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  • At the temple of the fisherman, Quexo, the village shaman,

    譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Helen Chang

  • looks out over the ocean and frowns.

    在漁民的寺廟, 村中的薩滿巫師凱克索

  • It's a still morningunusually still,


  • and the lack of wind is the latest in a series of troubling signs.

    此時還是早晨—— 無風到十分不尋常,

  • The year is 1400 BCE.

    已經出現了一系列不祥徵兆, 沒有風是最近的一個徵兆。

  • Quexo's village sits in the dusty, treeless desert

    這一年是西元前 1400 年。

  • between the towering Andes and Pacific Ocean.

    凱克索的村落座落在 滿是塵土又沒有樹木的沙漠裡,

  • The villagers live off the sea, harvesting reeds,

    夾在高聳的安地斯山脈 和太平洋之間。

  • drying them in the sun, and using them to build fishing boats.


  • Every day in the summer,


  • the men set out on these boats to hunt shark and other fish


  • while the women harvest shellfish and sea urchins.

    男性都要乘這些船隻出海, 去獵捕鯊魚和其他魚類,

  • In winter, storms bring powerful waves, which cross the vast ocean unobstructed


  • to detonate on these shores.


  • Most years, Quexo's village catches more than enough fish.


  • But this year, the winds have died and the fish have dwindled.


  • Quexo has seen this pattern before:

    幾乎每一年,凱克索的村落 都能捕捉到足量的魚類。

  • the fish disappear, then the violent rains arrive,


  • causing flash floods that dissolve mud bricks and wash away settlements.


  • He needs to stop the bad weather before the storms come


  • his only hope is a special ritual he's been planning.


  • Quexo spends much less time in the ocean than the other villagers.


  • He became a shaman after seeing a sign in the sea one morning

    他必須要在暴風雨來臨之前 阻止惡劣的天氣——

  • like his father and grandfather before him.


  • This morning,


  • he walks to the nearby sacred mountain as the sun rises.

    相對於其他村民, 凱克索在海上的時間並不多。

  • There, he gathers ceremonial cactus and herbs likehorse tail,”

    有天早晨他看見海洋上的徵兆之後 便成了薩滿巫師——

  • stonebreaker," and valerian, along with the mineral hematite.


  • Back in the village, everyone is preparing to leave

    這天早晨的日出時, 他走到附近的聖山。

  • for a religious festival at a large temple inland.

    在那裡,他收集了儀式用的 仙人掌和藥草,比如「馬尾草」、

  • The festival marks the beginning of what is usually the season of abundance,

    「珠子草」 、纈草,及赤鐵礦。

  • but with the signs pointing to storms, Quexo isn't feeling too celebratory.


  • Whole families travel to the festival, where they camp for a few days.

    前往內陸的一間大型寺廟 參與宗教節慶。

  • They've packed seaweed, carved bones, gourd bowls, reed mats,


  • and other goods to trade in the market around the temple.


  • Quexo inspects the goods to make sure everything is of the finest quality.


  • He brings the herbs he gathered to trade for cinnabar,

    全家人會一起到節慶所在, 在那裡紮營住幾天。

  • a mineral that comes from the highlands in the Andes.

    他們打包了海草、 骨頭雕刻、葫蘆碗、

  • He needs cinnabar for his ritual to ward off the storms.


  • Around lunchtime, the sprawling temple rises out of the desert ahead.


  • People have come from all along the coast and the foothills.


  • The women handle trade transactionsthey're looking for cotton and ceramics.

    他帶著他收集到的藥草, 要去交換辰砂,

  • Men aren't usually allowed to do the trading,

    辰砂是來自安地斯山脈 高地的一種礦物。

  • but shamans are an exception.

    他需要辰砂,才能進行 阻擋暴風雨的儀式。

  • Though Quexo is a man, during rituals he becomes half man, half woman,

    午餐時分,已經可以看見 寺廟就在前方的沙漠中。

  • and this ambiguity makes his role more flexible outside ceremonies too.

    住在海岸和山角下 各地的人都來到這裡。

  • Quexo can't find any cinnabar in the market,


  • so he heads to the main temple,


  • dodging children playing in the plaza.


  • He puts on his ceremonial garb: red face paint, earrings,


  • and a necklace of shark's teeth and vertebrae.


  • Inside, the ceremonies are already underway,


  • and the shamans have drunk the sacred cactus drink.

    這種模糊性讓他的角色 在儀式外也較有彈性。

  • Many of them are Quexo's friends from festivals over the years,


  • but he doesn't see the mountain shamans who would have cinnabar.


  • He begins to panic.


  • If the highland shamans don't show up,

    他換上儀式的裝扮: 臉上塗上紅色顏料,戴上耳環,

  • his only option will be to make the long walk into the mountains.


  • It's a dangerous journey that takes five days,


  • precious time he doesn't have to waste.

    薩滿巫師們已經喝下了 神聖的仙人掌飲料。

  • But perhaps he has no choice.

    當中有許多是凱克索這些年來 在節慶認識的朋友,

  • He refuses the sacred cactus and sets off toward the mountains.

    但他並沒有看到擁有 辰砂的山薩滿巫師。

  • As he leaves the settlement behind, he sees a group approaching.


  • He recognizes them as highlanders by their llamas.


  • He dashes toward their shaman.

    他只剩下長途跋涉 進入山中一個選項。

  • Barely pausing to say hello, he offers him hematite, dried seaweed,


  • and empty shells to grind up for lime and chew with coca leaves.


  • In return, the other shaman gives him the precious cinnabar.


  • With the key to his ritual in hand,

    他謝絕了神聖的仙人掌, 啟程前往山中。

  • Quexo heads home to the temple of the fisherman

    在他離開聚居地之後, 看見有一群人接近。

  • in hopes of turning the tide.

    從他們的駱駝可以看出 他們是高地人。

At the temple of the fisherman, Quexo, the village shaman,

譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Helen Chang

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