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- What? What happened?
- Is that 137?
- Yeah, 137.
- Today is Tuesday, August 18, 2020,
and yesterday was the hottest day recorded on Earth,
in Death Valley, Nevada.
And today is supposed to be one degree hotter.
So it's gonna break records today.
We're in the middle of a weird year 2020
when a lot of people are just staying home.
My kids went back to school this week,
I've got nothing better to do.
So I wanna take this Tesla
and drive it to Death Valley
and be there when it's the hottest that it can possibly be.
And see how this bad boy survives
and hopefully be there for the record breaking day,
131 degrees Fahrenheit, which is this hot in Celsius,
which is pretty dang hot.
The specific place that we are trying to go to today
is called Furnace Creek
and it's a little town.
Inside of Death Valley they have a resort,
they have a golf course.
If the golf course is open today,
I'm going to make another video
where I'm gonna see if I can play 18 holes
in 130 degree temperatures.
So let's go on the adventure.
Let's see how well my Tesla Model X 2017
can hold up to the extreme heat.
And let's see how much I can hold up to it.
I don't know what's gonna happen today,
but it's gonna be interesting.
It's 7:22am and it's 91 degrees,
I have 253 miles range on my Tesla.
Unfortunately for me 253 miles
in my 2017 Tesla Model X is about as good as it gets.
I could stay here another 20 minutes and charge
and maybe get another 10 miles.
But my car is lost a lot of range over the last few years.
The best Tesla can do right now is 400 miles range
in a Tesla Model S and that's pretty good.
That's way better than what I have in here.
But the rumor is Tesla's about to get a lot better range.
We already know with the Tesla Roadster and the Model X
it's going to have around five to 600 mile range.
And that's coming out within a year, year and a half.
So for now 253 miles,
there is a supercharger about 45 minutes away
from Furnace Creek.
So hopefully we can charge out there.
(upbeat music)
I wanna make sure I get the best mileage possible
and the heat does weird things on your tire, so does cool.
So I stopped to fill up my car to 42 psi's.
And actually the front two are a little bit low.
So this is a good move.
Okay, now we're safely ready to continue on our way.
(upbeat music)
We're 26 miles away from Furnace Creek.
If you're in California right now,
we're on these roads that are straight forever.
And there's nothing on both sides,
just these weird mountain ranges in the distance,
but oddly enough, it's still not 100 degrees.
We've been driving for about an hour and 20 minutes
and it's still 96 degrees,
which is just as hot as it was as we left Las Vegas.
But Death Valley is actually 220 feet below sea level.
And I guess that makes it get hotter there.
If you broke down out here, it would be a problem.
So if you want to come to Death Valley,
probably pack lots of water bottles
as a safety kit inside of your car.
I've got my What's inside water bottle.
There's some water in there,
but I probably should have packed some more.
(country music)
Right now we're 18 miles away from Furnace Creek
and I just passed a sign that said 3000 feet elevation.
I've been wondering why it's 98 degrees right now
and we're so close to Death Valley and it's not hot.
So we need to drop 3000 feet
and the more that we drop, the hotter it gets.
It's gonna get hot.
Hey, I had to film for like a minute or two,
it switched over to 100 and we are 13 miles away.
We're five miles away.
So in the last eight miles
we've dropped 2000 feet to elevation,
1000 feet above sea level
and now we're at 107.
It is 9:18 in the morning.
We're gonna stay here as long as we can today
until we see that record temperature.
But right now it literally looks like we just are on Mars.
(country music)
We've made it to Furnace Creek.
We are below sea level right now.
It's 111 degrees and we have 111 miles range left.
We are going to make a video right now
about golfing in this temperature.
The latest tee time they let us go out is 10:00 am.
111 degrees.
It feels good out here.
And I need to find a place to charge here while we're here.
Good news, I have my adapter
and they do have chargers and a few of the places here.
That's good because a supercharger is not very close
and you can lose energy really faster.
It's green, it says it's charging.
Let's see if it actually did charge.
Well, it's not the fastest charge.
