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Our first guest is one of the biggest movie
stars in the world.
Please welcome Will Smith.
(RAPPING) Oh, come on.
Ready, set, let's go, dance floor pro.
I know you know I go psycho when my new joint hit.
Just can't sit.
Gotta get jiggy with it.
That's it.
Now honey, honey come ride.
DKNY all up in my eye.
You got a Prada bag with a lot of stuff in it.
Give it to your friend.
Let's spin.
Everybody looking at me, glancing the kid,
wish you was dancing the jig here with this handsome kid.
Ciga-cigar right from Cuba Cuba.
Just bite it.
It's for the look.
I don't light it.
Illway the amay on the anceday orflay.
Give it up jiggy, make it feel like foreplay.
Yo, my cardio is infinite.
Ha, ha.
Bit Willie style's all in it.
Getting jiggy with it.
Na na na na na na na.
Na na na na na na.
Getting jiggy with it.
Na na na na na na na.
Na na na na na na.
Getting jiggy with it.
Na na na na na na na.
Na na na na na na.
Getting jiggy with it.
Na na na na na na na.
Na na na na na na.
What, you want to ball with the kid?
Watch your step.
You might fall.
Wow, well, thanks a lot, Ellen!
Oh, yeah.
It's been great.
All right, thank you.
That's all we've got time for.
All right, that's all.
Thank you very much, everyone.
We'll take a quick commercial break, and--
hi, Will.
That was--
What is up?
That was enjoyable.
I had like a front row seat to that wonderful performance
of yours.
It was like you were, like, on stage--
On stage with you.
--with me.
Like I was chosen.
You were-- like you were the one.
Yeah, like I was Courtney Cox in that Bruce Springsteen video.
Yes, right!
Like I was pulled out to be--
Pulled out of the crowd for like--
--to be with you.
Stand here, baby.
Make me look good.
It was wonderful.
It's so-- I always love when I know
you're going to be on the show.
You're so much fun.
And this couldn't be a better time for me
because I don't feel well, and you just made--
Oh no, I got it.
I got it.
Just relax.
Yeah, I'll just sit here.
Just relax.
Yeah, no.
So I need to ask you some questions,
because you're a very energetic and adventurous person.
Yes, yes.
Energetic and adventurous.
Yes, and that's a dangerous combination.
Yeah, it can--
You've done some things.
So for your 50--
I knew we was going to have to deal with this as soon as I
got here, too.
Oh, well we do, because it's one thing
that you want to jump out of a plane.
But you made-- you forced your wife.
That's what I read, that you forced
her to jump out of a plane.
She's scared of heights.
She's scared of heights.
Doesn't like flying.
Doesn't like flying.
And you said, for my 50th birthday,
you jump out of a plane for me?
Yes, OK.
How did she-- look at that.
Oh, yeah.
What was she-- before, before--
Yes, no, see?
Doesn't she look happy?
Yeah, 'cause she-- no, what it was, it was my 50th birthday.
And she looked at--
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
You know, hence the midlife crisis jacket.
No, so we-- it was my 50th birthday.
And you know, she was in this like, you know,
real fit of just emotions as she realized,
aw man, we've been together for more than half our lives,
and I love you so much.
And she committed.
And she was like, I'll do anything you
want for your 50th birthday.
So she asked for it?
She-- yeah.
And I was like, aw baby, for real?
'Cause you don't have to do that, you know?
And she was like, anything you want.
And I was like, I want you to go skydiving with me.
And she was like, how is that what
you want for your birthday?
You know?
So she agreed to it.
And then the family agreed.
So we all-- we made it--
All of you did it?
Well yeah, except Willow.
Willow was like, no.
Willow was like, no, I'm not jumping out
no airplane for-- happy birthday.
You guys can go.
But wait, so did Jada end up liking it?
No, no.
No, I thought she would, see?
Because when I jumped, I had like a spiritual experience,
you know?
It's like when I walked up to the edge of that plane
and you get attacked by your mind, like your mind is like,
you stupid!
You stupid!
And it's screaming.
And you know that voice?
We all have that voice in our head.
It's not always our friend.
It calls us names and stuff.
And it everyone's like, you're a dumb man.
You're a very dumb man.
And I walked up to the edge.
And when I jumped, [GASP].
And it is--
I had the experience of pure bliss.
It's not falling.
It's flying, right?
And you're flying.
And you use your hands.
And you're like, oh, hey!
And you're falling for, like, over a minute,
like you-- it's not no short time.
Which must seem like an eternity up there.
Oh yeah, it's forever.
You're like, oh I recognize that building.
And you just go into this really blissful place.
So I'm telling Jada, you know, you're
going to meet heaven when you go up there.
