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  • hello world how's it going guys it's the travel day

    你好,世界怎麼樣,伙計們,這是 旅行日

  • good job it's gonna be our longest travel day yet we're saying goodbye to I

    做得好,這將是我們最長的 出差一天,但我們要告別我

  • guess sort of central Argentina and heading down to Patagonia yeah coastal

    猜測阿根廷中部和 前往巴塔哥尼亞,是沿海

  • Argentina and we're heading down to Patagonia our very first time at

    阿根廷,我們正朝著 巴塔哥尼亞我們第一次來

  • Patagonia yep um so we are leaving Mar Del Plata behind and we're getting on

    是巴塔哥尼亞,所以我們要走了 Mar Del Plata在後面,我們在前進

  • a 16 or 17 hour bus yeah traveling to Puerto Madryn what commodity yeah so yeah we're gonna

    是16或17個小時的巴士, 馬德林港是什麼商品,是的,我們要

  • be showing you the journey the journey so the bus leaves at 8:00 p.m. and

    向您展示旅程旅程 所以巴士在晚上8:00出發,

  • doesn't arrive until the following day at 1:00 p.m. oh it's gonna be an

    直到第二天才到達 在1:00 pm哦,它將是

  • overnight bus fully get a good night's sleep but in the meantime let's give you

    過夜巴士完全可以度過一個美好的夜晚 睡覺,但同時讓我們給你

  • an apartment tour of our place here so Sam is going to give us the Grand Tour

    我們在這裡的公寓之旅 山姆要給我們帶來大巡迴演唱會

  • and the best part of the apartment is actually the balcony so yeah we have a

    而最好的部分是 其實陽台,是的,我們有一個

  • terrace around the eighth floors yes we are on the eighth floor

    八樓的露台是的,我們 在八樓

  • we're right in the heart of the downtown area of the city which was like an

    我們就在市中心 城市的區域就像一個

  • incredible location if you're considering staying here I'd recommend

    位置優越,如果您 考慮住在這裡,我建議

  • this area there's lots of great restaurants you're like what five minute

    這個地區有很多很棒的地方 五分鐘你喜歡的餐廳

  • walk away from the beach yeah I mean the location could have been better and the

    從海灘走開是的,我的意思是 位置本來可以更好,

  • views were fantastic let me show you the news who views well lots of tall

    風景很棒,讓我向您展示 誰看到很多高個子的新聞

  • buildings we can't actually see the water yeah what'd I say fantastic views

    我們實際上看不到的建築物 水,是的,我怎麼說

  • I mean is good for people watching people watching we didn't we didn't have

    我的意思是對觀看的人有好處 人們看著我們沒有我們沒有

  • use of it there you go and we had a barbecue that we didn't use they did

    使用它,你去了,我們有一個 我們沒有用過的燒烤

  • have an asado we did her laundry we hung up her clothes yeah

    有一個asado,我們洗了衣服,我們掛了 穿上她的衣服

  • there's lots of cheers okay tea we had dinner here uh-huh so let's start

    我們喝了很多歡呼好茶 晚餐在這裡,嗯,讓我們開始吧

  • turning on light if you got to do that it's bright enough okay it's the daytime

    如果需要的話,打開燈 足夠明亮了,是白天

  • Sam just finished washing all the dishes thank you we try to do that whenever we

    山姆剛洗完所有盤子 謝謝您,只要我們

  • see an air B&B we like to keep it keep it tidy so what we ended up doing was

    看到我們希望保留的住宿加早餐旅館 它很整潔,所以我們最終要做的是

  • buying one of these six liters of water at the water and I gave us the drinking

    買這六公升水之一 在水邊,我給了我們喝水

  • water you know what I said drink tap water here you know that this area was

    水你知道我說喝水龍頭 這裡的水,你知道這個地區是

  • perfect it had everything we needed inside it here we had wine boxes we had

    完美,它擁有我們需要的一切 在裡面,我們有酒盒

  • cups we had a whole bunch of other things which we didn't utilize we didn't

    我們有一大堆其他杯子 我們沒有利用的東西我們沒有

  • use a stove at all yeah we didn't cook basically so we basically that's all you

