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slow brain.
I have mixed feelings about it.
I don't know if it's terrible.
Are awful all your stories or shallow.
The trouble with you is you've never really suffered.
Great writers are supposed to suffer.
This isn't suffering its literary criticism.
Let's start again.
That's a terrible way to begin your story.
It's so trite.
Once upon a time, that's the way all good stories again.
Try that.
Begin your story With once upon a time.
How about a love story?
Everyone enjoys a love story.
Something with true depth of feeling.
What do you know about a broken heart?
Your heart isn't broken.
Try again.
I said love story, not horror story.
Why don't you write a story where a boy meets a girl, then loses her than Windsor?
Yes, that's it.
Shall I help you with your story?
That's a good idea.
I'll just climb up here and help you there.
This is going to work out by.
I'll just sit here, watch you type and give immediate criticism.
Well, go ahead and write.
Just write what you feel.
Oh, Charlie Brown, Did you catch that?
You've got great hands.
I dio why you're standing out here all alone on the pitcher's mound.
Baseball season's over.
Let's play some football.
I don't know.
I'm not very good at football.
I could never seem to kick one.
So kickings.
Not your specialty.
Maybe you can throw.
You might have the makings of a world class quarterback.
Me a quarterback.
Do you really think so?
I'll show you have to sell like a pro.
First off, the tips of your fingers should touch laces.
That's right.
Now grab the football like a sandwich.
What type of sandwich?
And pull the ball behind it.
Just like that.
This is important.
Square your shoulders with the goalpost.
Now you're aiming.
I am now.
Step toward your target and lean on your back foot and push all your weight into the throw.
This is a critical part.
Charlie Brown.
You've got to try and see over your blocker and find your wide receiver.
I do called the play you receive.
Face right, fakes left.
He spread into the 15 yard line.
Is there enough time for him to get into position?
Is a receiver clear?
Will your past be intercepted?
Do you call an alternative play?
Do you run the ball.
I don't know.
Start to run, but the past year, capable of line.
Uh huh.
So you want to play football, Charlie Brown?
It's gonna be a long season.
Um, the old pitcher's mound.
You and I have spent a lot of time up here.
I love baseball.
I could play baseball every day of my life.
You're an unusual girl.
Let's say it's the last half of the ninth inning.
Two out and Europe to back.
Even though you're my friend, I still have to try and strike you out, right?
Of course, there's no other way to play the game.
You kind of like me, don't you?
I worked up the schedule for our teams.
Take a look and tell me what you think.
You touch my hand, Chuck, you slide off E.
I have a problem, Linus.
I think Chuck likes me.
He's nice and all that.
But how could I flip over someone like Chuck?
I could strike him out in three straight pitches if a person likes another person.
But that other person doesn't like the first person.
As much as that first person likes the other person.
What should the other person dio say that again.
If a person likes another person, but the other person doesn't like the first person as much as that first person likes the other person, what should the other person do?
I don't know.
I don't want to hurt you.
But how can I possibly look him in the eye and tell him I don't like him as much?
He likes me.
Right home.
Madrid truck flooded.
Linus, you're a genius.
Look, look, I got a letter.
I think it's from the little red haired girl.
I know you like me and in my own way.
I like you too.
Did you hear that?
She liked to be too.
That's not from the little red haired girl.
It's from me.
You like me?
I dio How can you be so stupid?
Chuck, your heart is breaking and you don't even know it.
I don't by golly, if I ever had a deep job into center field and I ran for space and are around second face and I grabbed third base and I go tearing It's a home like a runaway freight.
You better not be in my way way.
That's the longest that I've ever heard.
Why don't you love me?
Do I talk too much?
Listen, Offerman, completely silent, and it will be there.
In that silence.
You will realize you love me.
Is it working?
I've had a profound realization about love.
That is just a simple is liking someone a lot.
Know true love is about eliminating the competition.
Who this Schroeder.
Interested in someone else?
No, not someone.
It's woman against piano.
Women is winning.
What is winning, huh?
I can't believe you.
Through my piano, into the sewer.
Your piano was my competition.
Now you have no choice but to love me.
Now I have no choice but to climb down into the sewer.
Hello, Charlie Brown.
Through my piano.
On the sewer.
It's raining.
Get out of there Before you drown.
I couldn't hold into the piano.
Rain is probably swept it out to the river by now.
Let's go, huh?
Hope that Beethoven never had to put up with this.
There it goes.
Are we sure that was your Cano Couldn't catch your piano.
It floated out to sea, huh?
Oh, well, if you were to play it now, you just struck a sewer note.
Any other competition I should know about?
You know what the whole trouble with you is Charlie Brown?
And I don't want to know.
Leave me alone.
The whole trouble with you is you won't listen to what the whole trouble with you is.
You need someone to point out your faults, Charlie Brown.
It's for your own good, and I can do that.
My system is unique.
What's so unique about it?
I've created a slideshow presentation.
Dotty, Dotty, Dotty.
Okay, turn out the lights first.
Charlie Brown will look at slides to deal with your many personality faults.
Some of them are quite shocking.
Take this one, for instance.
Easy, easy.
This is only the beginning.
Next door slides of your inherited faults.
In other words, these air faults over which you had no real control.
These take about an hour or so.
Oh, good.
If it's any consolation, you rank above average and inherited faults.
Stand console.
Now, these slides showed your biggest and most damaging faults.
Because of their importance, they will be shown in full color with dramatic music.
I can't stand it any longer.
I can't stand it.
I've never gone through anything like that in my life.
I never knew I had so many faults.
I've never been so miserable.
It's not so bad.
Charlie Brown Just waiting to get my bill.
Ah, I don't feel so good.
What's wrong, Charlie Brown?
He's probably been hit on the head by too many fly balls, I think.
Go home.
Yes, sir.
Too many fly balls.
Yes, ma'am.
My name is Charles Brown.
I think I have an emergency.
I know I'm a sister.
Sally Brown.
He's in the hospital, but he will be the dog.
I wonder from dying.
I wonder if they tell me I was dying.
I wonder if the little red haired girl rushed to my side.
I've got to stop thinking about things like that.
I can't believe that Charlie Brown is still in the hospital.
What if he never gets better?
It's not there.
It's strangers so upset because you treat him so poorly.
Stop wiping your tears on my piano.
Sally says Charlie Brown isn't feeling any better, and she's moving her things into his room.
I know you can't hear me, Charlie Brown, but if you get better.
I promise I'll never pull the football away again.
That's quite a promise.
I bet he feels better already.
You know, I suddenly feel great.
Charlie Brown, Your bath.
Your well, I heard something about a promise.
Oh, good grief.
Remember, you promised.
You have to let me get the football.
I don't know about this, Charlie Brown.
There's no stopping me now.
I can't look.
Well, I did it.
I kept my promise.
I didn't put the ball away.
Yes, and I messed up and kicked you instead of football.
I'm sorry.
Is there anything I can dio?
Next time you go to the hospital, stay there.