Youknow, everytime I comeintheroom, shewouldsay, Oh, thatgoes.
Thatboyhadtodoeverything I could.
Sheyouknow, I knew I hadgrownbecause I didn't respondtheway I probablyshouldhaveresponded.
Hasshecaughtme a coupleofyearsearlier.
Um, but, um, youknow, mygrandmother.
After a fewweeks, mygrandmother, youknow, shereachedoverandpulled, grabbedmyarm, andshewaslike, Youknow, if I if I If I havehappenedtodiebeforeshedoes, I wantyoutocomebackandseeheron.
I'm like, No, it's justnotmygrandmothertalkingrightnow.
Um, andso I youknow, itenduphappening, like, threeweeksaftermygrandmothersaidthatmygrandmotherpassedaway.
Andsomygrandmother I sawsomethingatthetimethat I don't reallyunderstandwhyshewasdoingit, but I wentback, and I gointothisroomontheladieslikeit's like, sitsuponherseat.
She's juststartedbawling, crying.
Um, andthenshewaslike, I'm I'm soglad I got a chancetoseeyouagain.
I wasn't doingtheonethingthat I knowthatGodwouldhaveapprovedofthemostlovinghispeople.
Andthenshe, uhsheaskedmeif I couldgiveher a hug.
And I saidinmyTedtalk, Youknow, I was a littleapprehensiveaboutdoingthatbecauseshecouldhaveshapedmeorsomethinglikethatontheside.
But, uh, youknow, I huggedher, andwhen I huggedher, shesaid, You'relikethesonthat I neverhadand I'm going, okay, I never I didn't understanditatthetime.