    都用爐子,是的,我們沒做飯 基本上,所以我們基本上就這些

  • need - not very fruit we had one that was basically what we did so coming here

    需要-不是很水果,我們有一個 基本上就是我們這樣做的目的

  • this is office this is our office slash dining area and all of our work here

    這是辦公室這是我們的辦公室斜線 用餐區和我們在這裡的所有工作

  • couch you know these are beds actually technically beds so perfectly they're

    沙發,你知道這些實際上是床 從技術上講,床太完美了

  • futons yeah and there's another one underneath

    蒲團 是的,下面還有另一個

  • so technically you can fit up to five people in here but it was just the two

    所以從技術上講,您最多可以容納五個 人們在這裡,但這只是兩個

  • of us yeah it would be a bit tight if it were you know five again luggage yeah we

    對我們來說,如果它會有點緊 你又知道五個行李嗎,是的,我們

  • had a TV in her bedroom there's also one in the living room yeah utilize any of

    她的臥室裡有一台電視,還有一個 在客廳裡,利用任何

  • them you know we've got Netflix watch Netflix the thing that I loved about

    他們,你知道我們有Netflix的手錶 Netflix我最喜歡的東西

  • this place in particular was that amazing Wi-Fi blazing fast huh so we're

    這個地方特別是 令人驚嘆的Wi-Fi快速創新,所以我們

  • able to do some pop loads we were able to get a copper emails so as much as we

    能夠做一些我們能夠做到的流行音樂 得到盡可能多的銅質電子郵件

  • enjoyed being here it's also great for work too and the only other place for me

    喜歡在這裡也很適合 我也是唯一的工作場所

  • to show you is the bathroom the bathroom the bathroom you know what it's a tight

    告訴你是衛生間衛生間 洗手間你知道這很緊

  • bathroom but you get the idea sink toilet bidet shower so overall I

    洗手間,但你明白了 水槽廁所坐浴盆淋浴總的來說我

  • mean this place had everything that we needed it had a good location it had

    意味著這個地方擁有我們所擁有的一切 需要它有一個好的位置

  • great Wi-Fi it was clean it was I mean it's a little bit noisy but I mean this

    很棒的無線網絡很乾淨這是我的意思 有點吵,但是我的意思是

  • is this is also where there's Lawson yeah right downtown but you know what

    這也是勞森的地方 是的,就在市中心,但是你知道嗎

  • like you just get used to it you kind kind of you just fall asleep and it's

    就像你剛習慣那樣 就像你剛睡著了

  • kind of like white noise after one we enjoyed this place and now it's time to

    像我們一個人之後的白噪聲 享受這個地方,現在是時候

  • get going it is time to get going we better finish packing we made it to the

    走了,是時候走了,我們 更好的完成包裝,我們做到了

  • bus terminal which is also the train station yeah mm5 station

    公共汽車總站也是火車 是的,mm5站

  • it's not huge it has everything you need like this piece here we actually had a

    它並不龐大,它擁有您所需的一切 像這裡的一塊,我們實際上有一個

  • breakfast here when we first arrived yeah

    我們剛到的時候在這裡吃早餐 是的

  • and so yeah we're back again trying to decide what we're gonna have this is

    所以是的,我們再次嘗試 決定我們要擁有的是

  • basically gonna be a big meal of the day because the bus just gives you a little

    基本上會成為一天的大餐 因為公車只給你一點

  • snack before you sleep at night looking at sandwich crackers so probably gonna

    零食,晚上睡覺前看 在三明治餅乾,所以可能會

  • get something somewhat substantial yeah and we also have fruits in this bag

    得到一些實質性的東西 這個包裡也有水果

  • let's not forget that that's tomorrow's breakfast oh okay okay oh we got lemon

    讓我們不要忘記那是明天的 早餐哦好吧好吧哦我們有檸檬

  • pie so we need to hold off until the

    餡餅 所以我們需要等到

  • Milanese yes we got the milanesa napolitana p.m.

    米蘭人 是的,我們有milanesa napolitana pm

  • cheese and tomato and me while I'm eating bread with me because that's

    奶酪和番茄,還有我 和我一起吃麵包,因為那是

  • something that I picked up here check that out that's a bad boy B stuff you

    我在這裡撿到的東西 那是個壞男孩

  • can see that you have some as well you have the tail of that because we have

    可以看到你也有一些 有它的尾巴,因為我們有

  • the pie to share maybe this would be perfect we get one savory and once we

    分享的餡餅可能是 完美,我們得到一份美味,一旦我們

  • think excellent let's dig on in the Golan so this is basically a breaded

    認為很棒,讓我們深入探討 戈蘭,所以這基本上是麵包

  • cutlet kind of like a schnitzel with ham cheese tomato sauce oregano

    炸肉排有點像火腿炸肉排 奶酪番茄醬牛至

  • it's good stuff no the voted with this one I was feeling

    這是好東西 沒有我感覺到的投票

  • a bit iffy about ordering you know a hot meal at a bus terminal but I'm glad it

