Hey, E, I'm happywith I like a puppythat's workingeast A I'm stickingwith, I assumewillbe a train I take a Hey, mynameis I can't doit a a Andwhenmagichedoeshismagiconmeway a littleway I cantakeMynameisThankyou, friends I couldn't havedoneitwithoutyouWhen I'm withwhywesaywhen I'm with I AndwhenhedoeshismagiconMayway, youknow I'm gonnaTeohOkay?
Youdon't havetobe a winnerOursuperstarYoucanchangetheworldjustbybeingyouareyourhandsyourwingsonpretentious?
Comeon, Kay.
SkindownhillonsiderightChangeitrearrangesandonetakeonewayPlacesEverysingleoneofushas a partofflavornomatterwhattheysay.
Haveyoueverriddenon a ramwhere I prefertotakethatjustbybeingme I made a difference I candoishave a basheventinymake a splashYoudon't havetobe a winnersoyoujustbybeingyouOh, wait!
Oh, cool.
What's a coolOh, sototalarecriticsofdudesand I try.
Oh, trulyterrible.
Don't giveup.
Oh, corn.
Oh, goon.
It's popcorn.
Wehave a trickthatwillcharmyou.
Oh, tart.
A tartarepartpartofmytart.
AreJoepartof a tartin a jar.
TheCarltonhavetaughtin a jarisnowin a car.
Andthat's justthestart.
Are I taughtin a jarin a carison a cart.
Butoh, barnpartoftartin a jarringcaronthecartison a bornOh, portraitoftortin a jarin a carOnthecardonthefarfaronthatstonewayYou'renowayThatismyItwouldbesupertoeHavesomeonetosplashwith.
Excuseme, everyone.
I bettertidythatup.
Oh, Whathappened?
Well, wecouldYoumade a hellDon't foundedallPeterBellmediaMisshadtokiss.
I wasjusttakingsomefriendsfor a swimsuit.
YoucanlistentomymotherbuysHey, nowwe'reintrouble.
Weneededthat, Neo.
Lookslike I'm notgoingtogetthereafterall.
Wemustn't fail.
Hey, hey.
Let's thinkofsomethingelse.
Hey, howareyou?
Look, there's a, uhoh, way.
Hey, E, I'm happywith I like a puppythat's workingeast A I'm stickingwith, I assumewillbe a train I take a Hey, mynameis I can't doit a a Andwhenmagichedoeshismagiconmeway a littleway I cantakeMynameisThankyou, friends I couldn't havedoneitwithoutyouWhen I'm withwhywesaywhen I'm with I AndwhenhedoeshismagiconMayway, youknow I'm gonnaTeohOkay?
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