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  • Hi everyone, we are Like It Formosa.

    大家好,我們是名為 Like It Formosa 的頻道。

  • Every day we walk through Taipei with travelers from all over the world.


  • They either don't know much about Taiwan or often see Taiwan as a mysterious island.


  • Today we invite seven of our tour guides to play a game - introducing Taiwanese history within three minutes.


  • Let's get started.


  • [Taiwanese history in a rush]


  • Taiwan has been colonized by many different countries.


  • To begin with, it all started from the wordFormosa.


  • In 16th century, a bunch of Portuguese sailors passed Taiwan and said "Ilha Formosa."

    一幫葡萄牙水手在 16 世紀經過台灣時,說出「福爾摩沙島」。

  • They came, they saw, but they didn't conquer.


  • Before that, we already had aboriginal people live in Taiwan for thousands of years.


  • But thanks to those Portuguese sailors, Taiwan was put on the map.


  • The first foreign country to come to Taiwan, there were the Dutch in the 17th century.

    荷蘭人是第一個來到台灣的外國人,他們在 17 世紀時抵達台灣。

  • But sadly for them, here came the Spanish two years later.


  • Two European countries on one tiny small island.


  • Obviously, they fought.


  • After 20 years, Spanish was kicked out by Dutch.

    20 年後,荷蘭人將西班牙人驅逐出臺灣。

  • And after 20 years, the Dutch was kicked out by Ming dynasty of China.

    再過 20 年,中國明朝將荷蘭人逐出。

  • And after 20 years, the Ming dynasty of China was kicked out by Qing dynasty of China.

    20 年之後,清朝又將明朝逐出。

  • It was the longest period in Taiwanese history.


  • Since that time, so many Chinese immigrants started to move to Taiwan, including my grandfather's grandfather.


  • So as you all know, Qing dynasty was going downhill, and it was also when Taiwan was invaded by Japanese several times.


  • So finally in 1895, Japan was the winner between the war of Qing dynasty and Japan.

    終於在 1895 年,日本在與清朝之間的戰爭中獲勝。

  • So Qing dynasty gave Japan Taiwan.


  • After WWII, Taiwan was handed back to China, which was under the Republic of China.


  • However, at that time China was going through the civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists.


  • The nationalists who were the Republic of China knew that they were going to lose the war so they relocated to Taiwan.


  • On the other hand, the Communists established the People's Republic of China and stayed in mainland China.


  • Therefore, since then, there has been two China in the world and it is still an unresolved and controversial issue nowadays.


  • [Very easy, right?]


  • So, if you like our video, don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends, even better, walk with us in the city.


  • Visit our website now and sign up !


Hi everyone, we are Like It Formosa.

大家好,我們是名為 Like It Formosa 的頻道。

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