    關於訂購的事情有些昧 在巴士總站用餐,但我很高興

  • turned out well this place is actually pretty good I mean we ain't breakfast

    事實證明,這個地方實際上是 很好,我是說我們不吃早餐

  • here we had a nice meal and so far this has been really good so I mean after

    在這裡我們吃了一頓美餐,到目前為止 一直很好,所以我的意思是

  • coming here you have some time to kill it's good to know that this bus station

    來到這裡,你有時間消磨 很高興知道這個汽車站

  • has a good restaurant here yes and the waiters been super friendly he's been

    這裡有一家不錯的餐廳,是的 服務員超級友好,他去過

  • practicing his English a bit with us and you've been practicing your Spanish in

    和我們一起練習英語 你一直在練習西班牙語

  • communication I'm returning that the conversation is

    通訊 我返回的是對話

  • better so and time for dessert we got a lemon pine

    更好的時間和甜點的時間,我們得到了 檸檬松

  • yeah to share has tons of meringue


  • yeah that's this Audry's portion was also this that's mine

    是的,這就是Audry的部分 這也是我的

  • portions are huge here good


  • Oh how long have we been here oh my gosh so we left the apartment just shortly

    哦,我們在這裡待了多久哦,天哪 所以我們剛離開公寓

  • after 3:00 probably got here like 3 20 inch it is now more than 1/2 hours we

    3:00之後大概是3 20 英寸,現在已經超過1/2小時

  • still have another hour to go yeah we have another hour to go same spot they

    還有一個小時要走,是的,我們 還有一個小時去同一地點

  • haven't kicked us out yeah the same spot this has been awesome we've been able to

    還沒把我們趕出去 這已經很棒了,我們已經能夠

  • do some work they have Wi-Fi here we had a nice lunch over the big con leche

    做一些工作,他們在這裡有Wi-Fi 在大巧克力蛋糕上享用午餐

  • which is know so I thought I'd talk a little bit about Mar del Plata I mean we

    這是知道的,所以我想我會說 關於馬德普拉塔的一點我的意思是我們

  • really enjoyed this very food first of all was fantastic the first two days we

    首先真的很喜歡這種食物 前兩天我們都很棒

  • had here yeah then we take three more days to kind of sightsee really I think

    在這裡,是的,然後我們再拿三個 幾天來觀光真的我認為

  • this is definitely like a weekend destination we come here on a Friday

    這絕對像一個週末 目的地,我們星期五來這裡

  • night leave on a Sunday or Monday and see what there is to see within the city

    週日或週一晚上請假, 看看城市裡有什麼

  • now I'd recommend coming during a festival there's a lot of festivals and

    現在,我建議您在 節日有很多節日

  • events being held in Mar del Plata look there's like music or a food festival or

    在馬德普拉塔舉行的活動看 有音樂或美食節,

  • something of that nature definitely come during that time also in

    那種性質的東西 肯定在那個時候來

  • the summer it's really busy on the beach I mean the waters are icy good so if you

    夏天在海灘上真的很忙 我的意思是水域冰冷,所以如果你

  • want to work on your tan yes you can enjoy the beach but if you actually want

    想在棕褐色上工作嗎,可以 享受海灘,但如果你真的想要

  • to swim I don't suggest that highly there's really good restaurants

    游泳我不建議 那裡真的有很好的餐廳

  • we had fantastic seafood we had awesome parrilla we had what was at the cafe we

    我們吃了很棒的海鮮我們吃了很棒 parrilla我們在咖啡廳吃了什麼

  • went to for the two rooms oh yeah no so we very well in the city

    去了兩個房間 哦,是的,所以我們在這個城市非常好

  • so yeah I do recommend coming here there isn't like one particular attraction

    所以是的,我建議您來這裡 不像一個特別的吸引力

  • that you would come here to visit like that that's like a magnet it's just the

    你會來這裡參觀像 就像磁鐵一樣,

  • experience of being by the water walking along the coast enjoying the beach five

    在水上行走的經歷 沿著海岸享受海灘五

  • nights was enough for us we had a lot of work to catch up on and our apartment a

