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Once specimens come in -- after we do a heat and activation phase to break the
viral envelope -- they get centrifuged right over here... on the specimen prep table.
We put them in racks. And then they're ready to go over here.
This is our liquid sample handler. What this allows us to do is... allows us to process a high input of samples
Accurately and precisely. Most hospital labs, or even research labs, are doing this process manually.
Which is what is taking such a long time for these tests to happen.
We have another phase after this extraction is done that we're gonna add our primers
and probes at which helps identify this particular virus and then we bring them...
This area is a much cleaner area. So I'm not going to let you step too far.
But these devices over here, are our real-time thermocycles
This is where a real-time PCR is occurring and this is where we did get 'detected' or
'not detected' for this particular virus. This area right over here is internal control area.
That's... that area is for the validity of our asset. This is a re-agent barrier,
and this is a results processing area. Every area is dedicated and has dedicated equipment to ensure
we don't have any type of cross-contamination. Whether it be from samples or the examples, or re-agent,
or personnel.