ThisisJayPark l'm JiheiMusicandthisiseverything I eatin a day.
Thefirstthing I dowhen I wakeupisprobablydrinkwater.
I urinate a lot.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I wasn't a coffeedrinker.
I don't know.
I neverlikedthetasteofit.
I wouldusuallydrinkRedBull.
I knowit's good.
Likenow I can't goonaboutmydaywithoutcoffee.
I drinkcoffeebeforethisinterviewand I'llprobablydrinkone.
Maybeafterso I I drinkabouttwocupsofcoffee a day.
I drinkitblack, nocreamorsugarorsweeteners.
I usuallydrinkicedcoffee.
A typicalbreakfastformeThismorning I had a chickenbakefromCostcoandsomesalad.
Bakejustlikehalfandthensomesalador I'lleatlike a somericeandsomebeefinsomelettuce.
I don't liketoeattoosaltyorgreasyorheavy, um, tostartoffmyday.
So I liketokindofeatsomethingmawrhealthylighttokindofmakemefeel a littlebitmoreenergizedandhealthy, andthen I wouldprobablygoworkout.
I eitherrunattheHanRiver, liftweights, or I'd gotoKoreanZombiedabblein M M a littlebit.
Typically, I don't workoutasmuchas I doinmyyoungerdays, when I hadthe A packandthechiseledphysique, justbecause I have a lotmoretodonow I havetothinkaboutandtakeresponsibilityfortwolabels, a bunchofartists, bunchofemployeeswhiletryingtomaintainmyowncareer.
Andso I have a lotlesstimetoworkoutorexercise.
But I definitelytriedtocontinueThiotostayactivesothat I don't letmyselfgoand I lookgoodforyou.
Andthen I'd eitherworkonmusicif I havetogotostudio, workonsomemusic, andthenmaybeafterthat, have a latenightsnackor, youknow, topitoffwithsomesoldiertorelievethestress.
I don't reallyeatlunch.
I eatlike a brunch, andthen I eatdinner, andthenmaybe I'lleatlike a latenightsnackorlatenightmeal I'm notyourtypical 9 to 5 typeguy, so I don't eat a breakfast, lunchanddinner.
I don't necessarilygethungry, but I dogetantsyjustbecause I domovearound a a lot, youknow, whetheritbeexerciseorwork.
I'm not a bigsnacker.
I'llprobably, youknow, eat a coupleofchipsorchocolateorwhateveritmaybe.
Butwithif I dosnack, I enjoycupcakes, doughnuts, icecream, gummyCandies, everythingthatmakesyougainweight.
Basically, I don't liketoeatanythingthatlooksorfeelstooslimy.