Well, that's not ideal,
it's better than nothing.
I'm gonna go golfing.
We're here at the Furnace Creek Visitor Center
for the National Park.
And good news, this is the place where they actually have
the thermometer that tells you what the temperature is
and no joke, we're just pulling up and it said 129,
I'm like, "Dang, that's good."
And then right then bam 130.
We did it.
It did say 130 a few seconds ago.
And then I came over to film and it's teasing me.
It went down to 129, 3:45.
So they say around four o'clock
is the hottest time of the day.
Got like next 15 minutes.
I think we might see 131 today.
I don't know I'm optimistic.
The Tesla, I put it on the temperature to stay on.
So let's go inside
and see how good it actually holds up
with the temperature like this.
All right, so I'm in the Tesla.
It says right on the Tesla, it says that it's 128,
I have 185 miles range.
The sun is directly above us right there.
So I'm gonna pull around,
I wanna be able to see when it switches over to 130.
But since the car says 128,
then maybe we're just there for a moment to see the 130.
I have it set for 72 degrees.
I'll be honest here it is not 72 degrees,
but it makes sense.
There's Hunter.
Hi, Hunter.
He's just waiting.
It still says 129.
We're just sitting here in the car
for probably 10 minutes, maybe 15 minutes
and we've lost two miles range on the car.
That's a little concerning.
We still have to make it all the way to Las Vegas.
There's not a supercharger between here and there.
You look in the car says it's 128 in the car.
So it says it's actually...
Cool, it's 130.
It's 130, let's go.
It did it.
(Hunter giggles)
We gotta go.
We did it.
We saw the 130.
Can it hit 131 and top yesterday?
That's kind of the big question.
We're running out of time.
The Tesla, I don't know if you can hear it.
It is loud.
(Hunter mumbles)
It is working overtime over there.
I don't think the eight they're on right now.
It's just cooling the batteries.
We've gotta see 131.
If it happens today, I gotta see it on this sign.
This is the place.
We have some what appears to be instagramers
that just pulled up.
Definitely instagramers this couple that's here.
They just pulled up,
they're getting their photos,
leaving their Instagram stories on.
- Ooooh. - Oh, he got burned.
130, we're back.
Get to 131.
Those people just walked right by it.
Do they not know what they're seeing?
He's flexing the abs, smart.
Another instagramer.
(upbeat music)
Well, we're down to 128 on our car.
And I'm not super concerned.
It's only 99 miles to Las Vegas.
But it is crazy hot
and we do have to climb on the way up there.
I'm a little concerned that we're not going to see 131
because we're at 128 in the car that's down to 129.
Great, it's 130 again.
Yes, it's 130 again.
Well, if it gets to 131 we will capture it.
(upbeat music)
What? What happened?
- It's 131.
- Is that 131?
- That's 131.
- That was in the picture yesterday.
That's 131.
- Wait 137? No.
(Hunter mumbles)
What happened here?
What happened here?
55 Celsius.
What did it change?
Is that 137?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, 137.
- Is that really 137?
What's 55 Celsius?
- Maybe it's not, maybe it's...
- Why does it say that?
Why does it say that?
- (mumbling) Oh my gosh, we see it.
It's 131.
- Hunter, get ready for camera.
- You gotta get this.
(indistinct chatter)
- Okay, go, go, go.
Okay, all right.
Before it changes.
Yay, go ahead, guys.
131 we did it.
- Okay, if...
- If what?
- This is crazy.
- This is crazy.
We're here.
- We waited here for quite a while to get this.
- Yeah, get that.
- It's down on you buddy.
- Oh, crap.
- It's only 130.
- Now 130 feels like a disappointment.
That was such exhilaration.
Oh my God.
131 it was there for a good I don't know 60 seconds.
(clock ticking)
- That was insane.
- That was amazing.
That was amazing.
The hottest recorded temperature on earth is that 131
and we saw it here.
That was awesome.
What does it feel like?
What does it feel like to me?
I think the Furnace is a good idea of the oven.
