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Success guy is a very very lonely road man
Very few people are willing to endure: the pain, the sacrifices, the endurance to be successful.
鮮少有人願意忍受 成功前的疼痛 以及犧牲
It’s an uphill battle...
and along that road, you’re not going to see too many friends.
而在那條路上 你不會看到太多同伴
You’re going to see your shadow most often.
You gotta trust in the heart of hearts
inside that what you’re doing, what you believe in is a worthy cause and a winnable fight.
心裡面 你所做的 所相信的 都是值得的理由更是穩贏的戰鬥
See, the thing is for many people – they’ve tried the same path that you’re on...
你看 對多數人而言 他們都跟你一樣走了同一條路
and they failed.
As you walk this journey you’re going to see carcasses of people that walked this place.
當你在走這條路的同時 你也會看到走過這條路上的許多屍骸
People that didn’t quite have it…
And that should inspire you because you got further than that person and that person.
而這應該會刺激你 因為你比那個人 或是另一個人 走了更遠
But you’re not looking to get further than them, you’re looking to finish.
但是你不是為了要走比他們更遠 你想要走到終點
But how do you know you’re on the right path?
Where do you go to ensure that?
Success – many will love you for it.
成功 - 許多人因為成功而喜歡你
The majority will hate you.
Because your success...
makes them feel insufficient in their current endeavor.
Reminds them of how they could’ve done it but came up short and didn’t revisit it,
這讓他們想起了 他們可以做到 可是卻差一點 然後就放棄了
where they went it at failed, telling you it's what's good and they never revisited it again.
這曾經是他們走過的路 告訴你 他們失敗了 也放棄了
The difference between a winner and a loser –
the failure is there for some times,,
就在於 失敗永遠在等著你
but the winner gets back up and does it again and again
但是 贏家會捲土重來 並一次次嘗試
until it goes his way.
So now you’re on that path all alone...
現在 你一個人走在這條路上
but how do you know you’re on the right path?
How do you know what you’re doing is in the right direction?
It’s not the title that makes you, it’s not the success that makes you.
頭銜名次不是創造你的自身價值 成功也不是如此
It’s the character that defines the success and defines the fame and it starts right there.
是你本身的性格 定義了你的成功 決定了你的名氣 就在路上等著你起頭
Championships aren’t won in the theater of the arena.
They are won in the thousands of hours of training and the 5 AM runs in the rain when everyone else is sleeping. That’s where it’s won.
冠軍是幾千個小時訓練的累積 是當大家早上五點還在熟睡時的雨中晨跑 這才是拿冠軍的原因
The heart of a champion...
is a light switch that’s always on – it doesn’t go on and off when someone’s watching – it’s constant.
就像電燈開關一樣開著 - 它不會因為別人的目光就開開關關 - 它是一直堅持著
It’s how you look at something if your name is attached to it – that you do it right – the best of your ability every single time.
如果你的名字跟成功連結著 你如何看待事情造就了你做對的事 每次你都是以最佳的能力應戰
Victory has defeated you. May I remind you?
勝利女神擊敗了你 容我提醒你一件事
You adopted the dark.
Meant that you practiced in the dark
意思是說 你在黑暗中練習
and was born in the dark.
shamed by the dark, molded by the dark
黑暗折磨著你 也塑造著你
Some of you are soft! But you were born in the dark And now you're soft.
你們很軟弱! 但你生在黑暗 而現在你很軟弱
Every time you come up to a challenge, You quit! You surrender! You give up! You give in!
每次你面對挑戰之時 你就放棄! 投降! 認輸! 妥協!
Every single thing I go through, I remember I was homeless, And I draw from it!
每次我經歷過一件事 我就記得我是無家可歸之人 但我脫離了這樣的生活
Every single time I'm going through pain, I remember that I've gone through pain since I was a kid. I draw from it!
每次經歷苦痛後 我就記得小時候經歷過的痛 我也脫離了!
Recycle your pain!
...'and the last pick is'...
They didn’t call my name...
told me it was over.
But I’ve been deaf since I was three...
so I didn’t listen.
Get something from it! You already in pain! Use it! Do something with it!
從中學習點什麼吧! 你早已深陷苦痛之中 好好利用它! 化悲憤為力量吧!
Allow it to take you to the next level!
Allow your pain to push you to greatness!
Some of you, your success has messed you up!
你們有些人 讓成功蒙蔽了雙眼
You're so successful, Now you soft!
你們非常成功 所以你們才如此軟弱!
Your success has not benefited you! You've not grown as a result of being successful!
你們的成功並沒有讓你們獲益! 你們並沒有因為成功而獲得成長
You've lost your bite! You're not hungry anymore!
你們早就輸了! 你們根本不渴望任何事
Your success is damaging you!
Are you hearing me? Some of you have been knocked out by life!
你聽到了嗎? 你們有些人被生活擊敗了
And you got up and saw the blood, And '[You sobbing and crying] He hit me!'
當你起身看到自己的鮮血 [啜泣哭喊] 他打我!
Sometimes in life You have to HIT BACK!
有些時候 你要懂得反擊
It's not always gonna be easy!
They're not gonna give it to you!
They're not going to give you success! They're not going to put it on a platter!
人生不會輕易就成功! 更不會讓你唾手可得
But if you're willing to work for it!
只要你願意付出努力 就會得到!
If you're willing to put The sweat! The blood! The tears!
如果你願意揮汗! 流血! 流淚!
If you were not earning it!
They don't give away Bentleys! They're never on sale!
人們不會讓出賓利(汽車品牌) 他們不會出售的!