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- Hey fruit-lovers!
We got a great episode for you today
and that's no lie!
That's right, it's the Lie Detector Challenge.
Little Apple versus Grapefruit!
- Thanks for having me on, Orange!
- You're welcome for having me on Orange.
- You should be more enthusiastic, Grapefruit
in a minute you'll be buzzing with excitement! (laughs)
- Ohh hey? What's with the wires?
We get zapped with electricity if we lie or something?
- Why? are you scared?
- Please. Do I look scared?
Bro, I'm an open book.
I'm unashamed and willing to share every last detail
of my life with the audience.
- Even this account you created under
a false name that claims you're French and 6-foot 3?
- Heh heh, whatever are you talking about?
That's not me.
(zapped) Gahhh!
- Thanks for the demonstration Grapefruit! (laughs)
Now, who wants to go first?
- I'll go. I think Grapefruit's still recovering.
- Woah, I think I left a butt imprint on the counter.
- Let's get started, Little Apple,
cuz time is short! (laughs)
- Grr.
- Okay: What is your name?
- Little Apple.
- What color is the sky?
- Blue.
- What's the-
- Hold up! These questions are so easy!
- Grapefruit, these are just control questions.
We have to get a baseline reading so
the machine can tell if I'm lying or not.
- Oh. I knew that.
(zapped) Gahhh!
- Okay, now they're gonna get hard.
What's the most embarrassing thing
that's ever happened to you?
- (sighs) Oh man.
Okay so there was this one time in first grade that I had to
use the bathroom really really bad
but the teacher made me do a math problem on the board
and I got it completely wrong!
- Well, thank you for sharing.
That was brave.
Next question.
- Okay, Stop.
I'm sorry,
but I feel like his buzzer's not working.
- What do you mean?
- Seriously, bro?
Getting a math problem wrong is the most
embarrassing thing to ever happen to you?
I mean, you piddle yourself
so much it should be your name.
- (gasps) Piddle Apple??
Why did I never think of that one before?
- Well, I'm happy to switch wires with you
if you think yours is busted.
- As a matter of fact, yes.
I will take you up on that.
Heh heh. Now I'm sure to win.
(zapped) Gahhh!
- Grapefruit, put out your butt.
It's your turn.
- Oh. OH! (blows)
- First question: What is your name?
- Grapefruit.
- What color is the sky?
- Blue, last time I checked, hehe.
- What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
- I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?
- What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
- What is happening?
What kind of question is this?
- Please answer the question
before the timer runs out.
- Yeah? Or else what?
- Or else, this.
- (zapped) Gahhh! Okay okay, jeez.
Okay, lemme think,
two things I can't have for breakfast.
I'm gonna go with wheat toast,
due to my newfound gluten allergy,
and grapefruits cuz it's weird.
- Congratulations! That's incorrect.
- (zapped) Gahhh!
- The answers we were looking for
were lunch and dinner.
- Hahaha, nice.
You can't have lunch or dinner for breakfast,
that's a good one.
- Wait, you asked me a riddle?
- Easy there Grapefruit.
I'll ask the questions.
You ready for the next one?
- Of course I'm ready.
(zapped) Gahhh!
- (laughing) Oh man I'm enjoying this.
- Grr, watch it Little Apple,
I could kick your butt.
(zapped) Gahhh!
- Ahh! Just give me the question!
- A cowboy rode into town on Friday.
He stayed in town for three days
and rode out on Friday.
How is this possible?
- Ha! I know this one.
Friday was the name of his horse!
- Sorry. The horse's name was Greg.
- (zapped) Gahhh!
Wait, but that doesn't make any sense!
- Of course it makes sense,
obviously he had a time machine.
- Arghh! That's it!
Little Apple, congratulations.
You've won again.
But I'm through with this ridiculous challenge.
I don't need this, okay?
I got a lot of stuff going for me.
I'm young, I'm handsome,
I have a staggering mind.
I'm not gonna stand here and get zapped with electricity
because I'm better than this!
(zapped) Gahhh!!!
- Gahh!! Stop laughing at me!
This really hurts!
Whatever, I'll win the next challenge!
(zapped) Gahhh!
(upbeat music)