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  • hey guys samuel and audrey here and today  we're showing you around the historic port  


  • town of lunenburg nova scotia this was  the first stop of a road trip along nova  


  • scotia south shore and i don't think we  could have chosen a more picturesque spot  


  • in this video we'll go on a harbour  tour for the best views of lunenburg  


  • we'll learn about the town's fishing heritage with  a visit to the fisheries museum of the atlantic  


  • we'll stumble upon a chandlery overflowing with  trinkets and treasures we'll sip on maple rum and  

    我們偶然發現充滿小裝飾品和寶藏 的雜物房 品嚐楓糖朗姆酒和

  • fruity liqueurs and nova scotia's first micro  distillery will admire the buildings in the  

    果味利口酒,新斯科舍省的第一家微型釀酒廠將欣賞 舊城區

  • old town which are painted in the most cheerful of  colors and a whole lot more so join us as we share  

    的建築物,這些建築物以 最歡快的色彩和更多的顏色上色,因此請加入我們,我們分享

  • some of the best things to do in lunenburg nova  scotia the following is our lunenburg travel guide

    一些最好的事情lunenburg nova s​​cotia以下是我們的lunenburg旅行指南

  • well good morning good morning guys morning  guys welcome to lunenburg canada yeah a place  

    早上好,早上好,早上好,大家早上好,歡迎來到lunenburg canada是的,

  • we've wanted to visit in nova scotia for years  for a very long time this is probably the most  

    我們很多年來一直想在nova s​​cotia訪問 的地方, 這可能是最多的

  • picturesque postcard perfect town maybe  even in all of canada i would say so we  


  • are very excited to be here yeah first full  day we're planning to just wander around  

    很高興來到這裡,是的,這是我們計劃 徒步旅行的

  • on foot check out the museums yeah exactly touring  there's some great seafood local seafood as well  

    第一天,完全是逛逛 博物館,是的,還正好參觀了當地的一些海鮮以及當地的海鮮

  • plenty to do and this is also a great place to  obviously hop on a boat and do some a boat tour  


  • there's also whale watching available so we're  hoping to do it all and we're so pumped to be


  • here


  • of course the first place we visited in lunenburg  was the waterfront after all this is a town with  


  • a big seafaring pass plus we were kind of  drawn in by the sailboats fishing vessels  

    大量航海通行證 的小鎮, 再加上帆船,漁船,

  • tall ships and everything else in between so  we've been having lots of fun wandering along  

    高 桅橫帆船 以及介於兩者之間的所有事物,我們都被

  • here on the waterfront there's just so many  photos to be had everything is so colorful

    吸引了, 所以我們一直在 這裡 游盪 在濱水區,有那麼多照片,一切都變得如此豐富多彩,

  • now normally this would be the part where we'd  present the iconic blue nose too but she wasn't  


  • in port for any non-canadians wondering what  i'm talking about the bluenose appears on our  


  • 10 cent coin and the bluenose 2 is the replica  of this original fishing and racing schooner  

    10一分硬幣和bluenose 2是此原始捕魚和賽車用帆船的複製品,

  • to give you a bit of history the original bluenose  was launched on march 26 1921 in lunenburg she was  


  • designed by william ruiz and built by the smith  and rueland shipyard she was built with a specific  

    由威廉·魯伊斯(william ruiz) 設計,由史密斯和魯德蘭造船廠建造,

  • mission to win the international fisherman's race  this was a race involving working vessels and  

    以贏得國際漁民比賽 的特殊 使命而 建立, 這場比賽涉及在職船隻和

  • fishermen who earned their living on the seas long  story short she earned her first trophy in 1921  


  • and over the next 17 years no challenger would  overtake her this is how she earned the title of  

    在接下來的17年中,沒有任何挑戰者會超越她,她如何贏得 北大西洋女王

  • queen of the north atlantic and landed herself  on our currency but now back to sightseeing

    的稱號 並以我們的貨幣著陸,但現在回到觀光 途中,在路上隨機堆冰,

  • just a random pile of ice here on the  road i'm gonna add a few of these rocks  

    今晚 我要在 威士忌中 加些岩石

  • to my whiskey tonight oh why not it might  taste a little fishy it'll fit in the cup

    哦,為什麼不呢?可能會覺得有點腥,很適合 我們在參觀倫堡新斯科舍省期間發現的最酷

  • one of the coolest finds during our visit to  lunenburg nova scotia was lunenburg chandlery  

