Whatdoes a duckwiththehiccupssideQuick, quick e beadyouback.
Hickelneeds a hicklike a clockneeds a tictacticStickbyMay M pickmayplaymequick.
I thinkshe's reallyuncool.
Needyoulike a shoelace?
Needs a shoetrainNeeds a tracklike a dogNeeds a e NeedyoubackagainNeeds a queenYouenduptobeseenwithquiz e feelingEvenifquestionsareeasyandquietWithoutyounearmenoonecaneverhearmeWhattubsofduckWakeup!
That's quite a dune e Needyoulike a cop?
Need a hicklikeoclockNeed a tictacticClickonmeandpickmePleasemeet I What?
Oh, Whatway?
There's noneedtoshout, Brother, WecanbarelyhearourselvesplayNeedtomakesomeniceIfwewanttobe a rockbandwedon't WewanttoplaypopDisappointingWe'llplayourmusicthenAndyouplayyours?
I'llmakethebandfabulous A fabLet's boogieblockswithwithwayByeByeway, Waydead.
Nowayreadings, exfans.
I canfixthis, but I'm goingtoneedsomehelp.
I'm in.
Hey, fix, Holdoutyourhand.
Yousoonseewho's thebestsix.
Oh, hey, I'm happywith I like a puppythat's waggingeast a kill.
I'm stickingwith I andsoonwillbeyournote A trail.
I takecareoftheroomwassetting a, uhsale.
Okay, Yes.
Mynameis e Can't doit a a waywhenmagicHedoeshismagiconmeWay I canbake a cakeLandhonestyYoucanmakemesaymyheyName e Mynameis a e p Thankyou, friends I couldn't havedoneitwithoutyouWhen I'm withwhywesayheywhen I'm withwayonWhenMagic E doeshismagiconmewayYou'reonthe 18 onwithyoubymyside I'm gonnabe a okay, YeahOh, noTimetogoOh, helloHaveyouhadasinteresting a dayas I haveOh, oh, YepOhoh e Oh, wheredoeswithmeWesay, Oh, whereknowswithmewesayOh, yes, I magic e onwhenohgoeswithmewesayOh, ohmeCrossmyheartWe'd nevertellher I lie I am a brightbluebutterfly e madeofstinkycheese E don't needfriends e meannobodylikesmeSomebodylikesmeWealldoYou'reourfriendIt's truewayOh, I likeyouand I likeyoutoo.
e needyoulike a hiccup?
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