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Shut up the shutters and shit in the shop.
That one always gets me tongue twisters.
These have been a part of my life since I was quite young.
They are a very common thing in British culture in American culture is something that we use when we're kids to kind of train our speech in English classes in school.
Maybe we will be told to pronounce a tongue twister also in drama classes.
Now, the reason why I'm teaching you tongue twisters today is simply because they are a way of training your muscles, giving you muscle memory on teaching you how to pronounce things correctly in a bit more of an interesting way.
And they're also very easy.
If you could memorize just a few tongue twisters, then you could wake up in the morning, get your mouth working, get all of your muscles remembering things for the day just by practicing one or two tongue twisters 10 times.
Get faster and faster with every attempt.
Just look, they're amazing.
Now, if you don't know what the tongue twister is, it's usually when we have lots of similar sounds, sometimes minimal pairs in words.
But It's not just minimal pairs.
It's also words which can make us trip up on the next word.
Kind of pronounced the next word wrong.
Maybe I usually recommend to create some of your own If there are two sounds that you usually get confused between, um creates, um, tongue twisters.
The first tongue twister is one which I am very, very familiar with is one which I had to do when I was a child.
Once again, toe warm up for things to practice in English class on this one is the famous red lorry Yellow lorry.
Now this one you don't want to say slowly you want to say as fast as you can as many times as you can.
Red lorry, Yellow lorry Red lorry, Yellow lorry Red lorry, Yellow lorry This is good for people who have difficulty with pronouncing those er er aan de la sounds.
Okay, Now, if you want even more of a challenge, change the lorry to lever.
Lots of people have problems with pronouncing the th sound where we put that tongue between the teeth red lever, yellow lever, red leather, yellow lever.
So that's one which is a bit more of a step up because it trains you with pronouncing the er sound where we lift the tongue up the luck sound where we move the tongue up and down For Laurie on also the th sound tongue between teeth, that was an easy one.
Now let's get a little bit more difficult.
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can slightly more difficult.
Once again, we're dealing with these er and LA sounds.
The two sounds, which people get very confused with, Ah, lot of the time.
So let's just take a look at a few of the words in here first as well.
So look at my tongue.
It's moving from the top of the mouth down to the bottom for the LA Sound clam clammed.
Just look at the movement clam.
How can a clam cram?
So look at my mouth for the er sound cram, clam cram, clam cram.
How can a clam cram?
These last two difficult words are very smiley because we have the e sound clean cream clean cream cat.
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can next one.
Now this one's a bit of a long one.
I'm going to need my trusty notebook to read this one out.
The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
Ah, lot of tongue between the teeth action going on there.
If you haven't seen my video about pronouncing the th sound, now is the time to go and check that out.
If you're having problems with this, this is all about putting that tongue between the teeth every single time.
You see that th 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
So for those of you have problems with getting your tongue in the right place, and it really do focus on getting that th sound perfect.
If you mispronounce the th sound, you pronounce it as 30 tree.
Sometimes I hear people pronounce it as 33 or that voice th sound as a or of sometimes I hear that people are going to notice.
They're going to know you're a non native speaker on.
They're going to recognize that you need some practice with your pronunciation.
Never cheat with the th sounds.
Always make sure every single time you're getting your tongue between your teeth on these tongue Twisters are the perfect training to make sure you always get that right Now.
Finally, this one.
This one's a little bit dirty, so be careful that you pronounce this one correctly.
I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit upon this littered sheet.
I sit now, if you haven't noticed already.
There's definitely one word which we could accidentally pronounced in this.
It's a great way to train yourself again with the sound slit.
Once again, luck slit tongue touches the top of the mouth and then it drops down low.
I slit a sheet we don't want to hear shit.
We want sheet.
I slit a sheet.
Ah, sheet.
I slit upon a slit ID sheet.
I sit.
I slit a sheet, a sheet.
I slit upon the slighted sheet.
I sit.
That was close.
I could feel my mouth almost pronouncing the word shit.
So you really do have to be careful that you're pronouncing it correctly.
So that's just a few tongue twisters.
Like I said, if you start your day or finish your day with a few of these, they will train your muscles, give you that muscle memory, you need to kind of pronounce things correctly and find the differences you need to notice.
What sounds you're pronouncing wrong on may be the ones you need to compare them with and create your own.
When you're learning pronunciation, you can't rely on a teacher to give you everything on.
This is something I've been saying throughout my teaching career, even with learning grammar anything.
If you want to practice and you want to remember things the best way you do actually remember and trust me on this one is when you create things yourself.
If you create things yourself and you use them for study, you will remember things more on.
Let's say you're not very good at grammar or it doesn't really matter.
The reason why is because tongue twisters aren't supposed to make sense.
They're just created so that you can practice moving your mouth in the right way on pronouncing things correctly.
So start slow, get faster, create your own, have fun and yeah, if you want some really, really advanced tongue twisters and lots of little tips, tricks and techniques that's a tongue twister tips, tricks and techniques to improve your pronunciation and learn all of the sounds.
Everything about Internation.
Every single thing you need for British pronunciation.
Head over to e.
T j english dot com and join my pronunciation course.
If you're watching this this week right now, when I'm releasing this video, then I do have a sale on the £60 off my British pronunciation course until the sixth of June.
Because I love June.
My birthday's in June.
So feel free to send me loads of presence or just join the course.
Anyway, thank you very much for watching.
Take care.
Enjoy your practice with tongue twisters.
Cheers, guys way.