Andso, um, youknow, gotoshootthat I alwaysfeltlike I wassounmanageable.
I feltembarrassedthatallowedtheJapanesepeoplehadsuchsleekandnicebehavinghand.
I wasalwaysjustthisthisfrizzball, andthen I foundoutthattheJapanesestraighttermand I waslike, Youknow, I wanttogiveit a go, andthisisn't a videotosayorJapanesestraightpervertsbad.
I actuallyreallyenjoyedmytimewiththestraightperm, and I wentintoitknowingthat I'm notgoingtoget a straightpersonfortherestofmylife.
Youknow, itwas a goodpointinmylifetogiveit a try, havetheexperienceandenjoyitforwhatitwas, especiallyforhow I oneofmyhairstyledand, yeah, I had a greattime.
Um, madelikethiswasfrom a hairtiethismorning, butotherwiseit's it's beingstraight.
Yeah, since I gotitdoneduringisolationandeverything.
Youknow, I startedgrowingoutmynaturalhair, andthenmybangsgotlongenough, so I pushedhimtotheside.
And I waslike, Well, youknow, whatkindoflikehaving a foreheadout, Andnow I'm onthepathofchange, and I'm realizing, lookingat a lotofpeoplethat I admireandrespectandalsopeoplethat I findbeautiful.
Ah, lotofthemhavetheirnaturalcurlyhair, and I'vebeenlookinginto, like, thecurlygirlmethodandseeingifthatmightbe a possibilityforme.
So I'm thinking I'm justgonnagoforit.
I'vealreadygot a lotofregrowthfromfromisolation.
So I'm like, Well, maybeit's timetojusttrytoembracemynaturalhair, whichisjust a littlebitwaytobe a littlebitcurly.
Soevenif I starttodothecurlygirlstuffrightnow, thisisgonnabedeadstraight.
Oh, wow.
Nice I'm likethat.
Yeah, it's solight.
So, like, myhead's gonnaflewaway.
What a e Oh, mygosh!
E o Oh, mygosh!
Oh, me.
Oh, mygosh, I loveit.
Hey, it's thenextday.
I didn't filmaftertheheaddressyesterday, buthad a greatdaywithmenuhereandtoday.
I haven't watchedityet, butit's justleftoversfromyesterday.
Sobecausethebottomhalfisstillstraightpermed, I'm kindofinterestedtoseehowitgoesafter I have a shower, um, toseeifthetopgoesmorecurlyandifthisstaysstraightorwhatthesituationisgonnabe.
Lastnight I wenttosleep, and I didn't getalltangledupinmyhairwhile I wastossingandturnandjustkindofstayedthereanddidn't getinmyface.
It's a nastytowel.
I don't justignorehownastythetowelis.
Don't youscreamatme.
Oh, herehegoes.
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Oh, God.
He's drowning!
Oh, God e havetohelphimdon't trytofly.
I willactuallyvomitandrun.
Oh, God.
Maybehe's fine.
No, heneedshelp.
No, no, no, no, no.
I justtook a showerforthefirsttime.
I justtook a shot.
I mean, I showeredlike, anhourtwohoursago, anditisnow I feellike, verycleartoseethisisverystraightpermed.
There's, like, a bit a bithappeningupuntilaboutthispoint.
Thisisactually a coupleofweekslater, after I filmthatfirstbedsofthevideo, I thought I wasgonnaturnthisinto a videoaboutmyfulltransitionbetweenstraightpermand, uh, andwavyhair.
But, uh, it's gonnatake a longtimetofilmAnditfeelskindofweirdsuddenlytransitioningwithout, Like, I gotmyhaircutvideo.
I'm graduallylearninghowtostyleitandhow I likeit.
While I'm waitingformystraighthometogrowout, I hadtoleaveitstraightor I curlit a littlebit.