我很期待

  • right away we have more information on the trail so once again a reminder forty

    馬上,我們有更多信息 踪跡再次提醒四十

  • minutes a hundred pesos per person we are on our

    分鐘 每人一百比索

  • way


  • it's hot today like this yeah so steep three-quarters of the way there now 250

    這樣今天很熱耶 現在的四分之三250

  • meters yeah 10 minutes ago so the path itself is very easy but the

    yeah 10分鐘前 所以路徑本身很容易,但是

  • the altitude does make you tired if you're out of shape like a

    海拔確實會使您感到疲勞 你像一個人

  • we are in the forest surrounded by really cool sculptures so many different

    我們在被包圍的森林裡 真的很酷的雕塑有很多不同

  • styles and messages admission here was 100 pesos I think I mentioned that on

    此處的樣式和消息入口是 100比索,我想我提到過

  • the way up yeah it's kind of like a little circuit through the forest you

    是的,是的,就像 穿過森林的小電路

  • just walk around all the sculptures are numbered and you can see who the artist

    只是到處走走,所有的雕塑都是 編號,您可以看到誰是藝術家

  • was where he was from the year of the sculpture

    那是他從那年開始的地方 雕塑

  • so yeah it's super super cool and all of these sculptures are done on trees that

    是的,它超級超級酷,所有 這些雕塑是在樹上完成的,

  • burned down during the fire or fell down or or somehow destroyed you're gonna buy

    在大火中燒毀或倒下 或以某種方式摧毀了您要購買的東西

  • El Bolson you can't miss this place

    El Bolson你不能錯過這個地方

  • so we just finished visiting bosque tallado


  • again this is unbelievable we are now gonna hike up to a few a fool here being

    再次令人難以置信,我們現在 要爬到這裡的幾個傻瓜

  • refugio piltriquitron it's kind of like a little Hut or you can get some snacks here it

    refugio piltriquitron有點像 小屋,或者你可以在這裡買些零食

  • says they have artisanal beer hot chocolate sandwiches homemade bread

    說他們有手工啤酒熱 巧克力三明治自製麵包

  • pizzas Welsh cake and a little kiosk reeking out some snacks like how hungry

    披薩威爾士蛋糕和一個小亭 像餓了一樣散發出些零食

  • are you I'm ready for it I'm ready for it too

    你是 我準備好了我也準備好了

  • so guys we made it we made it to the little fool here refuge it's like a

    所以我們做到了,我們做到了 小傻瓜在這裡避難就像一個

  • little hut you can sleep overnight here like a lot

    小木屋 你可以像很多一樣在這裡過夜

  • of people like hardcore backpackers campers hikers you know with all their

    喜歡鐵桿背包客的人 你知道的所有露營者徒步旅行者

  • gear spend the night here and do more hikes we're just here for food yeah

    裝備在這裡過夜並做更多事情 徒步旅行,我們只是來這裡吃飯

  • first things first we just ordered some wonderful meat empanadas Welsh cake we

    首先,我們只是點了一些 美妙的肉餡餡餅威爾士蛋糕我們

  • haven't had this since we were in Gaiman we got a toasted ham and cheese sandwich

    自從我們在蓋曼以來就沒有這個 我們有烤火腿和奶酪三明治

  • looks like homie tort is no bread looks wonderful and one thing I have to

    看起來親密的侵權是沒有麵包的樣子 很棒,我必須做的一件事

  • mention all the food you see here these people have to carry it up the mountain

