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  • What's up everyone!


  • I'm Andrea your RealLife English Fluency Coach,


  • and today we're taking an in-depth look at a range of British English Accents.


  • If you haven't seen it already I highly recommend you check out this lesson that we did


  • on little known secrets of the British accent where we had a look at how the British accent


  • can tend to get confused and misinterpreted in American TV shows and movies.


  • In today's lesson, we're going to travel around Great Britain to see a range of accents


  • because there are so many and most of these don't get depicted in TV series and movies,


  • so we don't have time to look at all of them.


  • There are very, very many but we're going to start off by taking a look at a few in today's lesson.


  • So Emma Watson is really famous for her portrayal of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series,


  • but as she has become older and I think because she's lived in America more,


  • you'll find that her accent has changed a little bit.


  • She does have a modern RP accent which is quite popular with youngsters today,


  • particularly in London but also in other parts of Britain.


  • That is to say she does speak more like the Queen's English but a more modern version.


  • It's a little bit less formal and you'll hear it when you see the clip.


  • Now, the first thing we're going to take a look at is the way that she says "that I've."

    現在,我們首先要看看她說 "我已經 "的方式。

  • You'll actually hear her saying it more in American English. She says "that I've"

    其實你會聽到她用美式英語說得更多。她說 "我已經"

  • and that is with the Tap T sound so in American English when you don't pronounce the T

    而且是用Tap T的音,所以在美國英語中,當你不發T的音的時候

  • but your tongue hits the roof of your mouth, that is called a Tap T.

    但你的舌頭碰到了你的嘴頂,這就叫Tap T。

  • And that is how she says these two words.


  • Now in British English we have something similar called a glottal T and there are usually two ways of saying the T.


  • So if you heard me the first time I said "that I've"

    所以如果你聽到我第一次說 "我已經"

  • so there that is called a true T where you actually hear the T sound.


  • Now remember Emma used an American accent here


  • and she said "that I've" so a glottal T in British English is where you don't hear the T but there is a sound there.

    她說 "那我已經",所以在英國英語中的喉舌T是你聽不到T,但那裡有一個聲音。

  • It's more to do with the stopping of the air so I could say "that I've".

    更多的是停氣,所以我可以說 "那我已經"。

  • So you don't hear the T but i'm stopping the air from coming out of my mouth


  • and then it's released so it's quite subtle, but you do hear a difference.


  • So the three would be American English.


  • "that I've" you can have the true T "that I've" and then you have the glottal T "that I've"

    "that I've "你可以有真正的T "that I've "然後你有喉音T "that I've"

  • so you can notice the difference there if you listen very closely.


  • So just to explain it a little bit further the glottal T is used when the T comes in the middle of a word


  • or at the end of a word.


  • Never at the start.


  • If a T is at the start of the word we always pronounce it.


  • So you can hear a glottal T in words such as "water".

    所以在 "水 "等詞中可以聽到一個喉音T。

  • So that's a true T where I'm pronouncing the T "water" but with a glottal T we would say "water".

    所以這就是一個真T,我把T念成了 "水",但如果是喉音T,我們會說 "水"。

  • So that's kind of very Cockney but it is also found in many other parts of Britain where people use a glottal T.


  • It's not just a London thing.


  • Other words such as "city" so with a true T: "city" and with the glottal T "city".

    其他如 "城 "字,所以用真T。"城市 "和帶喉音的 "城市"。

  • So, I'm holding in that air when I'm not pronouncing the T sound, and then I release it so "city"

    所以,我在不發T音的時候,就憋著那股氣,然後再放開,這樣 "城"

  • It's quite in the throat, and there is a sound there so there is a sound there but you cannot hear the T


  • and when you have that T sound at the end of words, it might sound like this so instead of saying "light"

    當你在單詞的結尾發T音時,它可能聽起來像這樣,所以不要說 "光"

  • I would say "light" and instead of saying "right" I would say "right".

    我會說 "輕",而不是說 "對",我會說 "對"。

  • Now if you listen to the way that Emma says "put together" you'll notice that the first T is not sounded.

    現在如果你聽艾瑪說 "放在一起 "的方式,你會發現第一個T沒有發聲。

  • This is because T is a plosive speech sound.


  • That is to say, when you make that sound some air is released.


  • So what happens when two T's come together at the end of one word and at the start of another


  • is that first one is not released because it just wouldn't sound right.

    是,第一個是不釋放 因為它只是不會聽起來正確的。

  • It would be really strange to try and pronounce them both, and say "put together".

    如果想把它們兩個都念出來,說成 "放在一起",那真是太奇怪了。

  • It just seems like too much effort, so to make it easier that first one comes away and we say "put together".