    晚上對我們來說足夠了 工作趕上我們的公寓

  • good internet but yeah if you could crunched for time three or three nights

    良好的互聯網,但如果可以的話 忙著三三個晚上的時間

  • would be plenty all right guys before we forget we thought we've mentioned the

    好多傢伙,在我們之前 忘了我們以為我們已經提到了

  • money matters so first the price of our Airbnb in Mar

    錢很重要 首先是我們3月份的Airbnb價格

  • del Plata okay so that was $45 per night 45 US

    德爾普拉塔 好吧,那是每晚45美元45美國

  • dollars we got a little bit of a discount yes

    美元,我們得到了一點 折扣是

  • yeah peak season too so and we had some Airbnb credit so it was actually free

    是的,也是旺季,我們有一些 Airbnb信用,因此實際上是免費的

  • yeah you gotta love that


  • yes

  • mm hundred and thirty-four pesos per person

    毫米 每人一百三十三比索

  • okay which would be 64 US dollars yeah for

    好的 那是64美元,是的

  • for a long bus ride it is a long bus ride I'm really hoping we can get it we

    對於長途巴士來說,這是很長的巴士 我真的很希望我們能得到它

  • can get camera for our next really big trip so guys something to keep in mind

    可以為我們的下一個非常大的相機買單 旅途,所以伙計們要記住

  • and this is a travel tip for Argentina's if you're traveling in peak season like

    這是阿根廷的旅行提示 如果您在高峰季節旅行,例如

  • we are right now is Argentina summer if you could have oh my gosh I'm like

    我們現在是阿根廷夏天,如果 你可以擁有我的天哪

  • folding leverage traveling and peak season if you can book ahead try to book

    折疊槓桿旅行和高峰 如果可以提前預訂,請嘗試預訂

  • gamma which means Ben yeah or VIP yes we're going semi gamma which are kind of

    gamma,表示Ben yeah或VIP是 我們要使用半伽瑪

  • like yeah I think there was even one above camera it's like a super cama or

    就像是的,我想甚至有一個 在相機上方,就像超級相機

  • it's like ejectivo or something Thank You diva they have a fever

    這就像ejectivo之類的東西 你天哪,他們發燒了

  • yeah so I would paid extra money to have those super comfortable seats that

    是的,所以我會多付一些錢 那些超級舒適的座椅

  • recline all the way back you get a hot meal you get extra service there's

    一直往後傾斜你會很熱 餐,你得到額外的服務

  • nobody really sitting next to you know even on these like cheapo tickets they

    沒有人真正坐在你旁邊 即使在這些像cheapo的票上,他們

  • still give you whiskey yes I know it's like the knockout blow before you go to

    還給你威士忌,是的,我知道 就像去之前的淘汰賽打擊

  • bed

  • yes it looks as we have look maybe a muffin huh

    是的,看起來就像我們看到的那樣 鬆餅吧

  • tiny sandwich with cheese this looks like bread with cheese on top maybe

    小小的奶酪三明治,看起來 像是上面放著奶酪的麵包

  • that's like a pizza cheese pizza maybe watch one movie for falsely from

    就像披薩芝士披薩 看一部電影是從

  • midnight and sleep for like six seven eight hours would be amazing for the

    午夜睡六點七點 八個小時對於

  • time was a couple hours ago oh no it's a long ride

    時間是幾個小時前 哦,不,這是一個漫長的旅程

  • yeah it's starting to feel chip starting to feel longer to arriving yes

    是的,它開始感覺芯片開始了 感到更長的時間到達是

  • structural engineer League happiness lunch a shower I need a shower before I

    結構工程師聯賽幸福 午餐洗個澡我需要洗個澡

  • should do


  • well guys we made it with a two hour delay we've arrived in what the Marvin

    好傢伙,我們花了兩個小時 延遲我們到達馬文

  • we are here my long journey hello feel disoriented even though I

    我們在這裡我的漫長旅程 你好,儘管我感到迷失方向

  • slept well it's just one of those things when you've been out of pasta for such a