And she didn't.
She didn't.
She didn't.
It's a shame.
Yeah, you know.
But she did it for you.
She did it for me 'cause she love me.
She love me.
Yes, exactly!
She probably loves you a little less now.
Have you ever jumped?
Have you ever?
You know when I was younger, I thought
that I wanted to do that.
It was kind of a dream of mine.
And as I got older and wiser, I decided
I don't want to do that.
We should do it together.
No, no.
We would break the internet if we did it together.
Yeah, I'm sure we would.
And I don't need to do that.
I've done it on the Oscars, and I'm done.
Don't need to break it again.
Wasn't all it was cracked up to be?
No, I think that--
and I am, I'm scared of heights.
And I like to--
I think the feeling would be amazing.
But I can't imagine, like on the edge--
The edge is terrible.
--when you're that right before.
No, no, no.
That's the bad part.
That's the bad part.
Yeah, right.
But then once you're out, it's like it's
such a lesson in life, right?
And part of what I've been doing in my 50th year,
I've been trying to experience all the things that I'd never
let myself experience before.
And I'm doing, you know, my bucket list experiences.
And sort of what I discovered is how cancerous fear
can be in experiencing a life.
If you're, like-- you can't be happy if you're scared,
you know?
So I'm really confronting all the things
that I've ever been scared of.
And I'm just finding this really exuberant freedom in life,
you know?
Oh, yeah.
You bun--
No, I'm not doing either one of those, yeah.
You bungee jumped.
This is from a helicopter.
That's from a helicopter.
I bungee jumped out of a helicopter
over the Grand Canyon.
OK, so now, the heli--
Don't do that.
Don't do that, all right?
You should skydive, but don't do that one.
So yeah, I was going to say, so then you're
hanging there for a while until the helicopter lands.
Yeah, so what I did is they didn't--
I told them I didn't want to know anything.
So I didn't want any brief.
I didn't want anything, because we did it live.
So I walked up to the helicopter,
and I was letting them explain everything to me in the moment.
I didn't know.
And the first thing I didn't know
is I had to be on the outside of the helicopter
when it took off.
Right, so I'm like, hm.
But the camera's on, right?
You know how the camera be in your face, right?
And you know, I'm an action hero.
So I can't--
I was like, hm.
You know?
And that was the first thing.
And then the next thing, the guy, he's looking at me.
And he's like, listen.
He's like, this bungee cord, there's
five guys holding the bungee cord.
He said, this bungee cord weighs 200 pounds.
And when we let it go it's going to be the equivalent
of 400 or 500 pounds.
And I'm going to count backwards from five.
And on one, they're letting this bungee cord go.
And the only way you can get hurt
is if you don't get away from this chopper, right?
So he's looking and it's [RUMBLING] I'm like--
And then, so I can't really--
I'm barely hearing him.
So I'm like-- and then I see him go--
and I'm like-- right?
And he goes--
I go ah!
Was that spiritual, too?
Yeah, it's like-- it's like the other side of not dying
is fantastic.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, I guess if I died, it would suck.
Yeah, yeah.
The fact, and when the bungee cord-- because you go and you
go and you go.
And you're like, oh, please work.
Please work.
And then it goes, and there's this brief moment where you
just kind of stop for a second.
And you're like, wow ah!
And you go--
Right back into the chopper.
How does that not--
that would scare me, too, that you're going back.
Yeah, you go back.
I was like, oh, wow, the chopper is coming back pretty fast.
Yeah, man, oh man.
But yeah, it's bliss.
It's totally blissful, you know?
It's like fear has committed some of the greatest
atrocities on this planet.
And being clean of fear is just a really critical aspect
of enjoying this life.
I agree with you.
I agree, to overcome your fear is like, it
should be a goal of everyone.
Because it does get you sick.
That's not why I'm sick.
This is Kris Jenner.
We're back with Will Smith.
And we only have a few minutes for this,
but I really want to talk about you,
what you did in Budapest, because you almost
got arrested.
Explain this while we watch it.
OK, so what it was-- so Drake had the challenge.
And everybody was doing the Kiki.
So it's like, I wanted to do the best Kiki challenge.
And I saw this bridge.
So I went out on the bridge and I climbed up.
And there was like--
whoo, yeah.
Yeah, so that's illegal.
And so we went up there.
And then, there's this dark internet
where you can find all kinds of stuff like that.
So you know, I've been hanging with too many 20-year-olds.
So we found that.
We went up.
We went on there.
We shot it.
My buddy had a drone.
And we did the whole thing.
You do all these things.
I have this here, and it's going to be fine.
But I have this--
Oh, oh, oh!
Hey, hey.
All right, that's fake.
Don't play with that.
Don't play with that.