    的杯子 之一,是倫堡chandlery

  • sam and i were randomly walking around snapping  photos when we stumbled upon this place selling  


  • all manner of nautical items for ships and  boats it was really the display of boys or  

    各種船舶用航海物品的 地方 ,確實 吸引了我們的注意力的

  • buoys that caught our attention and then we set  foot inside what felt like a collector's paradise  

    是男孩或 浮標 的陳列, 然後我們走進了像收藏家天堂的感覺,

  • we got to chatting with the owner john who was  super informative and really fun to talk to  

    我們不得不與擁有豐富知識的主人約翰聊天。與 我們 交談真的很有趣,

  • we've been amazed that people have found this  place because it's kind of the end of the road  

    我們發現人們發現了這個地方,這很奇怪,因為這是 這里 道路的盡頭,

  • here and but the right people seem to find it  people that like to explore and get into the  


  • sort of the boat building area which of course  is down here our whole complex is then connected  


  • to the dory shop and over here is the picton  castle you see there's a doll ship victim castle  


  • built in 1928 so that's been around around the  world yeah many times so you know we have a little  


  • of everything uh for hardware um and this sort of  divides itself into this is all for sale working  


  • making splicing sewing whatever um this is all the  pulleys there's no end to pulleys on on vessels  


  • so this is every not every type but certainly  close to every type you could have over here uh  


  • this is sort of an array of turnbuckles and then  all sorts of little fasteners i mean everybody has  


  • a need for an eyelet you know that kind of thing  ah they're blame pins okay is that for the wheel  


  • movies every time the ship starts havinglittle problem with the crew the crew they  

    每一個有一個小問題,船員船員船開始他們 做 的 好 時機

  • do a good smash oh my gosh it works but i'm always  selling so great as much as i collect it's pretty  

    輪 電影 粉碎哦,我的天哪它的工作原理但我總是賣如此之大,就像我收集它

  • much keep going and i can't find it yeah i can't  find near as much as i used to be able to find

    幾乎 一直走下去,我可以是的,是的,我找不到像我以前能找到的 那麼 近的東西,

  • so this is a really you know rigging knife  because it's got a straight straight edge  


  • it's not a fillet it's not for fish and so it's  a real cutting knife like this and this is from  


  • a tradition of having to stop the sailors from  stabbing each other does it always have those  


  • fights go there it's going oh yeah sure imagine  being a c for two years and that's what they give  


  • this blunt affair for because it's really not  a stabbing knife and it's remained that way and  


  • uh and this one's made in sheffield england and  it's by adams jay adams and that's a well-known  


  • company yeah well it's going to make the perfect  gift thank you so much yeah if you want to find  


  • this place it's just at the end of blue nose drive  right before you hit the dory shop and the pier  


  • well worth the peruse and as you can see they  even have items for non-boat owners like ourselves  

    非常值得細讀 前 ,你可以看到,他們甚至有非船主像我們這樣的項目

  • we walked away with some christmas  tree boys or buoys and a cool knife


  • so


  • so


  • so it is now a lunch time here in lunenburg  and we have come over to the smoke pit barbecue  


  • we just finished ordering some brisket mac and  cheese with aged cheddar and a mandarin soda i  

    我們剛訂購了一些 牛s肉和 奶酪以及切達干酪和普通蘇打水,我

  • know you're probably wondering where's the seafood  and we will be having some seafood for dinner but  


  • we've been eating a lot of it this week so when  we saw smoked barbecue we were like yeah you know  

    本週我們一直在吃 海鮮,

  • what that sounds good mix it up a little right  we are mixing it up so cheers with our soda from  


  • mexico carritos which means little jars let's try  this it's a mandarin flavor so like the mandarin  


  • orange how is it that's good you like that that is  better than phantom my friends wow real taste of  

    墨西哥 蘇打水一起喝彩 carritos,這意味著小罐子讓我們不好意思,這是橘子的味道,所以像

  • fruit take that fanta take that say hello to my  brisket sandwich check that out thing of beauty  

    橘子一樣好,那比幻影還好。我的朋友哇,真正的 水果 味道讓我幻想

  • this bun just feels so fluffy toasted on  the inside got brisket pickles mayo mustard

    ,向我的牛bri三明治打個招呼,看看 這包子有 什麼美感。 只是感覺裡面被烤得很蓬鬆,裡面有 牛pick

  • i'm so tender guys the the cameraman always has  food envy behind the lens yes she does i just love  

