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  • Hi.

  • Today, I'm going to talk about the Tep wireless device.

  • Actually, I should say the TEP portable personal WiFi device.

  • It's like a lot of words there.

  • But if you're here, I'm guessing you want to know a little bit more about the device or you've heard about the device.

  • Or you just want some more information about personal WiFi.

  • So basically, what it is is whenever you're traveling and you want some WiFi instead of trying to search for WiFi a cafe or trying to connect to the cities.

  • You know, WiFi.

  • That's super slow.

  • You don't have to worry about any of that because you have your own portable WiFi and you can just connect to your WiFi and you instantly have your own, um, WiFi so that Zatz Why, I hope I explained that good well enough.

  • But that's what I'm having.

  • A personal portable WiFi is.

  • So when you get your device in the mail, it's going to look like this.

  • You're gonna get a box like this.

  • I ordered blues.

  • That's why my cover is blue, and then when you open it, you get a little pouch like this that has your device inside and they give you a USB universal output, which is great, that it's a universal output.

  • So they are thinking about you.

  • They know that you're traveling.

  • They're not exactly sure where you're going, but wherever you're going, they've got you covered.

  • And then you also get the cord for, um to charge it.

  • And so this is what it looks like, how slim it is.

  • I love that it's slim because the last thing I wanna do is have something big and bulky in my bag.

  • So I love how slim the devices, and it's pretty lightweight.

  • I want to say it's almost like the size of the old iPhone.

  • I mean, it's like fits in the palm of my hand.

  • Anyways, that's what it looks like, and it comes in this nice pouch.

  • So I did travel with this and, oh, I also made sure to put this on my carry on, and I did not check this in because they still purpose of having your own wife.

  • I'd be checking your bag and they your bag.

  • It's lost or it's delayed, so I'm definitely, uh, put this in your carry on bag.

  • Once I got the device the first thing I did was I charged it.

  • And then once I charged it, I made, I turned it on, empowered it on to make sure was working.

  • It was working just fine.

  • And then the next thing I did was I downloaded the APP.

  • The app is a good thing toe have because it helps you track how much data using daily and that I will let you know if you're connected or not to the device.

  • So basically, after I powered it, I then packed it.

  • And then when I landed to my destination in Amsterdam Excuse me, I powered it on, and then I went on my cell phone.

  • I looked for the WiFi name and the WiFi name is on the back of your device.

  • And then once I select that, then I put in the password and the password is also on the back of your device.

  • And then you just wait a few minutes for it to connect, and that's it.

  • And then you have your own free personal WiFi, and that's how simple it is to use the device.

  • I will say it took a little bit long.

  • I'm not about it.

  • took a little while to connect up first when I first landed.

  • But that's normal, so just give it some time.

  • Don't get so frustrated.

  • If you look at your app that I'll tell you what percentage is that?

  • So when I turned it on, I kind of wait a little bit out of the But it said it was still trying to connect, and it was like 80%.

  • And then when I finally clinic did it said, it's 100% your connected and then I was good to go.

  • So you might be wondering why I want my own personal portable WiFi.

  • There are several reasons, but the main reason I like to have my own personal WiFi it was because it's actually hard to get good WiFi when you're traveling.

  • I don't particularly like having a find a coffee shop just to get free WiFi.

  • And it's not really free because more often that you have to purchase something in order to use their WiFi because they don't really give you a pass one.

  • Unless if you our dining there or you have purchased something there, I mean, I get it like you don't want everyone just walking in and using your WiFi eso.

  • You know, if I'm traveling and say I'm, for example, at a museum and my next destination is another museum, but it's across town.

  • I want to be able to go on my app.

  • I mean, sorry.

  • Go on my phone, go to Google Maps and have Google maps brought me to my next destination, which, when I was in Amsterdam and we rode public transportation.

  • So the tram was our main transportation.

  • When we're in Amsterdam, and when you put in Google Maps your destination in Amsterdam, it'll show you the nearest tramp.

  • How long it'll take you to the nearest tram and then, you know, obviously about YouTube, the bus stop or the tram stop.

  • And then from there the maps will indicate how many stops until your next destination.

