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  • everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with an important pronunciation question


  • how to pronounce the word important a student recently had a very embarrassing


  • mistake and said the word impotent impotent can mean helpless it can also


  • mean unable to have an erection so we really want to focus on this important


  • lesson and important means special so here we go okay so the word important

    教訓和重要的意思是特別的,所以在這裡,我們去 好吧,所以重要的字

  • three beats three syllables im por tent you can say in and drop that T at the

    三節拍三個音節im por tent你可以說在和下降T在。

  • end that's fine that's actually how I pronounce the word for impotent you have

    好了好了,其實我的發音是 "陽痿",你有

  • two options you can say im po tent or im pa tent

    兩種選擇,你可以說是 "im po tent",也可以說是 "im pa tent"。

  • and the pa is using this schwa syllable and that is fine


  • so to start both of these words we're going to start with a syllable im pretty

    所以,開始這兩個詞,我們要開始 與一個音節,我漂亮的

  • easy and then we're going to end with tunt for both of these words not really


  • going to focus on those we're going to really focus on syllable number two so

    要專注於這些 我們要真正專注於音節數二,所以。

  • let's look at those so for important what we're going to do is start with the


  • P and then move to the or to do this you're going to pucker your lips and

    P,然後移動到或做到這一點,你會 撅起你的嘴脣和。

  • then pull them back into a tense square for the er sound the tip of the tongue


  • will be either pointed down or back away from the teeth for that er just don't


  • touch the teeth and don't let that tongue move poor this is different than


  • PO and for PO you're going to put your lips together for the P and then open


  • and then round the lips so the confusion I think with a lot of people is when do

    然後圍繞嘴脣 所以我覺得很多人的困惑是什麼時候做

  • I round my lips so we're gonna start with the or and for poor you round


  • your lips first and then for the PO you round your lips second so or o or o so


  • let's put these words and syllables together


  • im pore tunt important important important and you can say no T important


  • important important and then we have iM potent impotent impotent impotent but


  • you can also say the schwa impotent impotent impotent

    也可以說 "痿""痿""痿""痿

  • so again important impotent important impotent and you can also say important


  • and with the schwa impotent so let's try that in a sentence the once important


  • CEO felt impotent after the Board of Directors voted against his plan so give


  • it a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this


  • helpful please give us a like and a share don't forget to subscribe so you


  • never miss a video and if you're looking for more practice check us out on iTunes


  • and Google Play links are in the description below thank you so much and

    和Google Play鏈接在下面的描述中,非常感謝你和

  • I'll see you all again soon


everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with an important pronunciation question


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B2 重要 嘴脣 音節 牙齒 發音 專注

如何給 "重要的和不重要的 "發音-美式英語發音課程 (How to Pronounce IMPORTANT & IMPOTENT - American English Pronunciation Lesson)

  • 38 1
    Summer posted on 2020/10/18
Video vocabulary