I mean, thethreeacesthat I love, youknow, suffer, youknow, a sacrifice, suffer, sacrifice, equalsuccess.
Yougottasuffer, youknow, it's gonnabeit's gonnasuck, youknow, like I mean, I workedwhat, 15 hours a day I'llgetup, youknow, andthentryingtostayinshape.
Imaginethatas a 17 yearoldEuropeaninBostonwasspokenEnglish, therewas a lotofsoftware.
Ah, lotofsacrifice.
Youknow, I don't haveanyfriendsorgirlfriendsoranywheretogoright.
I wasjustworking, working, working, working.
AndthensuccesscanyouknowlaterBecause I buildthisfoundationsoittakeseverythingyouknow.
Thedoctorcomesin, youknow, putthisthingintheAchillesandjust, youknow, I mean, itwasjustharshpain, and I waslike, Oh, it's yourkillersAnd I knewitthatonthatBeijingisdone.
Whenhesaidthat, I waslike, No, and I justburstintoyearsbacksevenyearstobuild a trulyAmericandreamandhardship.
It's over.
In a matterofoneminutemyself, Dadwaslike, I'm donewithus 18.
Andthenonceallthesepeoplestarteddoubtingandstartpushingmeaway, youknow, evenmyparents, youknow, myparentswerestillconservativeandworkingonsmalljob, youknow, in a smalltownandsay, youknowsomething?
I mean, awesome.
Youknow, likeyou'rethemanlike, youknow, ValAlbanianthatyourGod, I said, But I wanttobethebestplayerintheworld, and I didn't achievethatdream.
Youknow, since 11 sincenine, mydreamhasbeentobethebestintheworld.
So I startedresearching.
I said, whatisthecomebacktimeforAchilles?
I startdoing a lotofresearch, and I start I made a betwithmyselfwasweirdoneofthesenights, youknow, uh, inItaly a Z.
I gotbetteratwait 23 monthstoflybackto U.
S A.
I wasdrinkingwineon.
I couldn't walkstillwithcrutches.
And I said, Youknowwhat?
It's gonnabe a testbetweenmeandactivists.
Honestly, I mean, I waslike, I made a betwithmyself.
I havetowsuffer, youknow, I havetosacrificeinordertoachievethatsuccess.
Otherwise, I willneverbetheguythat I wanted.
Thio, Um, firstofall, togetupeverydayandoutworkothers, youknow, being a greatteammate, youknow, being a greatpartofwhateverteamitis, youknow, whatever.
Whereveryouareatschool, withyourfriends, atsports, youknow, being a greatpersonaroundyourteammates, youknow, Andlastlyislike, don't burnbridges.
I toldmykidsbecause I was I wentthrough a lotofupsanddowns, youknow?
So I youknow, I burnedfootbridgesbymistake.
Youknow, I havementalthosebridgesnow.
Youknow, I wentbackandapologized, youknow, because I wasin a darkspace.