  • And all of this is not accessible unless you're online.

  • I did try to download offline maps thio use offline maps while I was in Amsterdam, and it doesn't work if you're trying to use public transport.

  • If you're trying to wrap public transportation, will maps will not rot it.

  • It'll say you cannot use off one of maps.

  • Thio it says something like Offline maps is not available, uh, to route your destination or something like that.

  • So I obviously was happy that I had my own WiFi because, you know, while while my sister and I were an answer down, we had a huge itinerary, and every day we had multiple destinations that we wanted to check out, and there's no way we would have been ableto see everything if each time we wanted to go to a different location.

  • We had Thio find someone to help us find our destination or have to find the cafe to use the WiFi like it's just it's a lot of extra time that we don't want to spend.

  • Um, you know, looking for y fights or having our own WiFi definitely is a huge time saver.

  • Another thing is that even though cafes and airports and some cities offer public WiFi a lot of times, it doesn't work very well or it doesn't work at all.

  • For example, when we were in Belgium Bruges, the entire city had public WiFi, and I try to connect to it just to see if it would work instead of having to use my data on my portable WiFi.

  • It wasn't working at all.

  • E mean, I kind of figured it wouldn't work.

  • And sure enough, it didn't work.

  • Which then I'm like, Why?

  • Who?

  • Who's actually using it?

  • I mean, does the city even check to make sure it's working?

  • I don't know.

  • I've used city WiFi in Japan before, um, and had a good and it worked a little bit.

  • But the only thing can check was like an email.

  • I wasn't able to pull up maps or anything, so I don't know.

  • I don't really trust public WiFi if it is available, because more often than not, in my experience, it didn't really work.

  • Airport WiFi is hit or miss.

  • Some airports provided great WiFi other airports, but I've been thio e just won't connect.

  • It has trouble connecting or if I finally connected super super slow.

  • So that's annoying, Um, and another reason why I like having my own personal life.

  • I is for situations like when we were in Amsterdam, we were taking the train to Belgium and it was a three hour train ride and there was a layover in between and again.

  • One of the trains did offer free public WiFi and I try to connect to it.

  • Didn't work.

  • So luckily, I had my own affordable WiFi and it was great to help kill Time s.

  • Oh, that was nice toe have on the three hour train ride.

  • When you use the tep device, just make sure that you're keeping track of your data usage.

  • One gig was plenty for me throughout the day because I'm not streaming video.

  • Basically, I'm using it for Google maps checking my emails and also uploading some instagram stories.

  • So that was pretty much what I use.

  • Um, when I travel where I'm like, you know, using the WiFi when I'm around the city.

  • That's how I utilized.

  • Those are the APS that I use on my phone.

  • I think if you start streaming video, you're probably gonna eat up your data really fast.

  • And I don't even know why you wanna be streaming so much video anyways, when you're supposed to be traveling and enjoying the sightseeing anyways, we all have our preferences.

  • But once you do reach your threshold, the you won't lose your connection, but the speed will go down drastically.

  • So just keep that in mind that once you once you reach the threshold which mine was one gig and you can purchase different amounts, um, it'll it'll it'll slow down the speed.

  • So just keep that in mind.

  • And everything to keep in mind is that I noticed that if I connect the device before I leave my hotel, um, it was a little bit faster because it does take some time.

  • I wanted to say five minutes.

  • You sometimes it e think on average, about five minutes to connect s O.

  • I don't want to spend that five minutes while I'm out and I'm trying to find my next destination.

  • I'm trying to pull it go amounts five minutes of the same long, but when you're just standing out there, it kind of seems like an attorney.

  • So my advice is that before you head out of your hotel before you're heading out to your activity, go ahead and turn on power on the device and connect it so that you're good to go once you're out the door.

  • When you purchase a device online, there are or if you are renting the device, there are different options.

  • So it really depends on your travel needs.

  • If you want Thio, purchase the device or rent the device.

  • If you're someone like me who travels often, it's just better to go ahead and purchase advice.

  • But if you're someone that only travels once a year is probably best to just go ahead and rent it anyways.

  • If you go through the options, you'll be ableto judge yourself what the best option is for you.

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