    泡菜蛋黃醬芥末醬, 我是如此溫柔的傢伙,攝影師總是在鏡頭後羨慕食物,是的,我真的很喜歡

  • the meat it's so soft it has a smokiness to him  so good i am really happy with what we've ordered  


  • seriously i just needed a little break from  seafood you know i love lobster crab and fish  

    食物 感到非常滿意, 我只需要與海鮮稍作休息,就可以知道我和

  • and chips as much as the next person but we've  been having it on a daily basis and this is  

    下一個人一樣都 愛龍蝦蟹和炸魚 和薯條,但是我們每天都在吃,這是

  • a nice way to mix it up so for anyone else  that's doing a long trip around nova scotia  


  • there are other things to try aside from seafood  like this wonderful cheddar mac and cheese  


  • oh baby why don't you bring that  clothes you can see the steam coming off  


  • so the bluenose 2 may not have been in  port but we did come across the bluenose  


  • 2 store so we popped in for some souvenirs my  favorite purchase was my bluenose east coast  


  • living t-shirt which i proceeded to rock on  on almost daily basis for the rest of the trip

    生活T卹, 在接下來的旅程中 ,我幾乎每天都 搖擺不定 ,這

  • one of our favorite things to do in lunenburg  was to cruise the harbor there are all sorts of  

    是我們最喜歡 的旅行 之一在倫堡要做的事情是在港口巡遊,有各種各樣的

  • tourists to choose from including harbor tours  whale tours fishing tours you name it we ended  


  • up choosing the one hour tour which was 30  dollars per person the weather was perfect  


  • we had blue skies nice light and the views of  the town were picture perfect if you want the  


  • iconic shot of the brightly painted houses church  steeples and boats bobbing in the water this is  


  • the tour you want to take or you can also drive  out by the golf course but the harbor cruise is  


  • an experience in and of itself so we'd highly  recommend making time for this one activity  

    這是 您想參加的旅行,或者您也可以驅車前往高爾夫球場,港口巡游 本身 就是 一種體驗,因此我們強烈建議您花一點時間參加這一活動

  • do  

  • so we just finished the one hour harbor tour what  a boat tour honestly i mean you get the postcard  


  • perfect shots of lunenburg nova scotia yeahmean and we had the light shining and then five  

    lunen的完美 明信片

  • minutes after our tour it was it's cloudy again so  it's like we had everything cooperating for us i  

    burg nova s​​cotia是的,我的意思是,我們閃著光芒,然後

  • mean our guide was fantastic so informative just  a fantastic tour and a great way to see lunenburg  

    我們的旅行 五 分鐘後又是陰天,所以好像我們有一切合作,我的

  • from i mean when you're walking around the town  you see the buildings up close but when you're  


  • out in the water like that you get a whole  perspective of the town which is just fantastic

    從我的角度 看倫倫堡 ,意思是當您在城鎮中漫步時,您會看到建築物近在咫尺,但是當您 在水里 遊玩 時,您會看到整個城鎮的 全景 , 這真是太棒

  • we lucked out with our visit because during the  


  • summer months there's live  music at the zvickers wharf  

    夏季 有在zvickers碼頭

  • it was nice to see lots of people out enjoying  the band and there was even a bit of dancing

    ,很高興看到許多人在享受著樂隊並有甚至有點跳舞 接下來我們要步行到大西洋漁業博物館,已經打開 的 現場音樂

  • next up we're going to walk over to the fisheries  museum of the atlantic which is already open and  

    這 就是一個博物館,在這裡在亞特蘭大加拿大漁業遺產和

  • that's a museum that deals with the fishing  heritage here in atlanta canada and what's  

    真正 酷 的 交易

  • really cool is that they have a lot of volunteers  and retired fishermen on site to share stories  


  • answer your questions they also do demonstrations  and have different activities during the day so  


  • we're gonna walk on over there next and see what's  happening at the fisheries museum can't wait to do


  • that

  • the fisheries museum of the atlantic is housed  in these brightly painted red heritage buildings  


  • which are once the home of national sea  products the former fish processing plant  


  • now houses different galleries where visitors can  explore stories about the town's fishing heritage  


  • stormy seas and community life in a fishing town  we really enjoyed the displays and it was nice  


  • to have the interpreters on site who were able  to answer all my questions about blue lobsters  


  • because yes those exist if you'd like to visit  the museum is open seasonally from mid-may through


  • mid-october

    我們參觀博物館之後 的五月中旬到十月 中旬是季節性開放的, 我們決定在

  • after our museum visit we decided to grab some  ice cream at sweet treasures confectionary they  