That's a fake.
You're scared of mice?
OK, yes.
I'm terrified.
No, I had a-- no, I'm just not no punk scared of mice.
No, I had a childhood experience with a-- hey, you
better not, Ellen.
All right.
I had a child--
Here's the thing.
I had a child--
You said conquering fear.
We all were here.
I had a childhood--
OK, hey Ellen, seriously.
All right.
All right, listen.
You 'bout to get your whole show tore up.
All right.
I'm about to break everything in here getting away from this.
Hey, hey.
Stop swinging.
Stop swinging.
Ellen, stop swinging.
Ellen, stop clear.
Oh, yeah, I see that.
All right.
Look at, look.
No, I really don't do mice.
I don't really do.
I don't even like knowing that's fake.
I'm just showing you that they're little tiny,
little sweet things.
Overcome that fear.
Do not do anything with mice on this show.
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you, Ellen.
Those are fake.
I was not going to show you a real one.
But you should.
You said fear is not a good.
Ellen, don't.
I'm serious.
I'm serious.
I'm serious.
There's no real mice.
There's no-- OK.
I promise you.
But overcome that fear.
OK, I will.
I will address it another day.
All right, maybe for your 60th?
Yeah, yeah, for my, yeah.
You'll lay down and let the mice crawl on you.
Yeah, something.
Yeah, for-- just not today.
All right.
My people!
My people are here.
Two lucky people.
You beat out hundreds of actors for this.
I mean, like everybody wanted to be a part of this movie.
And the two of you got it.
You must be thrilled with yourselves.
Yeah, very blessed.
We're very blessed to be here and grateful.
And we hope people like the film.
I think they will.
I think it's going to do very well.
All right, and were you fans of the original?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, I loved the original growing up.
I think also because it was a movie that me and my brother,
you know, loved, it was-- it has everything
for everyone, adventure, drama.
And of course, Princess Jasmine was one of my favorites.
I mean, yeah.
It's kind of surreal.
I don't think it's really sunk in yet.
So when you got the role of the Genie, what--
were you like, did you know this was happening?
Did you go after it?
Well, no.
The first thing, so they called.
And they say hey, we want you to play the Genie.
We're doing a live-action version of Aladdin.
And I was like, nah, man.
No, Robin Williams like smashed that thing, you know?
It's like-- and you have to be careful
stepping into, you know, projects like that.
So at first I looked at it--
Ellen, have some water.
Have some.
Oh, Ellen!
And Ellen, she is such a good host.
So she's over in--
Bless you!
I'm looking at her, and she's like she's looking
and she's trying to listen to the story.
She's like--
Well, we--
You know, yep.
That could have been edited out.
And now-- now you've made it entertaining.
So, hey.
All right, so you said you said no because Robin--
I said, yeah.
Robin, you know, he really smashed this role.
He revolutionized what you could do in these kinds of movies.
So I was listening and listening.
And I was like, I just didn't think I wanted to touch it.
And then I started playing with the music.
And the music is where I found my in to the Genie.
A Friend Like Me was the first song
that I messed with in the studio.
And then I found that sort of hip hop
flavor that was sort of--
what Robin did was he took his stand-up persona
and used his stand-up persona.
And I was like, oh, I could just use my sort of Fresh Prince
persona and use that, because the Genie's been
forward and back in time.
So he can pull references from anywhere.
So I mirrored that.
And the hip hop in was where I saw
I could put my own signature while maintaining
the nostalgic value.
And you sing.
We know you as a rapper.
But then you sing in this.
Yes, I sing!
It's great.
It's the first time, yeah.
First time we're hearing you sing.
It's great.
It's great.
So many talents.
Your brother was obsessed, right, with Will?
Yes, my brother is the biggest Will Smith fan.
And I feel like you know, people say that.
They're like, oh I'm the biggest Will Smith fan.
My brother actually has--
or had, no, he still has it-- a life-sized cardboard
cut-out of Will Smith before I got this role in his room.
And I would walk past and be, ah,
because I'd just, like, see this life-sized cardboard
cut-out of you.
Yeah, no.
And it's the first time that I've ever
gotten an international restraining order.
On four continents, he has to stay 50 yards away from me.
Always a first.
It's true, it's true.
And then y'all shot in Jordan in the desert, right?
How was that?
That was amazing.
We got to the desert, and there was champagne flowing.
And they were giving us these beautiful scarves and dancers.
And we found out Will threw this huge party in the desert for us
when we got there.
So it was amazing.
It's was amazing.
And then we went back for press.
Yeah, it's just is really important to me.
Like you know, I've done a lot of these movies.
And as I'm getting older, it's starting
to be more and more important to me
that the ideas and the messaging of the piece
be a contribution to the human family, you know?
