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  • Hey guys!


  • I am off to the movie premier that I mentioned in a vlog

    我現在要去參加在視頻博客裡 提到的電影首映會

  • A couple vlogs back, the one with Taylor where we're shopping


  • I went out and bought these fancy clothes


  • I figured since it's a premier I should dress somewhat fancy

    因為是首映會 所以我想應該要穿得華麗一點

  • and I don't own anything fancy


  • I got this suit-ish pants set


  • In case you were wondering why I'm going to a movie premier


  • It's because of my new job here


  • Which I have been waiting to tell you guys about


  • I was waiting to get permission to use photos that I had taken while I was working


  • So I could put them in this video and show you guys the type of stuff that I do

    好讓我能放在視頻裡 讓你們看看我工作的內容

  • But unfortunately I wasn't able to get permission to post those


  • because they show other people in them that I'm not allowed to show publicly

    因為裡頭拍到了其他人 所以我不可以公開那些照片

  • To explain my job, I work on movie sets

    簡單來說 我在電影片場工作

  • coaching the actors with their English


  • I coach Japanese actors


  • So if they are part of a movie where they have any English lines


  • I will help them so that their English sounds natural

    我會幫他們 確保他們的英語聽起來自然

  • and so they look natural when they're speaking it


  • So hang gestures and stuff that we use that they're not familiar with in Japan

    像是我們使用的手勢 在日本不是很普遍

  • I get to work with lots of very talented actors and actresses


  • Not to mention directors and producers


  • I've gotten to meet so many amazing people and it's been such a great experience for me

    我遇見了很多很厲害的人 這是很棒的經驗

  • This is the first job I've done in Japan that I've really enjoyed


  • It's been a big learning experience because I don't know anything about film

    這是很棒的學習經驗 因為我對電影一竅不通

  • I'm a Youtuber, but that does not mean that I know anything about professional film

    我雖然是YouTuber 但這不代表我懂專業的製片

  • I never studied it and it's all just been completely new to me

    我沒學過 一切都是那麼的陌生

  • But it's been really cool to be thrown into that environment


  • and I've learned a lot


  • So I'm very thankful for this opportunity and I'm so excited that I get to do this

    能有這樣的機會我非常感激 這份工作讓我很興奮

  • Other than coaching the actors with their English lines


  • I also translate the script


  • So I will get the script sent to me from the director


  • and I will translate the lines that they would like into English


  • From Japanese to English


  • And then we'll go back and forth and work together


  • to make sure it's got the same nuance that they were originally picturing in their mind


  • So that's a lot of work, that's a long process

    那很多工 是個漫長的過程

  • I'll translate it how I think would sound good


  • But then I'll send it back to the director

    但寄給導演後 他們會說

  • and they'll be like "Oh that's not really what I was going for in this scene"


  • "Could you try to change it up to sound a little more like this?"


  • We'll go back and forth and we'll edit it a lot


  • And then I will have lessons with the actors and actresses


  • and we will practice those lines together


  • During the whole practicing process the lines will get changed several times

    整個練習過程中 台詞會經過多次修改

  • The director will decide to cut them, shorten them, or change them up a little bit


  • So it can be very stressful


  • It's not like we get a set of lines and it's definitely gonna be those lines

    不是說有一組台詞 然後呈現時就是那樣

  • They do get changed up a lot


  • But it's really been interesting and eye opening to see all the work


  • that goes into making a movie behind the scenes


  • Because now when I watch a movie I'm always picturing like


  • Oh wow, I wonder how long it took them to film this scene

    哇 不知道這一幕花了多少時間拍

  • Or, I wonder how many times they have to refilm it from different angles

    或者 這不同的角度的呈現法 不知道要重拍幾次

  • Because when I'm on the set I get to see everything that goes into filming each shot


  • And sometimes we will spend at entire 12 hour day filming one scene


  • They'll retake it so many times


  • So it's really amazing to see how much work goes into it

    放入那麼多心血 真的很厲害

  • So now watching a movie isn't really the same experience that it used to be


  • Because I'll always be thinking about those kind of things


  • But it's really cool, and I think I'm very lucky to be able to know all that behind the scenes stuff

    但真的很酷 我覺得自己能知道 幕後的運作真的非常幸運

  • I'm really really enjoying it


  • And I cannot wait to go to the premier tonight!


  • This will be my first premier


  • So it'll be the first time I get to watch a movie that I worked on myself


  • and my name will be in the credits


  • So I gotta sit to the very end because I'm sure it's down in the corner somewhere at the end

    我要坐到最後 我的名字一定在最後出現的某個角落

  • But that'll be really cool


  • I can't wait to see that


  • So I'm not allowed to tell you guys what projects I'm working on while I'm doing them


  • because I have to wait until the movie has been announced for release


  • I can tell you about this one because the movie will be coming out soon

    但我可以告訴你們這一部 因為就快要上映了

  • It's called TERRAFORMARS, it's based on a manga

    片名是《TERRA FORMARS》(火星異種) 由漫畫改編

  • I'll put a picture of the manga here, maybe you guys are familiar with it

    我會把漫畫的圖放在這邊 或許你們會知道

  • If you are let me know, that would be cool

    如果你知道這部作品的話 那就太好了

  • The actor that I worked with on this project was Yamashita Tomohisa


  • If you are a Johnny's fan you probably know him as Yamapi

    如果你是J家飯 或許會叫他“山P”

  • He's a very famous singer and now actor

    他是非常有名的歌手 也是演員

  • He was just the greatest person in the world to work with


  • It was very weird at first


  • When I was in high school I was a very big Johnny's fan


  • I loved NEWS


  • It was just mind blowing to meet him in person

    能見到他本人簡直太夢幻了 (山下智久2004至2011年時為NEWS成員)

  • But not only meet him in person, he was calling me sensei

    不僅是見到他本人 他還叫我“老師”

  • and it was just really strange


  • But he is the sweetest person in the world


  • He's so professional, so kind, so fun to work with

    即專業、又溫柔 而且和他一起工作很有趣

  • and he's amazing at English


  • So I'm just really looking forward to seeing how his scenes turned out


  • I hope they sound really good


  • I'm just very excited!


  • I'm heading off to there now, and I will talk to you later!

    我現在要出門了 待會兒見!

  • Thank you for waiting out here in this cold weather


  • That makes me very happy


  • You're here to see the movie today right?


  • What you're not!?

    (啊 不是?)

  • I'm just joking


  • Well when you do come to see the movie


  • being a group of friends and have a great time


  • I'm sure you're all happy you got to see Yamapi today, right?

    (今天能看到山P 大家一定都很開心吧?)

  • I'll let Yamashita-kun say a few words


  • Both the cast and the director are amazing


  • I think we created a new style of entertainment with this movie


  • I'm honoured to be a part of it


  • I would love for you all to come watch it


  • Thank you very much


  • After this we will have a photo session with the cast


  • but they will leave the stage for a moment now


  • Please give them a round of applause


  • Alright guys I'm back!


  • It's the day after the premier


  • and I had such a blast!


  • It was so fun getting to see the final product

    能看到最後的成品 感覺太棒了!

  • because all I had seen was the raw footage


  • and when the movie started playing, the first thing that came into my mind was

    電影開始時 我首先想到的是

  • Holy crap! The editing is amazing!


  • Because I remember what the scenes looked like as we were filming them

    因為我記得拍攝時 每場戲的樣子

  • and being able to see them with the sound effects, CG, and music


  • and having them cut up and all the different angles put together


  • It just looked really cool, it was really really neat

    真的太酷了 超級帥的

  • I would've loved to have been able to be there for the editing process


  • because I feel like I could learn a lot from these people


  • But yeah that was the first thing that came into my mind when I was watching it


  • And Yamapi did great with his English, it sounded great

    山P的英語很厲害 聽起來很棒

  • And the movie was really fun, it was really entertaining

    電影很有趣 非常具有娛樂性

  • It was quite long, I think it was 2 hours long

    電影還蠻長的 片長2小時左右

  • I don't wanna give away much about the movie


  • If you guys wanna go see it, please do!

    如果想看的話 請務必捧場!

  • It will be released here in Japan April 29th

    電影4月29日 在日本上映

  • So if you happen to be in Japan, please go see it in the theatres

    如果你剛好在日本的話 請到電影院觀賞

  • and look for my name in the credits!


  • It's kind of easy to spot


  • because 99% of the names are in kanji, and then mines in English

    因為99%的名字都是漢字 而我的名字是用英文寫的

  • So it kinda stands out which was cool

    還蠻顯眼的 很有意思

  • Oh and we got these awesome VIP seats


  • I'll put in a little clip of them right here so you guys can see what I'm talking about

    我會在這裡放上一小段影片 好讓你們看到我在說什麼

  • They were leather and reclining

    座位是皮革的 而且是稍微往後的躺椅

  • And we had these marble places to put our drinks and popcorn


  • It was really cool


  • So I hope you guys now have an idea of what I do for my job


  • When I'm not here on YouTube making videos


  • I was gonna make YouTube my full time thing


  • But when I got the offer for this movie job it was too cool to pass up

    但接到這份工作 放掉太可惜了

  • So I had to take it


  • So I hope you guys will be understanding when I'm a little slow posting videos on my main channel

    希望你們能諒解 如果我在這裡上視頻的速度很慢的話

  • They take a lot of time because I put subtitles on them

    完成一個視頻很費時 因為我會放上字幕

  • and I put a lot of time into editing for these videos


  • But when I'm not posting on this channel, I'm probably posting over on my 2nd channel

    但我不在這裡放視頻時 我大概會在另一個頻道上載東西

  • Because the videos over there are a little more relaxed


  • I don't edit them as heavily and I don't put subtitles on them

    剪輯沒有花這麼多時間 也沒有上字幕

  • So I can get them up the same day that I film them


  • So if you would like more videos from me, please go subscribe over there

    如果想看道更多我的視頻 請去訂閱另一個頻道

  • I usually put out 2-3 a week


  • Every few days or so


  • Yeah, I guess that's it

    嗯 大概就是這樣

  • If you guys have any questions, leave them down below

    如果你們還有什麼問題想問的話 請在下面留言

  • and I'll seeya soon, bye!


Hey guys!


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