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Yeah, there it is. So, as I was saying--
是的,那裡。 所以,正如我所說的
-[guns cocking] -You made a big mistake coming alone.
-[槍響] -你犯了個大錯誤 一個人來。
[laughing] She's not exactly alone.
[笑] 她並不孤單。
She brought a plus one! [laughing]
她帶來了加號! [笑]
It's me, Joker!
Apologies, but your friend, Rupert,
道歉, 但是你的朋友魯珀特
just couldn't face coming out here.
只是不能面對 出來這裡。
[laughing] I'm so sad. Where's my body?
(笑)我很難過。 我的身體在哪
Puddin'? What the fuck are ya doing?
Puddin'?他媽的什麼 在幹嘛
You're not supposed to take his face off yet. I had this covered.
你不應該 還沒脫臉 我已經蓋好了。
[stammering] Yes, but I thought up that great "plus one" line.
[猛擊] 是的,但是我想了 偉大的“加一”線。
And then I'm not going to not puppeteer his face.
然後我不會 不要偽造他的臉。
-[babbling] -[bankers gagging]
-[胡說] -[銀行家作嘔]
All right, fine. Do your thing.
So, listen up motherfuckers!
Ya better jump in the harbor right now,
雅更好 現在跳進海港,
-or I'm gonna kill-- -[Joker laughing]
-否則我要殺了- -[笑的小丑]
[all screaming]
God, really? You just did it again.
天哪,真的嗎? 您剛剛又做了一次。
[laughing] That's because I forgot I had the acid bomb.
(笑)那是因為 我忘了我有酸彈。
But we agreed I'm the muscle! I do the hitting!
但是我們同意我是肌肉! 我打!
[guns firing]
You know, you're great, you're great.
你懂, 你很棒,你很棒。
You do your thing, I do my thing.
你做你的事 我做我的事
[man screaming]
You're the appetizer. I'm the entree.
你是開胃菜。 我是主菜。
[man screaming]
I can't spend my whole life just bashin' goons.
我不能一輩子 只是卑鄙的傻瓜。
When Gothamites hear the name "Harley Quinn,"
當哥譚人 聽到名字“ Harley Quinn”
I want 'em to piss 'emselves!
I want a taste of that.
You want a taste of... piss?
No, you know what I meant. God, listen, puddin',
不,你知道我的意思。 上帝,聽著,普丁,
can't you just see me in the Legion of Doom?
你不能看到我嗎 在厄運軍團裡?
That is just... [laughs] You don't want that.
那隻是... [笑] 你不要那樣
Besides, no,
the Legion of Doom doesn't give memberships to sidekicks.
毀滅軍團 不提供會員資格 搭檔。
-You have to be-- -Partners.
-你必須的 - -夥伴。
[under breath] Oh, fuck me.
I wanna be your partner in crime. For reals.
我想當 您的犯罪伴侶。 真的。
-Can we talk about this later? -If not now, when?
-我們稍後再談嗎? -更待何時?
I don't know, tomorrow? I've kinda got my hands full right now.
我不知道,明天嗎? 我有點 我的手現在全滿了。
[air whooshing]
Joke's on you, Joker.
Jesus, this guy.
You'll never take us alive, Bats!
你永遠不會 讓我們活著,蝙蝠!
Love that fighting spirit, Harley.
愛那個 戰鬥精神,哈雷。
But in this fight, I'm afraid I have to
但是在這場戰鬥中 恐怕我必須
take a dive.
Uh, dontcha mean "we"?
You know I'd love to take you, puddin',
你懂 我很想帶你,寶貝,
but I'd never deny you the pleasure of buying me time to escape.
但我永遠不會否認你 買我的榮幸 時間逃脫。
Hey, but what if I get sent to Arkham?
嘿,但是如果 我被送到阿卡姆嗎?
Then you won't spend even a single night!
那你就不會花 甚至一晚!
I'll break you out, my love. I swear.
我會愛你的 我發誓。
Or actually, uh, I have something tonight,
或實際上, 今晚我有事
but I'll definitely get you out before breakfast.