    只是覺得太費勁了,所以為了方便起見,第一個人走了,我們說 "拼了"。

  • Are you frustrated by finding it difficult to understand fast-speaking natives?


  • Then, I highly recommend our Fluent with Friends course.

    那麼,我強烈推薦我們的 "流利說 "課程。

  • In this 48-week course, you will learn with the first two seasons of Friends.


  • Each week you'll receive PDF power lessons, vocabulary memorization software,


  • access to our Fluency Circle Global Community, and so much more.

    進入我們的 "流利圈 "全球社區,還有更多。

  • And the best part is you can try it right now for free with our Three-part Master Class.


  • All you have to do is click up here or in the description box below to learn more and sign up now.


  • We hope to see you there.


  • Now the schwa sound which you may have heard about is probably the most common sound


  • and the one that you would really need to learn about if you want to sound like a British native.


  • So where words end with "er" for example we don't really pronounce that R again.

    所以,比如說凡是以 "er "結尾的單詞,我們並不會再真正地讀出那個R。

  • It has more of an sound as in "umbrella".

    它的聲音更像 "傘"。

  • So rather than saying "together" and pronouncing that r or like in american english saying together,

    所以與其說 "在一起",不如說 "r "的發音,或者像美式英語那樣說在一起。

  • in British English we say "together".

    在英國英語中,我們說 "一起"。

  • So you can hear it in words such as "together, brother, mother".

    所以你可以從 "一起、哥哥、媽媽 "等詞語中聽到。

  • So I hope you can hear that at the end there that is the schwa sound.


  • So it's more of an "uh" sound. You'll hear it in other words as well not just words that end with er.

    所以更多的是 "呃 "音。你會在其他詞中聽到它,也不只是以er結尾的詞。

  • For example, you'll hear it in survive so we don't say survive we say survive it's very very subtle.


  • So next we're going to travel up north and take a look at the Manchester accent which we actually call a Mancunian accent.


  • We're going to take a little look at Liam Gallagher, who does have quite a strong accent

    我們來看看利亞姆-加拉格爾 他的口音確實很重

  • but we're going to look at how he pronounces some words so as I mentioned before even in Cockney London

    但我們要看看他是如何發音的一些單詞 所以就像我之前提到的 即使在倫敦的Cockney,也是如此

  • accent the h at start of words is often not sounded out and you'll hear Liam Gallagher do that as well in this clip

    詞首的 "h "往往聽不出來,在這個片段中,你會聽到Liam Gallagher也這樣做。

  • so instead of saying "have" he'll say "av" so instead of saying "I had a good time"

    所以他不說 "有 "就說 "有",所以不說 "我很開心"

  • some people might say "I ad a good time".

    有些人可能會說 "我很開心"。

  • another interesting word that he pronounces here is glasses


  • so he actually says glasses and this is really more in north of england as well as scotland and wales


  • it's only more in the south and in particular london where we say these words with a longer r sound


  • so generally in britain you'll hear words like glass dance pass with a shorter a sound


  • glass dance pass but in london and accent we have that elongated r sound.


  • Did you notice how instead of saying myself he actually said myself


  • now i think historically this was an influence from Irish English because in the north of england


  • especially liverpool is very close to the um to the sea and very close to ireland and so over time

    特別是利物浦離海很近 離愛爾蘭也很近 所以隨著時間的推移

  • the irish actually influenced the way that brits would say particular words so definitely in the north of england

    愛爾蘭人實際上影響了英國人說特定單詞的方式 所以在英格蘭北部肯定是這樣。

  • you will hear people often say myself instead of myself


  • so we're now going to journey back down a little bit in between london and manchester to birmingham

    所以我們現在要回程下來一點點 在倫敦和曼徹斯特之間的伯明翰。

  • so birmingham is found in the midlands and we're going to be looking at a clip from peaky blinders

    所以,伯明翰是發現在中部地區,我們要去尋找 從Peaky盲目的剪輯。

  • now it's worth noting that even i struggle to understand them when they speak sometimes on peaky blinders


  • and i do actually watch the show with subtitles to make sure i don't miss anything


  • but if you do ever visit birmingham itself you'll find this accent is not quite as strong as in the show


  • and you will understand people a lot better so one thing that's really distinctive in this accent is the way

    你會更好地理解人們的意思 所以這種口音的一個特點就是

  • they pronounce the uh so it's that u sound that's found in the middle of words or sometimes at the start


  • and in london for example we would pronounce this as uh so when i say us it has that sound that you would

    而在倫敦,例如,我們會發音為呃 所以當我說我們,它有這樣的聲音,你會。

  • associate with the letter but here you can hear them say "ooz"

    但在這裡你可以聽到他們說 "ooz"

  • and you hear it in the way that they say pub as well


  • so in the south of england we would say pub but as you can hear in the birmingham accent we can hear pub


  • so it has more of an uh sound quite a short uh sound maybe as in good this sound is synonymous with more


  • northern accents you will hear it the further north you go up um in the british isles so it's not just a birmingham


  • accent but here it is very very strong.