And I just cannot wait till all of your daughters get to see
the Princess Jasmine that that Naomi created.
Thank you.
Very cool.
Very cool.
What's up, everybody?
Hey, hey!
(SINGING) Do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me, 'cause I want you,
and I need you, and I'm down for you always.
JT, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me, 'cause I want you,
and I need you, and I'm down for you always.
Babe, we've been kissing in a way, kissing, kissing in a way,
kissing, kissing in a way [INAUDIBLE]
I show her how to [INAUDIBLE] chill [INAUDIBLE]
Because I want you, and I need you, and I'm down for you
(RAPPING) Girl's on the floor, all her friends around her.
I mean, real clean, ain't got to touch or nothing.
It ain't like I like a chick on chick or something.
We just a sucker for a hot track.
[INAUDIBLE] chick [INAUDIBLE] stop that.
Dances are hot.
Then a clap, flip it round.
Now bring it on back.
Now hey.
Can't hear y'all.
I can't hear y'all.
Little louder, little bit louder.
I like it like that, like it like it like that.
I got a question I need to ask somebody.
Why is it that when y'all see me at the party,
y'all be looking like, ooh, he a movie star.
He ain't supposed to be out on the floor [INAUDIBLE] But I be
wait, whoa, y'all forgetting when I was amateur, spitting,
before the scripts were written, first one in, last one out
the club, bursting in, passing out in the club.
Back at it, this cat is the wit and the charm,
taking you higher like a syringe hitting your arm,
making you higher, making you [INAUDIBLE] bring me along.
Let me see you clap and spin baby, come on.
Just the ladies now, just the ladies.
Just the fellas, now just the fellas.
Everybody now, every everybody now.
Momma gives you money for Sunday school.
You trade yours for candy.
Oh, wait.
What was it?
Wish those days could come back once more.
Why did those days ever have to go?
I wish those days could come back once more.
Why did those days ever have to go?
Because I loved them so.
We're back with Will Smith and the cast of Aladdin.
And now it's time to play a new game we're calling Rub My Lamp.
All right.
Rub My Lamp.
We have a whole bunch of lamps down there.
Each one contains a different prize.
Yeah, yeah!
It's for you, Will.
Will is going to ask a question.
If you get it right, you get to pick a lamp
and you see what you get.
And you rub it.
You rub it.
Oh, you rub it the right way?
You got to rub that lamp the right way.
Our prize models are down there, Mena and Naomi looking just--
You need something.
You need something, too.
I need something?
Yeah, do we have something for Will, because he needs to--
For the Rub My Lamp game?
Yeah, yeah.
Whoa, OK.
Wow, whoa.
Oh my gosh.
I don't think--
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure.
I'm sure not--
I'm not sure someone should rub that lamp.
All right.
Feels like someone already did.
All righty.
Now, that will be edited out of the show.
Uh-huh, no.
No it won't.
And I was just going to say it's been
a while since I've seen a lamp.
So I don't know.
I don't know about size.
All right!
All right, so--
The views expressed by Ellen and Will
are not necessarily the views of the Walt Disney
Company or the--
Speaking of that, we should say that everyone saw the movie
and loved it.
I think, yes.
Oh, wait.
Hold on.
Oh, OK.
That works.
That's better.
That works.
That's better.
All right, why don't we start with you?
You stand up here.
Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
Come on down here.
All right.
OK, there's our first question.
How you doing?
All right, so what's the name of this dance?
What's the name of this dance?
It's a phone a friend.
She's going to phone a friend.
The Carlton!
Yes, yeah!
All right, you get to pick a lamp.
And then we'll reveal your prize.
You get to pick a lamp.
All right, let's do two!
All right, two.
Do we press it?
Oh, there we go.
That's good!
Back up.
Stay back.
Stay back.
Stay back.
All right.
All right.
You, sweety, come on up here.
She kept going to you anyway.
So we're going to--
Yes she did.
Yes she did.
I'm just going to-- all right.
So Will, what do you got for her?
All right.
Well, I got one, OK.
What 1970s sitcom had this theme song?
(SINGING) Fish don't burn in the kitchen,
beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lot of trying just to get up that hill.
"Moving Up," Jeffersons.
(SINGING) Getting our turn at bat.
As long as we live, it's you and me baby.
And there ain't nothing wrong with that.
Well, we're moving on up to the East Side,
to a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Moving on up.
All right.
Whoo, what is that?
Seemed like just seven of us knew that song.
Pick yourself a something.
I would ask.
You could rub his, but I don't want you to.
Don't do it.
OK, number five.
Number five.
Number five!
Number five.
Aladdin opens in theaters this Friday.
We'll be right back!