    睡得很好這只是其中之一 當你已經離開意大利面了這麼一個

  • long time I mean we were there 18 18 19 hours on the bus yeah we're

    很長時間我的意思是我們在那裡 18 18 19個小時在巴士上,是的

  • exhausted we're getting some lunch at the bus terminal Puerto Madryn yeah

    精疲力盡,我們在 巴士總站馬德林港

  • just something light something light we gotta go jump or stuff up at the hotel

    只是點東西,點點光,我們 必須去旅館跳東西

  • yeah I go check-in organize some tours for the rest of our stay so it's like

    是的,我去辦理登機手續組織一些旅行團 在我們剩下的住宿中,就像

  • super excited to be here yes yes we are pumped we're just so tired and we need

    很高興來到這裡是的,我們是 抽水,我們太累了,我們需要

  • showers but yeah what are you trying - we got the ham and cheese variety let's

    洗個澡,是的,你在想什麼- 我們有火腿和奶酪品種,讓我們

  • see how those are I'm so thirsty Wow nice no good stuff maybe a pastry

    看看我好渴 哇,不錯,沒有好東西,可能是糕點

  • later there's gonna be a carb overload day

    以後會有碳水化合物超載 天

  • our activities for the next few days in peninsula valdes are all booked up yeah

    我們接下來幾天的活動 半島瓦爾德斯都被預訂了

  • I'm gonna be staying in an eco-lodge we're gonna be going to an estancia

    我要住在生態旅館裡 我們將要去一個estancia

  • we're gonna be seeing some penguins up close and personal do some hiking by a

    我們將會看到一些企鵝 親密和私人做一些徒步旅行

  • key Cindy fantastic it go all set so we found a pizza place that is serving

    關鍵Cindy很棒,一切順利,所以我們 找到了一個披薩店

  • pieces for 50% off between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. which is like CF hours for typical

    4:00至8:00之間可享受50%的折扣 下午,就像典型的CF小時

  • time don't need at this time of day so yeah it's great feeling really pumped

    時間不需要在一天中的這個時間,所以 是的,感覺真的很棒

  • actually just going for a walk and being on the Sun always revives you have to a

    其實只是去散散步 在太陽上總是會復興你必須

  • long bus trip you know this is kind of in a haze for a while so hopefully some

    長時間的公車旅行,你知道這是一種 陰霾了一段時間,所以希望一些

  • food some wine will make it feel really good and while we were talking about her

    吃一些葡萄酒會使它感覺真的 很好,而我們在談論她時

  • plans for the next few days the wine arrived one July he went for most

    計劃未來幾天的葡萄酒 到了七月,他去了最多的地方

  • Brussels faster Mendoza ahh can't go wrong with a Malbec and

    布魯塞爾快門多薩 啊,馬爾貝克絕對不會出錯,

  • they always what's cool is it always pour you a little bit to make sure that

    他們總是很酷,總是 倒一點,以確保

  • the bottle is okay and yeah it still work here nothing like a glass of wine

    瓶子還可以,而且還可以 在這里工作就像一杯酒

  • is the food after being on the bus for like 18 19 hours getting out of the

    是公車上的食物 例如18 19小時

  • whole zombie mode here our pizza has arrived we did half and half so the

    整個殭屍模式,我們的披薩 到達我們做了一半,所以

  • theme is from the scene so check this out just

    主題是 從現場,所以檢查一下

  • tons of shrimp on this one yeah we got you some prawns and on the other side

    噸蝦,是的,我們得到了 你一些蝦,另一邊

  • it's anchovies green olives yeah those are these come with lots of mozzarella

    是鳳尾魚綠橄欖是的 這些有很多馬蘇里拉奶酪嗎

  • and I'm excited for mine like mine is just it's really chilly

    我為我的興奮而激動 真的很冷

  • nice and salty is it speech is incredible nice and salty but copious

    很好吃又鹹 令人難以置信的美味和鹹,但豐富

  • amounts of Keats see Regan Oh sprinkle on really salty nice thin kind of

    數量的濟慈見雷根哦灑 真的很咸很稀

  • buttery crust I know just enough tomato sauce it's a really good pizza all right

    黃油皮,我知道剛夠番茄 醬這是一個非常好的披薩

  • time for you to try that shrimp pizza I wasn't sure I wanted eats again because

    是時候讓你嘗試蝦皮比薩了 不確定我是否想再吃一次,因為

  • we've been eating so much in here it's so good

    我們在這裡吃了很多東西 這麼好

  • nice to be having a tasters of the seed


  • so we're having a giant ice cream this is supposed to be for me but Audrey's

    所以我們要一個巨大的冰淇淋 應該是我的,但奧黛麗的

  • eating it all like a good way put it hopefully arisen yeah yeah it's good

    像吃它一樣好吃 希望出現是的,很好

hello world how's it going guys it's the travel day

你好,世界怎麼樣,伙計們,這是 旅行日

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