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Events in Hong Kong, Moscow, and Beijing headline our midweek edition of CNN 10--I'm Carl Azuz--we're traveling the globe to bring you up to speed on how some major cities are dealing with the continuing effects of coronavirus (COVID-19).
本週三的 CNN 10 的頭條是關於香港、莫斯科和北京的事件,我是 Carl Azuz,我們將帶你了解全球一些主要城市如何處理新冠肺炎持續帶來的影響。
As far as the United States is concerned, roughly six million people have been infected with the virus, but their reactions to it are vastly different.
就美國而言,大約有 600 萬人感染了這種病毒,但他們對它造成的不良反應卻截然不同。
Some who test positive have several symptoms, like fevers, coughing, fatigue, loss of taste or smell.
Others have none at all.
In fact, the Centers for Disease Control recently said it's best estimate was that 40 percent of the people who catch COVID-19 have no symptoms.
事實上,最近疾病管制與預防中心顯示,最佳估計是有 40% 感染新冠肺炎的人沒有症狀。
That makes it harder to track, harder to keep from spreading and harder to gauge in terms of its deadliness.
Some estimates show that while the seasonal flu is deadly in 0.1 percent of cases, coronavirus (COVID-19) is deadly in almost 0.6 percent of cases, so it does appear to be significantly more deadly than the flu.
據估計,季節性流感的致死率為 1%,而新冠肺炎的致死率接近 6%,因此它的致死率明顯高於流感。
But the vast majority of people who get either virus recover.
I'm Will Ripley in Hong Kong.
我是香港的 Will Ripley。
It's day one of the city's mass testing drive.
They're trying to test the entire population--more than seven million people--over the next 14 days.
他們試著在接下來的 14 天,對超過 700 萬人實施檢測。
But a lot of people are not turning out.
Fewer than one million people have signed up so far.
目前為止,只有不到 100 萬人報名。
Pro-democracy activist, Joshua Wong, says people's DNA could be sent to mainland China because Chinese experts helped set up testing centers like this one.
民主派社運人士 Joshua Wong 說,人們的 DNA 可能會被送到中國大陸,因為中國專家幫忙建立像這個的檢測中心。
I'm Matthew Chance in Moscow and it's the first day of school here, the first day since March that Russian classrooms have reopened, amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
我是在莫斯科的 Matthew Chance,今天是新學年開學的第一天,也是自三月以來,在新冠肺炎期間俄羅斯學校重新開放的第一天。
Teachers are meant to be among the first to benefit from Russia's new coronavirus vaccine.
But what we're learning is that few, if any, have so far taken up the offer to be vaccinated.
In fact, one Russian teacher's union has started an online petition, calling on members to reject it outright on safety grounds.
Well, the vaccine was fast tracked to get it to frontline workers as soon as possible.
But unfinished human trials and a lack of published clinical data means that many teachers at least see there's a risk they're unwilling to take.
I'm David Culver in Beijing, where across the country here, most students returned to the classroom on Tuesday for what is the official start of school here in China.
我是在北京的 David Culver,全國各地大多數的學生在週二重返學校,中國學生們正式開學。
In most major Chinese cities, students and staff will wear masks, and they'll stagger schedules so as to allow for social distancing.
But surprisingly, in Wuhan, more than seven months since the outbreak there, the measures are arguably the most relaxed in all of China.
Students are encouraged to bring a mask, but they do not have to wear it, a sign that the city leaders apparently feel confident in their testing and contact tracing, though already on social media, some parents expressing a bit of unease, hoping this does not lead to a resurgence.
Yesterday, the sheriff of Kenosha County, Wisconsin said the previous five days had been closer to normal, that the recent protests there had been peaceful and that local officials were very, very thankful for that.
Tensions have been high in the city of Kenosha since a black man named Jacob Blake was shot by a white police officer named Rusten Sheskey on August 23rd.
自 8 月 23 日,一名叫 Jacob Blake 的黑人男子被一名叫 Rusten Sheskey 的白人警察開槍襲擊後,基諾沙市的局勢一直很緊繃。
Blake survived the shooting, but his family says he's paralyzed from the waist down.
Blake 在槍擊後倖存,但他的家人表示他腰部以下都癱瘓了。
A couple of different accounts have come out about exactly what led to the incident, and the Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating.
Some of the protests that followed were violent, with demonstrators burning cars and buildings.
The state deployed the National Guard to help preserve safety and peace there.
On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump traveled to Kenosha.
週二,美國總統 Donald Trump 前往基諾沙市。
He planned to meet law enforcement and National Guard troops there.
Tour areas that were damaged in the protests and participate in a discussion focused on community safety.
Officials in Wisconsin had a mixed reaction to the visit.
Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, asked the president not to come, saying the city needed time to heal.
民主黨籍的州長 Tony Evers 要求總統不要前來,並說這個城市需要時間來療傷。
But US Congressman Brian Style, a Republican, said the president's visit would help the healing process.
但美國共和黨國會議員 Brian Style 說,總統的訪問將有助於療傷的過程。
The Kenosha News reported that Jacob Blake's family planned a rally for Tuesday afternoon at the site of the shooting.
據基諾沙市的新聞報導, Jacob Blake 的家人預計週二下午在槍擊案發現場舉行集會。
It was set to include a food drive, community cleanup and voter registration booth.