On my hand just holding it out right now,
it feels burning hot,
it's crazy hot right now just on the skin.
I do have sunscreen on,
it's probably worn off by now.
- And the crazy thing is this is just in the air
if you like reach further down
the asphalt is like hot enough
where you could cook a steak.
- And the car is just bring burning, burning.
I feel bad for that one guy,
he's been waiting here the longest.
And then he ran up there to have his moment, two guys
and then bam it went away.
We were on it though.
We weren't messing around.
- We saw that and we were out of here.
We're like is that a glitch?
That's not a glitch.
That's cooking.
- That's cooking.
Where's my phone?
Do you have it? - Yes, I have your phone.
- Okay, we saw it guys, 131 baby.
Right now it's 4:22 California time
so it was about 4:17 California time
when it did get up to 131 that was our goal.
Oh, and by the way, we're still just parked here.
We are still completely parked here
and the Tesla is now at 177 miles.
We lost four miles just sitting here in the ac.
177 miles range on the Tesla is actually just an estimate.
It's what it's guessing based off
of your previous driving that you've done
and where the car batteries are at.
So I hope our car makes it.
Okay, so check this out.
This is a heat sensor and it says 157 on it.
- You can cook a steak.
- Can I laser my car to see how hot my car is?
Okay, thanks.
I don't know if you can see down there, 139.
Let's try right here on the handle.
Whoa 181, 183.
Oh, that's hot.
Holy smokes.
My door handle's 183 degrees.
No wonder the car is freaking out over here trying
to cool down the batteries.
Electric cars aren't made for this heat.
- 166.
- So the asphalt is 166 and my door handle is 183.
(both laugh)
I went inside the gift shop they have Gatorades,
ice cold Gatorades that's helpful.
These guys I don't understand.
This guy is got a nice camera, looks like like a blogger.
And he's filming everybody.
And then this guy is holding a fake chicken.
- What I don't understand about the blogger though
is that he has two shirts on.
A long sleeve shirt and a shirt
and then his buddy has like a flannel.
- Oh, here's the chicken,
he's doing the chicken.
Here he goes taking a picture of the chicken with that.
- I think he's got to be a Tic Toker.
- And I have a hard time understanding what's happening.
(upbeat music)
Well, this just popped up on my car.
It says help relieve heat wave stress on the grid.
We ask that you reduce supercharging
between 3pm and 10pm in Nevada.
We're in the middle of Death Valley, right?
We have a Tesla, that when we parked here an hour ago
it had 183 miles range, and now has 169.
So we're losing mileage just from sitting here.
And now we need to drive home
and a very important component of road trips
is superchargers.
They're actually going to limit the charging options.
I hope we can make it home tonight.
- And that's a real question.
Can we make it home tonight.
- Yeah, it is.
I mean look at this.
These guys, they just popped it back up to 130.
These guys are like, "Yeah, buddy."
We did it everybody.
I talked to the park rangers
and they said that yesterday
there were over 100 people here
just crowding around,
watching this thing, and taking pictures of it went up.
It's an exciting thing.
If it's ever really, really hot, of course, be safe.
But I definitely recommend taking a trip here
even if you have a Tesla
and come experience this.
There's no place like Death Valley.
You have an actual bucket and you came here.
So this was on extreme heat Death Valley.
- Yeah, (mumbles)
- This was on my bucket list too.
- Is it?
- Yeah, ours today was to play 18 holes of golf
in 125 plus, so we did it.
We just finished it a couple of hours ago.
- Wow, we.
- Play with fire, you're gonna get burned.
- Oh man look at that car.
- Dude, that thing is a beast.
Wow everybody's coming.
Is this the Kia Soul guy?
- Yeah, this is the Kia Soul guy.
- That's totally the Kia Soul guy.
He parked all casual, strolled up,
he's like I'm gonna get a photo.
He didn't even have to wait.
- That's perfect. - He got the 130.
What's funny is he's wearing no shirt,
but he's wearing pants.
- That is a strange combination.
Pretty dang hot.