    也出售的 甜品糖果店裡買些冰淇淋

  • also sell homemade fudge just in case  you're craving a little something sweet

    自製軟糖,以防萬一您想 吃點 甜的東西,

  • so we saw people eating ice cream and we  just had to stop and get a cone of our own  


  • this is the smallest size by the way single  unbelievable what flavors did you get  


  • i got the homemade strawberry and pistachio and  you got maple walnut and peanut butter i think  

    了 什麼口味? 我得到了自製的草莓和開心果,還有楓木核桃和花生醬,我認為

  • it was eureka or something oh yeah oh let me blow  the hair out of my face and take a bite tell me  


  • how that is is it good oh homemade too by the  way in a waffle cone oh my god i love that good  


  • stuff all right hurry up so i can have mine how's  that ice cream it was so next level good flavors  


  • are just fantastic we at least i ordered from the  homemade selection me too oh you did too some of  


  • the best ice cream i've had in years to be honest  i was like argentina italy good that's not good


  • we then decided to go on a little diy  walking tour of lunenburg's old town  


  • we came across the lunenburg opera house which  is fashioned after an old european music hall  

    我們遇到了倫堡歌劇院,這座歌劇院是按照古老的歐洲音樂廳建造的, 我們看到了一些

  • we saw some cool street art  featuring this lovely blue whale  

    擺放著 這只可愛的藍鯨的涼爽的街頭藝術

  • and then we just kept walking uphill past  the town hall and some really pretty houses


  • so we are now taking a quick break sitting  on a lovely little bench here in front of  

    所以我們現在正在快坐一下 這是聖約翰英國國教教堂

  • st john's anglican church and this is actually the  second oldest protestant church still remaining  

    前的一個可愛的小長凳 ,這實際上 是加拿大 仍然存在的第二古老的新教教堂

  • in all of canada it looks like a work of art  yeah we tried going in but the door is locked  


  • but yeah if you visit come on up here check it out  we're gonna continue our little walking tour and  


  • actually just take a little stroll through the  neighborhood admire the different homes because  


  • they're all so colorful and so beautiful and  they have these lovely manicured gardens so  


  • yeah it's been a really fun afternoon so far  it has i just want to quickly add that as you  


  • basically head up the hill each street becomeslittle bit less touristy and the further you go  

    基本上上山時,每條街道的旅遊人數都會減少,而且您走的更遠, 您就可以直接進入居民區和色彩

  • you just get right into residential areas and very  colorful homes so we can't wait to check them out  

    斑home的 房屋,因此我們可以等著把它們檢查出來

  • one of our favorite things to do in a new place  is to just walk up and down the streets without  

    是我們在新地方最喜歡做的一件事情,就是 在倫堡 沒有 太多計劃的

  • much of a plan in lunenburg this was a real  pleasure because all the houses were painted  

    情況下就在大街 上走來走去,這是一種真正的榮幸,因為所有的房屋都被塗上

  • in such cheerful colors contrasted by white  trim the windows dawn flower boxes and the  


  • porches looked so inviting if you're the type who  likes to do imaginary house shopping and wonder  


  • what it would be like to live in the places you  visit well this is a really fun town to do so


  • so today has kind of been the prime example  of chatting with locals asking for advice tips  

    今天已成為與當地人聊天的最佳示例, 他們向他們尋求去處的 建議

  • where to go and just discovering some real gems  thanks to them sharing some of their favorite  

    ,並感謝他們分享了他們 在城市中 最喜歡的 景點,從而

  • spots in the city so right now we've come to  both the cemetery and this academy atop a hill  

    發現了一些真正的寶石, 所以現在我們來墓地和這所學院都位於山頂上,

  • yeah two places that we hadn't even read about in  guidebooks or anywhere else this isn't near this  


  • isn't near the tourist area at all no you gotta  walk in the residential zone and just beautiful  


  • beautiful places especially the architecture of  this place stunning and there's a man practicing  


  • opera right now yes like we're sitting here onbench admiring a beautiful building and listening  


  • to opera i mean like cannon get any better we've  even got shade look at that yeah it's good it's  


  • a little bit too perfect it's good this building  is the lunenburg academy national historic site of  

    有點太完善它的好這個建築是 加拿大 的盧嫩堡學院國家歷史遺址

  • canada and it is set on a hilltop at the edge of  the old town in 19th century nova scotia academies  

    ,它是在老城區的19世紀的新斯科舍省院校的邊緣坐落在山頂 被視為最該

  • were regarded as the most prestigious publicly  funded secondary institutions in the county this  