10-second trivia!
Which of these U.S. cities has the largest population?
Seattle, Washington; Jacksonville, Florida, San Antonio, Texas; or San Francisco, California?
With more than 1.5 million people, San Antonio is the most populated city on this list.
聖安東尼奧的人口超過 150 萬,是選項中美國人口最多的城市。
The question is, will the ripple effects from the coronavirus pandemic change American cities as we know them?
In yesterday's show we examined some of the impacts of working from home on the people who do it.
Today, we're looking at the impacts of working remotely on the cities that are home to large office buildings.
Now, this is assuming that working from home sticks. As we mentioned on Tuesday, some companies that have tried this in the past eventually asked people to return to the office.
But if they don't ...
Telecommuting goes back 40 years.
遠端工作要追溯到 40 年前。
This equipment here will allow him to carry on normal business activities without ever going to an office away from home.
Jack Nilles was a rocket scientist and he was just coming off a rocket project and somebody challenged him:
Jack Nilles 曾是個火箭科學家,他的火箭項目剛成功,就有人向他發起挑戰。
Hey, if you could put a man on the moon, why don't you fix the problem of traffic?
And he said, "Okay, I will."
And at the time it was, "Oh, this is going to change the world, we're all gonna work remotely."
That didn't really happen.
Only about 4 percent of the U.S. workforce works at home, halftime or more.
只有約 4% 的美國勞動力有一半或多一些的時間在家工作。
And that's about to change.
The list of companies committed to some version of permanent work from home is growing.
And many employees want that flexibility.
In the U.S., 88 percent say they want to continue working from home at least part of the time, and the sweet spot is two to three days a week.
在美國,有 88% 的人表示,他們希望至少有一部分時間能繼續在家工作,而平衡點是每週兩到三天。
It's a sweet spot for employers too, because at that point they can start to reconstruct their office space to be used for collaboration and communication, recognizing that home can be the place for concentration.
A recent survey found that 68 percent of large company CEOs plan to downsize their office space, and that will likely be a massive blow to major cities.
最近一項調查發現,68% 的大公司 CEO 計劃縮減辦公室面積,而這很可能會對主要城市造成巨大的衝擊。
Cities do not exist without commerce.
They are effectively like marketplaces on steroids.
And they're a really critical component of the modern economy.
And the ripple effects of workers staying home impact more than just commercial real estate.
Same difference for all of those urban retailers that service workers during a daily basis.
So that's everything from your deli to your local drugstore.
To even bright entertainment complexes that serve workers both during the day and certainly after it.
Major impacts on transportation and to your highways and roadways,
which in theory, is great news for the people who continue to travel, but is a major impact for the state and local governments that rely on gas tax receipts that actually helped make sure to maintain the quality of those roads.
And even more profound impacts on our public transportation systems, of which metropolitan New York City has seen just, really, really tragic numbers at scale.
But transit agencies all over the country, even in small metropolitan areas, have been hit really hard by this feature.
But what might be a rough transition for the largest metropolitan areas, the rest of the country could stand to benefit.
People are already moving out of cities, in part because of COVID (COVID-19), but in part because they think that in the future they're going to work from home and they want to live in a place that's cheaper.
We're probably going into a recession, so companies are gonna be looking at the opportunity for reducing costs.
We have been talking at the Brookings Metro Program for years now about the idea of superstar cities porting if you will, so much of the economic gains for the nation.
And what ... where that leaves the other markets that in many ways have been on the outside looking in,
now would be attractive for them to bring in new workers, to bring in those higher incomes and (for those higher incomes) to circulate in their economies.
But it's not a given on what scale workers will do this.
What we know for sure is that there is a plentiful supply of other metropolitan areas that can offer a different kind of basically quality of life and certainly cost of living.
I think it's reached now a groundswell.
The genie is out of the bottle.
I think that as these big companies say: This is what we're going to do.
We're gonna have people working from home.
If you're not on board, you're not gonna be able to hire the people you need.
You're not gonna get the best and the brightest from around the world, and that's going to affect your bottom line.
We're still years away from saying: "Sure, I'll drive right over, I should be landing in 15 minutes."
我們離說「是的,我馬上開車過去,我會在 15 分鐘內『降落』」還有好幾年的時間。
But the Japanese company that made this hopes that will be a reality in 2023.
但製造那種車的日本公司希望在 2023 年能成為現實。
It has eight motors that is about the size of two regular cars.
它有 8 個發動機,相當於約兩輛普通汽車的大小。
Its maker says it's the world's smallest electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle.
It still needs more safety and technology tests, and we have no idea how much it'll cost.
But it's got an awesome name.
飛天車 (Cartivator)。
Well, it is "car-ptivating," it's "car-ismatic," it's state of the "cart" and it "car-ptures" a lot of interest.
It's "car-pelling" to look at, and it could be the "cars" (cause) of new developments.
I mean, all in all, I'd say it's pretty fly, y'all.
I'm Car-l Azuz for CNN 10.
我是 CNN 10 的主播 Carl Azuz。
South Lake High School.
What's not to "lake" about it?
It's in Groveland, Florida, thank you for your comment on our YouTube channel.
這是在佛羅里達州的格羅夫蘭,謝謝你在我們的 YouTube 頻道上的留言。