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Welcome to Teaching you English in two minutes or less.
Hey Sara! Meet Allie, our new Sales Head.
Allie, this is Sara she’s an important member of our sales time.
Hi Allie! Nice to meet you.
Hello Sara. It’s a pleasure. John has told me so much about you.
Hey John! Meet my friend Ruby.
Ruby, this is my boss John.
Hi John! Pleased to meet you.
The pleasure is all mine.
Allie, meet Ruby. She’s Sara’s friend.
Ruby, this is my colleague Allie.
Hello Allie. It’s a pleasure meeting you.
Thank you Ruby! Glad to meet you too.
Hi. My name is Allie. I am new here.
Hello Allie. I am Sara.
Pleased to meet you Sara.
Pleased to meet you too Allie.
Excuse me! Don’t you work at Greenlabs?
Yes, in fact I do. Do you know me?
I’ve seen you there. I work there too.
Oh really? That’s nice.
Yes. I am Allie.
Pleased to meet you Allie. I am Sara.
Hey Sara! Meet Allie, our new Sales Head.
Hi Allie! Nice to meet you.
Hey John! Meet my friend Ruby.
Hi John! Pleased to meet you.
Allie, meet Ruby. She’s Sara’s friend.
It’s a pleasure meeting you
Glad to meet you too.
My name is Allie. I am new here.
Excuse me! Don’t you work at Greenlabs?