但我一定會 早飯前帶你出去。
Love ya!
["La Cucaracha" horn playing]
[“ La Cucaracha”號角演奏]
[grunts] Ow.
Oh, ain't he cute when he's escapin'?
哦,他不是很可愛 他什麼時候逃命?
-No. -[gasps]
-沒有。 -[喘氣]
[Gordon] You're a cancer, Quinn.
[戈登] 你是癌症,奎因。
Spreading from Gotham's lymph nodes into its spleen.
從傳播 哥譚的淋巴結 進入脾臟。
And God help us if you get to Gotham's bladder!
上帝幫助我們 如果您到達哥譚的膀胱!
But I'm the chemo.
How long's he gonna keep doin' this?
他要走多久 繼續這樣做嗎?
You're a festering boil, Quinn. A bedsore.
你真是個爛蛋,奎因。 褥瘡。
A tapeworm that sets up shop in Gotham's lower--
設立商店的tape蟲 在哥譚的低處
-Jim. -All right.
吉姆 -行。
Where's the Joker?
I'll never give up my puddin'!
Why are you protecting a psychotic clown who treats you like garbage?
你為什麼要保護 精神病小丑 像垃圾一樣對待你?
Asks the guy who fucks bats.
He doesn't do that!
-Jim. -Sorry.
吉姆 -抱歉。
I'm not tellin' ya shit!
What me and Mistah J have is real love.
我和Mistah J有什麼 是真正的愛。
In fact, not too long ago, we were on a rooftop just like this.
實際上,不久前, 我們在屋頂上 像這樣。
That's when Mistah J proposed.
那是Mistah J提出的。
Till death do us part.
Ooh! Told ya!
After we get married, we'll take a cruise to Barbados,
結婚以後 我們將乘船遊覽 去巴巴多斯
or maybe a resort that's all-inclusive.
或度假勝地 包羅萬象。
They say they're all-inclusive, but that's bullshit!
他們說他們包羅萬象, 但這是胡扯!
They charge you for the towels! Soap!
他們向您收費 毛巾!肥皂!
-Jim. -Top shelf liquor!
吉姆 -頂級貨架酒!
-Jim! -Right, right.
吉姆 -是的是的。
Give up the Joker, Quinn,
or you're going to Arkham for life.
否則你要去阿卡姆 一生。
[laughing sarcastically]
[Gordon laughing along]
[laughing hysterically] Why are we laughing?
[歇斯底里地笑] 我們為什麼笑?
'Cause you said "for life"!
-And, as sure as I am that he fucks bats... -Okay.
-而且,就像我一樣 他操蝙蝠... -好的。
...I know my man'll break me out of Arkham before I spend a single night.
...我知道我的男人會 讓我脫離阿卡姆 在我住了一晚之前。
[gate clanking and shutting]
[all speaking indistinctly]
Oh! Mistah J?
哦! Mistah J?
-Hmm? -Oh, sorry, my bad.
-嗯? -哦,對不起,我不好。
I mean, ya looked a little like him.
我的意思是, 你看起來有點像他。
I don't know why you bother comin' here.
我不知道 你為什麼要來這裡。
He's never showing up.
-[choking] -[thuds]
-[窒息] -[轟鳴聲]
-Fuck off! -[Poison Ivy] Yeah, fuck off!
-滾! -[Poison Ivy]是的,滾!
But for the record, he does have a point.
但是為了記錄 他確實有一點。
Just give me 15 more minutes. Joker's probably still fightin' Batman.
再給我15分鐘。 小丑的可能 仍然在戰鬥蝙蝠俠。
I don't know, hon.
It's, you know, most superhero fights, they're not like, eh...
你知道的 大多數超級英雄打架 他們不喜歡,嗯...
Calendar Man, how long has she been in here?
日曆人, 她在這裡住了多久了?
Oh, hey, Ivy! 183 days!
哦,常春藤! 183天!
Oh, sure. You remember the incarceration date of Porn Clown over here
行,可以。你記得 監禁日期 這裡的色情小丑