    學院是 該縣著名的公立二級機構,以 第二帝國風格設計,帶有

  • academy was designed in the second empire style  with mansard style roofs and it's quite ornate  

    雙重斜坡 屋頂, 如果您有時間在山頂公墓直接坐在

  • well worth the visit if you have the time  hillcrest cemetery sits directly behind  

    該學院 後面 ,這是非常 值得一遊的地方

  • the academy and it's the oldest protestant  cemetery in lunenburg and one of the oldest  


  • in all of canada earliest marker dates back  to 1761 eight years after lunenburg canada was  

    倫堡(Lunenburg)加拿大 成立 八年後,

  • established it also contains commonwealth war  graves from world war one and world war ii

    它 是加拿大 歷史最悠久的地區 之一,最早的歷史可以追溯到1761年。 它還包含第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰期間的英聯邦戰爭墳墓,

  • so we're now going to take you fornice little walk on the bay to bay trail  


  • this is a walking and biking trail that actually  connects lunenburg with mahon bay we're going  


  • to be visiting mahon bay tomorrow and it's a 10  kilometer trail one way so it'll take you about  

    明天將去馬洪灣,距離10公里呃線索的一種方式 , 所以

  • two hours if you want to walk from lunenburg to  mahon bay we're just doing a small section of  

    如果你想從盧嫩堡到馬洪灣行走,我們只是在做其中 的 一小部分

  • it around the backside of lunenburg and it kind  of runs parallel to the lighthouse coastal route  

    呂納堡周圍的背面,它那種平行延伸到燈塔沿海航線 , 它會帶你約 兩個小時

  • that you can actually drive so yeah we thought  we'd do it again we spotted this on the map  

    您實際上可以開車,是的,我們以為我們會再做一次,因此我們 偶然

  • just by chance and it's a beautiful day to  be out so yeah we're going to take you on  

    在地圖上發現了這 一天,這是美好的一天,所以我們要帶您

  • this little walk and then we'll head  on over to the ironworks distillery

    走這小段路程,然後前往 接下來

  • next up we rewarded ourselves with  a visit to ironworks distillery  

    到鐵廠釀酒廠 ,我們參觀了鐵廠釀酒廠,這是

  • nova scotia's first micro distillery to sample  some of their spirits they're all about sourcing  


  • local ingredients and none of the fruits they use  travel more than 150 kilometers to their facility  


  • let's go in for a tipple shall we all right so  we've now made it down to iron works distillery  


  • this is pretty cool because it's  set in a former blacksmith workshop  


  • and yeah i'm going to be trying a liqueur  this one is raspberry flavored so cheers


  • that is quite nice i do like this one they  have nice little sets where you can choose  


  • three different bottles so i'm thinking that  would be a nice gift for family perhaps for  

    三種不同的瓶子,所以我認為這將是送給家人的精美禮物,也許是對 我們自己來說

  • ourselves indeed we'll see this is pretty  tasty so i kind of want to keep a bottle  

    , 我們的確會發現這很美味,所以我有點想保留一瓶,

  • so next up i'm trying the blueberry liqueur  can't wait to try this i mean blueberries  


  • are famous here in nova scotia so  why not have it in a liqueur right


  • oh that's nice and sweet this almost reminds me  a bit of the pie filling you'd have but obviously  


  • you know it's got the punch of the liquor too  very good number three number three rhubarb guys  


  • that's nice that one's chilled i like that it has  a little bit of acidity sourness that's good i  


  • really like all three like i could go with those  three flavors so last but not least we're having  


  • maple rum and this is the one that i selected  because i mean when you can have something with  


  • maple how can you not when you're in canada  why would you pass up the opportunity exactly

    楓糖中 搭配些東西

  • oh yeah that is delicious you can just  have that straight it definitely has a  


  • taste of maple but i mean it still very much  tastes like a rum too so definitely a winner

    哦,是的,那是美味s您可以直 喝 ,絕對有 楓 的 味道,但我的意思是仍然非常像朗姆酒,所以絕對是贏家,

  • so it is dinner time here in lunenburg and tonight  we've decided to come and eat at the salt shaker  


  • deli and inn starting off with the drinks  i got the arnold palmer which is half iced  

    熟食店和客棧開始喝酒時,我得到了阿諾德·帕爾默,它是 第一次 冰茶

  • tea half lemonade first time trying this  i thought it sounded interesting you know  