    提及所有您在這裡看到的食物 人們必須把它抬上山

  • they check it out first of all it's like a 40-minute drive

    他們檢查出來 首先,就像開車40分鐘

  • into the highest point on the mountain that you can reach with a car yeah it's

    進入山頂 你可以開車去,是的

  • about an hour hike here it's all on their backs or sometimes

    在這裡徒步約一個小時 都在他們的背上,有時

  • with courses when needed so the fact that we can enjoy a meal here is so

    與課程,當需要時,所以事實 我們可以在這裡用餐

  • appreciate that how are the empanadas delicious these are homemade like I'm

    知道肉餡捲餅怎麼樣 好吃的,這些都是我自己做的

  • pretty sure these are made right here and steamed with the bread well this is

    很確定這些是在這裡製作的 並蒸好麵包,這是

  • amazing you can't get stuff like this in the city

    令人驚訝的是你無法得到這樣的東西 城市

  • um I'm standard to try this little one all that cheese I know they do not

    嗯,我是標準的嘗試這個小傢伙 所有那些我不知道的奶酪

  • forget about I think chunk of him this isn't like the little son reaches the

    忘了我想他這個大塊 不像小兒子到達

  • amiga this is knowing well I guess the they're kidding catering towards hikers

    amiga,我很清楚 他們在開玩笑迎合徒步旅行者

  • who've been burning a lot of calories they don't want a little skimpy little

    誰燃燒了很多卡路里 他們不想一點點小氣

  • sandwich forget the price for lunch eat US dollars which isn't bad considering

    三明治忘了午餐吃的價格 考慮到美元,這還不錯

  • how much effort has gone into getting the food here and preparing it for us

    付出了多少努力 這裡的食物並為我們準備

  • hungry people plus it's delicious it's wonderful there's still dessert took

    肚子餓的人加上它的美味 很棒的還有甜點

  • time to Charlie the Welsh cake guys I'm a Welsh cake we like polished off that

    我該去威爾士蛋糕大佬查理的時候了 我們喜歡擦掉的威爾士蛋糕

  • salmon empanada it did not last long we were hungry mmm oh yeah miss dense

    鮭魚肉餡捲餅,它並沒有持續很長時間 我們餓了-嗯,小姐,密密麻麻

  • but moist its nutty I've got like a brown sugar opera taste

    但是弄濕它的堅果 我有點像紅糖歌劇的味道

  • that's the secret ingredient brown sugar


  • good afternoon we have returned sure half so we came back into town we had I

    下午好,我們確定返回了 一半,所以我們回到城鎮,有了我

  • slept the whole way guy you did I woke you up

    睡了我醒來的傢伙 你起來

  • and you you you've had enough of an appetite that you just say I'm watching

    而你,你已經受夠了 胃口,你只是說我在看

  • a slice of cake we shared that we went to

    我們分享的一塊蛋糕 至

  • Mitsuki I think it called yeah we've been there a couple times it's been

    Mitsuki我認為這叫我們 來過幾次

  • really good and then we came back here had a siesta and so yeah I guess we

    真的很好,然後我們回到這裡 午睡了,所以我猜我們

  • thought we'd share some of our thoughts from the from the hike my thoughts do it

    以為我們會分享一些想法 從徒步旅行中我的想法就做到了

  • do it I will say it's kind of challenging not because it's a long hike

    做到這一點,我會說這是一種 挑戰不是因為長途跋涉

  • or anything it's just really steep the whole time so you need to take lots of

    或任何真的很陡的 整個時間,所以你需要花很多時間

  • breaks you'll want out of put Footwear you'll want to bring water sunscreen

    休息一下,您會不想穿上鞋類 你想帶防曬霜

  • baseball caps so you need to go prepare it otherwise they're gonna be struggling

    棒球帽,所以你需要去準備 否則他們會掙扎

  • yeah that's true what I like most about it in terms of like the transportation

    是的,這是我最喜歡的 就運輸而言

  • we arranged was that we had lots of time we can't live - oh great yeah we could

    我們安排的是,我們有很多時間 我們不能生活-哦,是的,我們可以

  • take photos we had time to have a nice leisurely lunch eaten it was just and

    拍照,我們有時間玩得很開心 悠閒地吃了午飯

  • the senior was just incredible if you get lucky and half years like we did in

    如果你,前輩簡直不可思議 像我們一樣幸運和半年

  • terms of the visibility I mean you just see el bolson and all of the mountain

    能見度方面,我的意思是你只是 看到埃爾·博爾森和整個山峰

  • ranges yeah and there were a few people in our group who actually made it even

    是的,有幾個人 在我們小組中實際上做到了

  • further than we did like we went up to the hut and that was it

    比我們想像的要遠 小屋,就是這樣

  • but the trail continues to a different viewpoint of it wouldn't look a point of

    但是踪跡繼續不同 它的觀點不會看起來

  • abuddin a couple of people made it there so yeah you've got when people ended up

    阿布丁幾個人到了那裡 所以是的,當人們結局時

  • staying overnight as well as yeah so you can spend the night there you just pack

    住一整夜也是,所以你 可以在那裡過夜

  • your little backpack bring your gear and from the hut - there's a hike that

    你的小背包帶上你的裝備, 從小屋裡-有一次遠足

  • continues another two and a half hours - like the the summit of that range so

    再持續兩個半小時- 就像那個範圍的頂峰

  • yeah overall fantastic a must do how you can topple some I would agree yeah and

    是的,總體來說太棒了,必須如何做 可以推翻一些我會同意的,是的,

  • we'll have more adventures from here coming soon from el bolson

    從這裡我們將有更多的冒險 來自el bolson的消息


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