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  • What most of us long for above all else is 'security', the sense that we areat

    我們大多數人最渴望的是 "安全感",即我們在

  • lastsafe on the earth. We pin our hopes for security on a shifting array of targets:


  • a happy relationship, a house, children, a good profession, public respect, a certain


  • sum of moneyWhen these are ours, we fervently believe, we will finally be at peace. We may


  • mock the term 'happily ever after,' synonymous as it is with naive children's literature

    嘲笑 "幸福生活 "這個詞是幼稚的兒童文學的代名詞。

  • but in practice, we do indeed tend to live as if we could one day, somewhere over the


  • horizon, reach a place of rest, satisfaction and safety. It's therefore worth trying


  • to understand why happiness 'ever after' should be congenitally so impossible. It isn't

    來理解為什麼幸福的 "永遠 "應該是先天性的如此不可能。這不是

  • that we can't ever have a good relationship, a house or a pension. We may well have all

    我們不可能有一個良好的關係, 房子或養老金。我們很可能擁有

  • thisand more. It's simply that these won't be able to deliver what we hope for


  • from them. We will still worry in the arms of a kind and interesting partner, we will


  • still fret in a well-appointed kitchen, our terrors won't cease whatever income we have.


  • It sounds implausibleespecially when these goods are still far out of our grasp


  • but we should trust this fundamental truth in order to make an honest peace with the

    - 但我們應該相信這個基本的事實,以使一個誠實的和平與。

  • forbidding facts of the human condition. We can never properly be secure, because so long


  • as we are alive, we will be alert to danger and in some way at risk. The only people with


  • full security are the dead; the only people who can be truly at peace are under the ground;


  • cemeteries are the only definitively calm places around. There is a certain nobility


  • in coming to accept this factand the unending nature of worry in our lives. We


  • should both recognise the intensity of our desire for a happy endpoint and at the same


  • time acknowledge the inbuilt reasons why it cannot be ours. We should give up on The Arrival

    是時候承認為什麼它不能屬於我們的內在原因了。我們應該放棄 "到達 "這個詞

  • Fallacy, the conviction that there might be such a thing as a destination, in the sense


  • of a stable position beyond which we will no longer suffer, crave and dread. The feeling


  • that there must be such a point of arrival begins in childhood, with a longing for certain


  • toys; then the destination shifts, perhaps to love, or career. Other popular destinations


  • include Children and Family, Fame; Retirement or (even) After the Novel is Published. It


  • isn't that these places don't exist. It's just that they aren't places that we can

    並不是說這些地方不存在。只是它們不是我們可以... ...

  • pull up at, settle in, feel adequately sheltered by and never want to leave again. None of


  • these zones will afford us a sense that we have properly arrived. We will soon enough


  • discover threats and restlessness anew. One response is to imagine that we may be craving


  • the wrong things, that we should look elsewhere, perhaps to something more esoteric or high-minded:


  • philosophy or beauty, community or Art. But that is just as illusory. It doesn't matter


  • what goals we have: they will never be enough. Life is a process of replacing one anxiety


  • and one desire with another. No goal spares us renewed goal seeking. The only stable element


  • in our lives is craving: the only destination is the journey. What are the implications


  • of fully accepting the Arrival Fallacy? We may still have ambitions, but we'll have

    的完全接受 "到達謬誤"?我們可能還有雄心壯志,但我們會有。

  • a certain ironic detachment about what is likely to happen when we fulfill them. We'll


  • know the itch will start up again soon enough. Knowing the Arrival Fallacy, we'll be subject

    知道癢癢很快又會開始。知道了 "到達謬誤",我們就會受到。

  • to illusion, but at least aware of the fact. When we watch others striving, we may experience


  • slightly less envy. It may look as if certain others have reached 'there'. But we know


  • they are still longing and worrying in the mansions of the rich and the suites of CEOs.


  • We should naturally try to give the journey more attention: we should look out of the


  • window and appreciate the view whenever we can. But we should also understand why this


  • can only ever be a partial solution. Our longing is too powerful a force. The greatest wisdom


  • we're capable of is to know why true wisdom won't be fully possibleand instead


  • pride ourselves on having at least a slight oversight on our madness. We can accept the


  • ceaselessness of certain anxieties and rather than aim for a yogic calm state, serenely


  • accept that we will never be definitely calm. Our goal should not be to banish anxiety but


  • to learn to manage, live well around andwhen we canheartily laugh at, our anxious


  • longing state.


  • Our calm book can educate us in the art of remaining calm.


  • Not through slow breathing or special teas but through thinking.


What most of us long for above all else is 'security', the sense that we areat

我們大多數人最渴望的是 "安全感",即我們在

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