  • something new i know for sure we go cheers cheers  well i can honestly tell you guys i'm not doing a  

    一些新知識,我知道我們一定會加油打氣,我可以誠實地告訴你們我不是在做 螺旋槳 的 廣告,我只想喝兩杯,所以我很口渴,所以我是 兩天前在哈利法克斯

  • commercial for propeller i just wanted to have two  drinks that's how thirsty i am so one is a ginger  

    喝過的薑汁 啤酒,這是我最喜歡的薑汁之一,所以我待會兒打開

  • beer i had that two days ago on halifax one of my  new favorite ginger so i'll open that in a minute  


  • but for now i am trying the  propeller pilsner so cheers


  • it just tastes so much better after you've  been walking around the sun for so long  

    ,乾杯 它的口感好多了,

  • okay let's try the ginger beer let me  tell you guys this has some bite to it  


  • like any good ginger beer should just  like clears out your nasal cavities  


  • what a lovely thing to hear at the thing oh  my gosh you like breathe it in oh yeah oh man  


  • it's got some bite let's do this tacos  with shrimp cilantro tomato red onions  

    也得到了一些咬,讓我們做到這一點的玉米餅蝦香菜番茄紅洋蔥 我應該如何去做到這一點,你有他們三個

  • how am i going to do this and you got three  of them oh i hear the crunch crunchy tastic

    呼吸它 哦我聽到嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱

  • that is very tasty the tacos are just loaded with  shrimp and i like that the tortilla is actually  


  • kind of crispy i've never had it like that  before it's just a different way of preparing it  


  • but it's good it works yeah you're going  in for more that's how i know it's good  


  • pizza i've been craving pizza and to be able to  get a seafood pizza amazing as they say in italia  

    披薩的原因,我一直渴望吃披薩,並且能夠像他們在 意大利 的海產

  • fruits of the sea so i've got scallops shrimpies  mussels and keepers yeah red onion and mozzarella  

    水果中 所說的那樣得到驚人的海鮮披薩 ,所以我得到了扇貝蝦仁貽貝和飼養員是的,紅洋蔥和馬蘇里拉

  • mozzarella cheese big onion oh it's nice and thin  crust nice and crushed pizza check out that guys  


  • just jacked with seafood that is delicious  the excellent pizza i am i've been walking  

    只是頂著美味的海鮮,我是我 整天 都在走來走去的好比薩

  • around all day long so i've built up an appetite  even after that big ice cream i'm ready for this

    ,即使準備好了那大冰激凌,食慾也很大為此, 如果您喜歡攝影,並且

  • if you're into photography and you're  looking for some cool photo ops  

    在打高爾夫球之前 就在尋找 一條

  • tannery road just before you hit the  golf course is where to get the classic  

    涼爽的照相 制革廠路,那是獲得經典

  • shot but even if you're not into photography  and you just want to enjoy a pretty sunset  


  • this is a nice spot and there's an  area where you can park your car  


  • and for anyone interested in where we stayed  i booked us a room at the mariner inn which is  


  • actually spread out across several buildings in  the center of town our room was in the cranberry  


  • suites which is the bright fuchsia building over  here i like that we were smack dab in the heart of  

    套房中,那是明亮的紫紅色建築,我喜歡我們在 倫堡(Lunenburg)

  • lunenburg and we could walk everywhere plus they  also had a really nice breakfast that was served  

    的心臟 輕拍,我們可以到處走走,而且他們 在主樓的日光室裡

  • in the sun room in the main building however my  favorite part of this inn was riding the nautical  

    還提供了非常不錯的早餐, 但是這家旅館最喜歡的部分是乘坐

  • slash underwater themed elevator complete with  the whale and octopus it's the little things  

    帶有鯨魚和章魚 的航海 斜線水下主題電梯 ,這是 小事

  • and that is a wrap for our lunenburg  travel guide it's crazy to think we  


  • did all of that in one day but yes  it is possible we stayed in town  


  • for an additional three days so we'll be  sharing some fun day trips to mahome bay  


  • lahave islands and more if you enjoyed this  video we invite you to give it a like hit  

    拉霍夫島( Mahome Bay

  • that subscribe button and join us for the rest of  our road trip across nova scotia see on the road

    Lahave)島,如果您喜歡這個視頻,我們邀請您給它一個類似的點擊 訂閱按鈕,並加入我們我們在新斯科舍省的公路旅行的其餘部分,請在 您 的公路上

  • you


hey guys samuel and audrey here and today  we're showing you around the historic port  


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