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- [Voiceover] Jayden.
- Huh?
- [Voiceover] Who made the mess?
(child mumbles)
- [Voiceover] Billy did?
Come here, I wanna talk to you.
- [Voiceover] Where you throwing stuff over the side?
(child mumbles)
- [Voiceover] Nice!
- [Voiceover] It's sugar, you know that right?
(child laughs)
- [Voiceover] Justin! What are ya doing?
- [Voiceover] Mommy's gonna be very upset.
- [Child] At me?
- [Voiceover] Yeah, at you.
Look what you guys did!
- [Voiceover] Ally, what did you do?
- [Voiceover] What did you guys do?
- [Child] I didn't do anything.
I didn't do it.
- [Voiceover] Why did you let her do that to you?
- I didn't see her.
- [Voiceover] You... (laughs)
- [Voiceover] What are you doing?
- [Voiceover] Hayden, what happened to you?
What were you doing?
- I don't--
- [Voiceover] You don't know?
- [Voiceover] What are you doing?
- [Child] Playing with the toilet.
- [Voiceover] What are you doing to Addison?
- Uuuh...
- [Voiceover] Uh uh.
What did you do with your stickers, Brayden?
(Brayden cries in response)
(upbeat playful music)