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  • ["Cars with flames painted on the hood might get more speeding tickets. Are the flames making the car go fast? No."- Barbara Kingsolver, Flight Behavior]

    Flight Behavior 作者 Barbara Kingsolver:「在引擎蓋上畫上火焰圖案的汽車可能會被開超速罰單。火焰圖案能讓車跑得更快嗎?不行」

  • Oh the humanity!


  • Ah... humanity...

    啊... 人類...

  • It's a train wreck, but I can't look away.


  • It's 1843, and a debate is raging among physicians about one of the most common killers of women: childbed fever.

    1843 年,醫生之間正在日益激烈地爭論關於女性最常見的殺手之一:產褥熱。

  • Childbed fever strikes within days of giving birth, killing more than 70 percent of those infected, and nobody knows what causes it.

    產褥熱在產後幾天之內就會發作,受感染者有 70% 以上的致死率,而沒人知道是什麼原因引起的。

  • Obstetrician Charles Meigs has a theory.

    婦產科醫生 Charles Meigs 有一個理論。

  • Having observed abdominal inflammation in patients who go on to develop the fever, he claims this inflammation is the cause of childbed fever.


  • Much of the medical establishment supports his theory.


  • Oh, come on!


  • They really leave me no choice but to teach them some skepticism.


  • That's better.


  • Now, Meigs, your argument is based on a fallacythe false cause fallacy.


  • Correlation does not imply causation.


  • When two phenomena regularly occur together, one does not necessarily cause the other.


  • So you say women who have inflammation also come down with childbed fever, therefore the inflammation caused the fever.


  • But that's not necessarily true.


  • Yes, yes, the inflammation comes first, then the fever, so it seems like the inflammation causes the fever.


  • But by that logic, since babies usually grow hair before teeth, hair growth must cause tooth growth.


  • And we all know that's not true, right?


  • Actually, don't answer that.


  • A couple of different things could be going on here.


  • First, it's possible that fever and inflammation are correlated purely by coincidence.


  • Or, there could be a causal relationship that's the opposite of what you thinkthe fever causes the inflammation, rather than the inflammation causing the fever.


  • Or both could share a common underlying cause you haven't thought of.


  • If I may, just what do you think causes inflammation? Nothing?

    我想問,你認為是什麼引起發炎? 想不到?

  • It just is? Really?


  • Humor me for a moment in discussing one of your colleague's ideasDr. Oliver Wendell Holmes.

    拜託陪我討論一下你的同事 Oliver Wendell Holmes 醫生的論點。

  • I know, I know, you don't like his theory, you already wrote a scathing letter about it.


  • But let's fill your students in, shall we?


  • Holmes noticed a pattern: when a patient dies of childbed fever, a doctor performs an autopsy.

    Holmes 注意到了一種情況:當病人死於產褥熱時,醫生會對其進行屍檢。

  • If the doctor then treats a new patient, that patient often comes down with the fever.


  • Based on this correlation between autopsies of fever victims and new fever patients, he proposes a possible cause.


  • Since there's no evidence that the autopsy causes the fever beyond this correlation, he doesn't jump to the conclusion that autopsy causes fever.


  • Instead, he suggests that doctors are infecting their patients via an invisible contaminant on their hands and surgical instruments.


  • This idea outrages most doctors, who see themselves as infallible.


  • Like Meigs here, who refuses to consider the possibility that he's playing a role in his patients' plight.

    就像這裡的 Meigs 一樣,他不認為他是造成患者生病的可能性之一。

  • His flawed argument doesn't leave any path forward for further investigation, but Holmes' does.

    他錯誤的觀點並沒有再深入地進行調查,但 Holmes 的有。

  • It's 1847, and physician Ignaz Semmelweis has reduced the number of childbed fever deaths in a clinic from 12% to 1% by requiring all medical personnel to disinfect their hands after autopsies and between patient examinations.

    1847年,醫生 Ignaz Semmelweis 要求所有醫務人員在屍檢後和幫病患檢查之間進行手部消毒,從而將診所的產褥熱死亡人數從 12% 減少到 1%。

  • With this initiative, he has proven the contagious nature of childbed fever.


  • Ha!


  • It's 1879, and Louis Pasteur has identified the contaminant responsible for many cases of childbed fever: hemolytic streptococcus bacteria.

    1879 年 Louis Pasteur 發現了導致許多產褥熱發生的污染物:溶血性鏈球菌。

  • Hmm, my fries are cold.


  • Must be because my ice cream melted.


  • So, do you think you could do my job? Let's find out shall we? Click here to see if you can outsmart this fallacy.


["Cars with flames painted on the hood might get more speeding tickets. Are the flames making the car go fast? No."- Barbara Kingsolver, Flight Behavior]

Flight Behavior 作者 Barbara Kingsolver:「在引擎蓋上畫上火焰圖案的汽車可能會被開超速罰單。火焰圖案能讓車跑得更快嗎?不行」

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B2 UK TED-Ed 發燒 發炎 醫生 引起 患者

你能智取愚弄一代醫生的謬論嗎?- 伊麗莎白-考克斯 (Can you outsmart the fallacy that fooled a generation of doctors? - Elizabeth Cox)

  • 8670 322
    Minjane posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary