Ifyouevercometothisplace, you'llnoticethatthere's a lotof a lotofonepiecefigurinesbecauseforsomereason, asinJapan, hereinChina, onepieceisreallypopular.
I'm actuallythinkingaboutbuyingsomeofthesePokemonfigures, but I alreadyhavesomanyathome, and I really, reallydon't eatmore, buttheyalllooksocool.
Oh, myGod.
I wouldlikebuyingthisash.
I'm gonna I'm gonnaaskhowmuchisit?
Andseeif I'llbuyit.
Ifit's ifit's above 200 I'm notgonnabuyit.
I took a pictureso I canaskthem, butnooneishere, so I'm probablynotgonnaBybytheway, guys, I have a fewofthesethat I boughtfromJapanthat I didn't showyouyet, butit's inmyhome, so I'm gonnashowyouin, like, a Japanhallin, like, threemonthsorsomething, butyeah, I canactuallyshowyouallofmyPokemonfiguresifyouwantto, butyeah, I reallyhave a lotofthem.
I have a tonofPokemonfiguresfrommychildhood.
Okay, guys, I justwanttobeclearaboutonething.
ThismightnotbetheonlyanimeandmangaplaceinBeijing, butwhen I wassearchingontheInternetonvariouswebsites, this'llwastheonlyplacethatwasrecommendedon.
Andifit's ifit's not, theonlyoneisdefinitelythebiggestandthemostfamousone, because, yeah, E.
I mean, it's notthatbig, butit's okay, youknow, thereare a fewdozensofshops, probablysoanyways, guys, I don't knowifyounoticed, butfinally, finally, I'm notscaredtomakevideosinfrontofotherpeople.
I thinkit's a reallycooldesign, but I don't knowifit's worth 50.
Um, e can't reallyseethequality.
And I'm reallyallaboutthatquality.
I'm alsothinkingaboutthat's it.
Yeah, thatboy.
But I'm notsure I'm reallynotsure.
Take a Yoshidrawing.
Yeah, I'm talkingabouttworoombelt.
Alright, guys.
Soatlast, I bought a gameboygame, GameboyAdvancedSPgame.
Now, forsomeofyouguys, itmightseemlike a randomchoicefor a purchase.
Uh, but I gottotellyouguysthatforthoseofyouwhowatchedmyvideosfor a longertime, whodidn't discovermerightnow, um, youknowthat I havebeentryingtogetthisgamewhen I wasinananimeshopinJapanwheretheydidn't haveit.
Andnow, finally, inChina, I finallywasabletobuyit.
Um, it's inJapanese, whichiswhichisawesome.
A t least I'llbeabletopracticewhile I'm playingthegame, whichisgreat.
I'm reallyactuallyhappyforthat.
Thatrightthereis a mangashop.
But I'vebeenhere a fewtimesalready, and I kindofknowthisplace.