Sonow I havetoremindthemlike, youknow, I peoplelovemeallovertheworld.
I'm prettyfamous, Youknowwhat I mean?
It's likeyouguyshavenoidealike I shouldrespectme.
Thatis a bigdeal.
Yeah, butyouknowit.
Itdoesn't workthatway, Doesn't No, no, notatall.
Youknow, Dad's hadnevercool.
Yeah, certainpoint.
Butwhataboutlet's sayyou'rewalkingdownthestreetbackwhenwecouldallwalkdownthestreetandyousee, someonewalkedbywearing a WuTangclan T shirtBecausethoseaireverywhereandthelogoseverywheredotheyget, dotheyDotheygiveyoutherespect?
That's funnythatyoubroughtthatupbecause I recentlypassedsomebodyonthestreetwithTang t shirton.
I mean, like, passedrightbyhim.
Andtheydidn't speaktome.
Theytheyhadnoidea I wasme.
But I getit.
I getitbecause I couldbewearing I don't knowwhatJudasPriestshirtonlyperson I knowfromJudasPriestistheleadsinger.
If I sawhim, I couldpickhimoutoflineup.
Thedrummer, thebassguitarist, theguitarist.
I wouldn't evenknow.
And I'vehadthat T shirton.
Yeah, that's happenedtome.
I'vepassedpeopleonthestreetthatairwearing a Conan T shirtandtheystoppedmeandtheysay, Excuseme, ma'am.
So I've I'vebeenthere.
Mostpeoplethink I'm anolderFrenchwoman.
I'vegotkids, and I couldneverconvincethemthatanything I doiscool.
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