E think I usuallyjustwearthislikeit's like a regulardaylike e.
I mean, if I'm notwhen I'm notpregnant, I don't needtowearasmuchmakeupbecause I'm not, likeallred.
Sothisislike, youknow, likechillvibeskin.
Butthen, um, youknow, if I'm going a bitharder, I'llusuallyuselike, thefancystuffthat's prettyhardcore.
It's like, reallythick.
And I likethislikeSuperWhiteone.
I guessit's maybe a bitthatkindofclownsortofoff, youknow, um, I mean, I like I don't usuallyhavelongnails, but I havelongnailsrightnowjustbecauseit's like I'm notworkingonmusicatthemoment.
Well, actually, it's kindof a lie, but I'm notlike I don't needtobevirtualassetson a guitaratthispointintime.
Soit's sortoflike a briefwindowwhereAikenhaveluxuriousnailsbecauseitdefinitelymakesmefeelhappier.
Um, Klaus, I reallylikethispowderagain.
I gotfromponiesmakeuptutorial.
Ifyouuse a tintedmoisturizerthanthis, it's justlike a verykindofclean, daytoday, kindof.
I alwayslike a littlebitofChapstick, thislipliner.
It's likeit's kindofit's like a blacklipliner, but I wasjustlike I putitlike, actually, like, overlikeontheoutsideofmylipskindofthing.
Butforsomereason, thatjustmakesmelooklike I have, like, reallynicelips.
I don't knowif I stuckwith.
I weariteveryday.
I alsoliketodobigeyebrows, and I havethisweirdeyebrowthing.
Itdoesn't goonyourskin.
Soit's kindoflike, Cool.
I usedtohave, like, a greatunibrow, like, fullyunibrow.
And I didkindofrecordinhighschoolbecauseitdoesn't reallycomebackanymore, whichissadtome, thatwas a mistake, because I feellike, youknow, rathersupercool.
Now, I don't knowif I couldIf I couldhaveitback, I would.
Whatdid I do?
Oh, yeah.
I likethesePatMcGrathoncebecausetheysortof, like, comeoffthroughouttheday.
Andthentheycomedownyoureyesand I likeafter I'vebeenwearingitfor a fewhours, I getthiskindoflike, rockandroll.
I don't know.
I justthinkthisedgylook, because I looktearsofdarkness.
Um, Soand I wason a shootyesterday, so I kindofstuffinmyeyes.
Yeah, I definitelylikethedayaftermakeup, like, I definitely I likejustsmudging.
May I likedaysofmakeup?
Like I likethat I I prettymuchdon't removemymakeup.
I justletitcomeoff.
Um, yes, thisis I don't know, I kindoflike, justlike I only I sortofneverdomakeup, upuphere.
I havesortof a weirdroundface.
Soit's like I likemakingmyeyeslikethisveryintensewiththisjustinhereand, like, reallyinthere.
Andthen I justlike, don't doanythingontop.
Andthen I don't usuallyusemascarabecause I lookkindofdumbwithmascaraon.
But, like, I likethebluemascara.
I don't knowwhat I shoulddoitthrough, right?
I willbe, Yes, creativedecision.
Soyeah, I'lldooneandthenwecanseewhichonelooksbetter, I guess.
Yes, heisbetterwithoutit's thiscase.
Look, I thinkit's moreedgywithoutit.
Yeah, Yeah.
Mascaradoesn't Somepeopledon't lookintomascara.
I'm oneofthem.
I don't usuallyputstuffundermyeyes.
I likehavingbagsundermyeyeslike I like, I likewecankindoflikescary, sir.
Sosometimes I justsortoflike, doComeon.
And I'm like, like a scarylooks.
Yes, thatsoundslikeanedgy e likehowitlooksdemonicmaywelldoanother.
I reallyliketheKardashiansmakeup.
I justlikethelook.
I mean, it's likeobviouslysomeNeanderthallikebeinglikewhereyoujustlikethebigeyesandthelipsandthecontouring, Butitdoesn't lookgoodonme, so I can't doit.
But I alsoreallylikesomeBollywoodmakeup.
That's probablymyfavorite.
Likethegirlinthemovie, Devdasjusthastheprettiestmakeupbecauseit's just a bigeyes.
I learnedespeciallylikeinhere.
I usuallytakethingsmorelikePatMcGrathstuff, butthisiskindoflikenotshinylipstick.
So I justkindoflike, Yeah, itjustkindofstainsyourlipsanditsortofmakesthelipliner.
Makestheliplinermakesitalllooklikeonething I likethelookoflikebeingpretty, butlikeravagedbywar, like a character, evenmetalgearthreeorsomething.
I don't knowifanyoneknowswhat I'm talkingabout, like a bitsortofpretty, butlikeinthegameone.
Lastthing I'd liketodoistake a bitofshinystuff e thinkmightbeclashingwiththered, butwhateverpicksupthelightlookscool.
I shouldprobablyshoulddolooksforalbums, but I justdon't havethelike, I'm too.
I justliketodoitdaybyday.
Look, I looklikejustfivecreativelylike I'm notgonnalikechoosing a look.
It's stickingtoit.
Butthereis, like a notablelackcontinuityinmylook, whichit's arguably a problem.
Oh, I alsoreallylikejusttakingglitter.
Actually, I don't haveithere, but I likethestuffcalledbioglitzbecauseit's like, um, biodegradable.
Sothere's nokindofrepercussions, but I liketoputitinmyheartandthen, like, mhm, I don't know, justdumpitonmyself, really.
E do a lotof, like, paintinganddrawing.
Andso I'd liketojustkindoflike, youknow, if I have a showorsomething.
No, a littlehardonhere, but, youknow, just, like, sortofdrawthingsonlike, um, let's see.
Okay, thingsmightbecrazylike I'm goingto a partyorsomething.
I justliketolike e o e Tried, like, nevertouchtheline, butnottoonormal.
Yeah, I'lldefinitelyletmykidusemakeup.
I'lldefinitelymykidlike, dyetheirhairlike I remembermyparentsleave, Letmedyemyhair.
And I waslikethisAndthen I slowlybleacheditlikeoveroveryears, like I wouldgetslightlylighter, slightlylighterandjustpretendmyhairwasgettingnaturalbleachedbythesun, andmyparentswerelike, It's yourhairgettinglighterandeverything.
I don't know.
I don't knowyou'retalkingaboutAndthenfinallytheywerejustlikeyou'rebleaching.
I diedinblack, andso I wasgonnalike I waslike, Okay, I'm gonnadoonefinalbleachandjustbleachthebottommyhairand I'm gonnahave a beautifulColiseehairandit's gonnabeamazing.