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  • Greetings, and welcome to Earthling Cinema.

  • I am your host, Garyx Wormuloid.

  • This week's artifact is Brokeback Mountain, directed by Ang Lee, which is short for Angri-Lee on account of losing Best Picture to this dumpster fire.

  • The film follows Ennis and Jack,

  • two rugged freelance shepherds who get entangled in a love affair on the eponymous mountain thanks to some encouragement from their mutual friend Jim Bean.

  • At the end of the summer, they say farewell the only way they know how.

  • Ennis marries his fiancee Alma, and, not to be outdone, Jack marries Anne Hathaway.

  • After waiting the customary four years, Jack shows up for a second date with Ennis.

  • They talk about making a life together, but ultimately decide against alienating their families

  • and enduring a life of stigma.

  • So they go fishing instead.

  • More like tonsil fishing am I right?

  • Of course I am.

  • Both of their lives take a turn for the worse, what with Ennis getting divorced

  • and Jack having to work in sales.

  • Ugh, wearing a little noose around your neck, can you imagine?

  • Jack tries to put a ring on it again, but Ennis refuses, saying it's all part of the plan.

  • Jack goes off to get his jollies south of the border with some male prostitutes south of the border.

  • Alma confronts Ennis about his gayness and they get in a whole kerfuffle.

  • Next thing you know, Jack dies and the post office offers Ennis their most sincere condolences.

  • Ennis meets with Jack's parents and offers to take Jack's ashes to Brokeback, as he had requested.

  • They decide to compromise by giving him some laundry.

  • Years later, Ennis' daughter shows up to brag about her engagement.

  • After she leaves, Ennis realizes he never went to the laundromat and starts crying.

  • Brokeback Mountain questions human masculinity by presenting a variation on the myth of the cowboy and his corollary, the cow man.

  • The romanticized cowboy is independent, strong, aggressive, and above all else, free to wear as wide a hat as he pleases.

  • But in a human society that cannot reconcile manliness with homosexuality,

  • Jack and Ennis cannot truly pursue their love, and therefore will never attain that freedom.

  • Instead of the hardened, stoic individuals so often seen in the Western genre,

  • Jack and Ennis are tormented by their forbidden emotions, which is a total turnoff.

  • The film asks: what makes a man?

  • Human males were traditionally expected to provide for their families,

  • but Ennis has difficulties bringing home the bacon, or cheddar, or bread -- basically an Egg McMuffin.

  • Jack, meanwhile, can only find a job working for his wife at a company owned by his father-in-law.

  • As such, he loses his remote control privileges.

  • And neither man is allowed to flay his own Thanksgiving carcass, a right promised by the Earth constitution.

  • Ennis responds to these challenges to his manhood with another traditional male quality:

  • punching. He punches Jack when he gets too close on Brokeback Mountain.

  • He later beats up two bikers for using naughty language in front of his wife and daughters, standing

  • over them like some kind of patriotic superhero - Lieutenant America, if you will.

  • When Ennis's ex-wife confronts him about being gay, there's only one item on the menu.

  • Only in nature can Jack and Ennis let their true selves emerge, kind of like my wife at a Space Pottery Barn.

  • The claustrophobia of their domestic lives is contrasted with the vast landscapes

  • and beautiful scenery that the two enjoy when they are free to exist unfettered by expectations or pants.

  • Bull-riding, a pseudo-sport in which a rider attempts to control a force of nature,

  • is used as a metaphor for the unstoppable power of love.

  • Just as the bull will ultimately throw its rider,

  • Jack and Ennis will inevitably fail to subdue the mighty force of their throbbing loins.

  • Plus there's the deleted scene where they both get nose rings and stampede through Pamplona.

  • At first glance, the film appears to be as progressive as Flo [the Progressive lady],

  • unapologetically and honestly telling the story of a homosexual relationship without relying on fabulous stereotypes.

  • However, its ultimate message is tragic, like those Progressive commercials.

  • Society refuses to accept Jack and Ennis as they truly are,

  • and Jack is murdered for his homosexuality.

  • Even after Jack's death, his family works to preserve a facade of him as a straight man.

  • Jack's wife concocts a story about Jack dying in a tire-changing accident,

  • which is how all straight guys hope to die.

  • Jack's parents deny his wish to have his ashes spread on Brokeback Mountain,

  • since honoring someone's wishes is totally gay.

  • Ennis ultimately decides he must uphold the traditional notion of masculinity and inhibit his true self,

  • lest he wind up a bloody shirt like Jack.

  • Fortunately, Earthlings eventually came to their senses and realized that all humans were equal and gender was invented by the greeting card companies.

  • In 2028, they elected their first gay president, Best Time Ever's Neil Patrick Harris.

  • For Earthling Cinema, I'm Garyx Wormuloid.

Greetings, and welcome to Earthling Cinema.

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Hidden Meaning in Brokeback Mountain - Earthling Cinema

  • 26 2
    Mahiro Kitauchi posted on 2020/09/09
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