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  • Hello. Today, I'm going to teach you about one sound that maybe you know already; maybe

  • it's new; maybe it's very confusing because English can be confusing when you are trying

  • to say words. So the sound that I'm going to teach you today is the PH sound. So you

  • may look at a word in English -- for example, this word [makes elephant sound] elep-p-f-ant.

  • And someone goes, "What's an 'elep-p-f-ant'?" "It's an elephant." "What? Elephant? There's

  • no F. What are you talking about? It's an elep-p-f-ant', for sure." No. It's an elephant.

  • This letter combination of the P and the H, it actually comes from the Greek language,

  • and it was originally, in Greek, PHI." I can't write Greek, but it might look like that.

  • I can write Greek, all of a sudden. And then, it went down to the Latin languages where

  • they used it -- where they took off the I. And then it filtered down into French, Spanish,

  • and finally, our wonderful world of stolen languages known as English.

  • So what we have done is we've taken it from the Greek, from the Latin, from the French,

  • and somehow, magically, it's become an F. The history of the PH by Ronnie. Good. So

  • anytime in English you have the P and the H together in a word, it's going to sound

  • like an F, okay? So this word is "elephant, elephant." Do you have a pet elephant? I don't.

  • I'd like to. I could ride it to school. It would be great. I had the opportunity to ride

  • on an elephant when I was in Thailand, but I turned that opportunity down. I don't know

  • why. I just couldn't be bothered to ride an elephant.

  • The next word is a very important word when you're studying English. It's the alphabet.

  • "Alphabet". The alphabet is also known as the ABCs in English. A-b-c-d-e-f-g. PH, F,

  • good. This is "alphabet".

  • The next one is "phony". This may be a new word for you. But "phony" means "fake". Now,

  • sometimes, people will steal something from other people and pass it off as their own.

  • And these people are called "phonies". You know who you are out there. A "phony" means

  • a fake person, not a really, genuine person or product. We have a lot of phony brand handbags,

  • like, "Louis Vutton". You can have a fake or a phony watch. It's a real watch. It's

  • just not made by the brand. Kind of like EngVid. Are you watching the real thing? You are?

  • The next word is "phone". The long word of this is "telephone". But we never, ever take

  • the time to say "telephone". It's too long. So we just call it a "phone".

  • A wonderful name, "Philip". It looks like PH. It looks like "Pilip", but it's actually

  • "Philip". Some people actually write their name like this is a short form of "Phil".

  • My father's fame was Philip. But he would always write his name "Fil". And I asked him,

  • "Daddy, why if your name is Philip do you spell it with an F -- a PH, not an F? I'm

  • so confused." The reason was he said that when he was a child, his mother would sew

  • his initial P into everything that he owned so he wouldn't lose them. So for example,

  • in his underwear, he would have P. So he said that he didn't like having P in his underwear.

  • Yeah, no, yeah, no, no, good.

  • Next one we have is "autograph". Sometimes the PH is at the end of the sentence. Again,

  • it's an F. So you say "autograph". Do you know what an "autograph" is? A lot of people

  • mix the word "autograph" and "signature" up. I can't even spell the word now let alone

  • teach you how to do it. So "signature" has the word "sign" in it. A "signature" is what

  • you and I do when we have to sign something at the bank or if you have to sign something

  • for a document. An "autograph", it is a signature, but it's different because we use this as

  • a famous person's signature. So for example, if you met a really famous person -- "Oh,

  • yeah! It's a famous person!" -- you would ask them for their autograph. If I met a famous

  • person, I wouldn't care, and I'd be like, "Whatever." Okay? But autograph is for famous

  • people. A signature is for regular people like you and I.

  • The next one. We don't use this word a lot, now. We usually use a short form. So we would

  • normally say "photo". But this word was so amazing because we have two PHs in it. The

  • first one and the last one. So this is "photograph, photograph." Again, we usually just use the

  • word "photo".

  • So when you are reading words in English, I would wager that more than 42 percent of

  • the time -- more like 87 -- if you have a PH sound, it's going to make an F sound. But

  • like everything in English, there are exceptions. Now, the ones that I can just think of thought

  • of top of my head are these words. The first word is "shepherd", "haphazard", and "peephole".

  • These words do, as you can see, have the PH sound in them. But these words we actually

  • separate the P and the H sound. So we do not say "shepfard" or "hafazard" or "peefhole",

  • which sounds funny, doesn't it? We actually have to separate the P and the H sound in

  • these words.

  • The first one is "shepherd". "Shepherd" is a person who hangs out with sheep. What are

  • they doing? We don't use this word a lot. This word, "haphazard", it has something to

  • do with danger. We do not say "hafhazard". It's "haphazard". You need to take a break

  • between the P and the H in these words. And the last one is a "peephole". A "peephole"

  • is a very tiny hole, usually in a wall, where you peep or spy or look at something interesting

  • on the other side of the wall. So usually if people -- you might see somebody's eye

  • here. Be careful of where you're putting your eyes in a peephole. And make sure you don't

  • say "peefhole" because that sounds very strange.

  • So with these three exceptions, you've to be careful. And when you have the PH sound

  • in English, it's always going to sound like an F. "Elephant, alphabet, phony, phone, Philip,

  • autograph, and photograph." Remember when you say the F sound, your teeth have to come

  • out over the bottom lip, and you have to go "fff". You're going to blow the air down.

  • I hope you have fun blowing hair. I'll see you next time.

Hello. Today, I'm going to teach you about one sound that maybe you know already; maybe

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發音練習:如何發出''PH''音 Learn English - How to make the 'PH' sound

  • 4944 753
    Chris posted on 2014/09/02
Video vocabulary