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  • there's a shortcut that lets you create a new Google doc in just a few seconds.


  • All you have to do is type doc dot knew into the address bar and press enter.


  • That's all the document is created.


  • There is also a shortcut for Google slides, sheets, forms, sites and more.


  • For example, slide dot Knew creates a new presentation and sheet DOT Knew creates a new spreadsheet.

    例如,幻燈片dot Knew創建一個新的演示文稿,sheet DOT Knew創建一個新的電子表格。

  • Note that if you try to use thes shortcuts while not signed into your Google account, you will be directed to the sign in page first.


  • To find the full list of shortcuts, go to G 00 dot g l e slash shortcuts with the capital s here, you can find all of the available shortcuts G c f global creating opportunities for a better life.

    要找到完整的快捷鍵列表,請到G 00點g l e斜線快捷鍵與大寫的s這裡,你可以找到所有可用的快捷鍵G c f全球創造更好的生活的機會。

there's a shortcut that lets you create a new Google doc in just a few seconds.


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