  • so you'll notice that any time the word of is said it actually connects with the word before and after it


  • so we don't actually hear the v sound so when he says a lot of money it sounds like a lot of money

    所以我們實際上並沒有聽到V的聲音 所以當他說很多錢的時候,聽起來就像很多錢一樣

  • so it's more of a connected speech and here are some examples to see that even further


  • you can also hear this when he says a lot of money so rather than saying a lot of money he says a lot of money.


  • so again he's just shorting in it it makes it easier to say and again that you will find a lot in birmingham

    所以,他再次只是在它做空 這使得它更容易說 並再次,你會發現很多在伯明翰。

  • did you also notice the way that he said pour it so when we say poor it has more of an elongated sound


  • but if you hear the way that thomas shelby says it in this clip he says pour it so again it has more of an ooh sound


  • but they also roll the r ever so slightly so you do hear the r sound a lot more than you would with an rp accent


  • or a more london or southern accent


  • if you'd like to learn a little bit more about british english and also the difference between this


  • and american english i highly recommend that you listen to our podcast where ethan and i actually went through

    和美式英語 我強烈建議你聽我們的播客 在那裡,Ethan和我實際上去通過

  • a whole load of different words that are different in britain and america so you can check out


  • in the description box below that link so you can listen to it after this lesson


  • so we're now going to travel a little bit further west to wales and did you know that catherine zeta jones

    所以我們現在要去西邊的威爾士旅行 你知道凱瑟琳-澤塔-瓊斯嗎?

  • is in fact welsh you may not have realized because her accent is probably not quite as strong now

    其實是威爾士人,你可能還沒意識到 因為她的口音現在可能沒那麼重了。

  • from living in America for so long but she is in fact from wales


  • now in this clip she describes the welsh accent


  • and i really like the way that she describes it because she says that it's sing-songy

    我真的很喜歡她描述它的方式 因為她說,它的歌唱歌唱性的

  • now what does that mean if someone describes something as sing-songy


  • they mean that it sounds like a song so as you can hear in this clip the way that she talks there's a lot


  • of intonation and it does very much sound very sing-songy


  • i think that this is probably the best way to describe the welsh accent but it is also important to know that again


  • depending whether you're in the north or the south of wales the accent will be very different


  • i do find that they are a lot stronger in the south of wales than they are in the north


  • and the north as it's so close to liverpool manchester does have a little bit more representation of these two

    北方離利物浦很近 曼徹斯特在這兩個地方的代表性更強一些。

  • accents so in this next clip from one of my favorite british tv series gavin and stacy

    口音,所以在接下來的剪輯 從我最喜歡的英國電視系列之一 蓋文和史黛西。

  • stacy is in fact from wales and you will hear a stronger welsh accent here


  • so let's see what you think


  • so we're now moving further north all the way to scotland and here you will hear a glaswegian accent

    所以,我們現在正在進一步向北移動 一路到蘇格蘭,在這裡你會聽到一個格拉斯哥口音

  • which means this person is from glasgow he is probably the most successful football manager

    這意味著這個人來自格拉斯哥 他可能是最成功的足球經理。

  • in the history of the game sir alex ferguson


  • now you'll probably notice in this clip that many sounds within words are unstressed


  • so it can be quite difficult to actually understand sometimes what is being said


  • for example the way that he says definitely


  • so you can hear that i'm pronouncing most of the sounds in that word definitely

    所以,你可以聽到我的發音 大多數的聲音在這個詞絕對是

  • but here he says it's so fast it's very easy to miss it he says definitely

    但這裡他說太快了,很容易錯過 他說肯定是的

  • so it's quite tricky to understand sometimes what is being said


  • You will also notice with a scottish accent that the r sound is more prominent at times they tend to roll the r


  • not so much but definitely maybe that one time so that you do hear it a little bit more


  • i do believe that in tv series and movies sometimes this accent is exaggerated and a little bit overdone


  • because they don't roll the r's that much but you can hear it there a little bit

    因為他們不滾R的那麼多 但你可以聽到它有一點點

  • this is in fact called a tapped r so you'll hear it in words such as bright so in scotland you'd hear it more as bright

    這其實是所謂的tapped r 所以你會聽到它在單詞中,如明亮 所以在蘇格蘭,你會聽到它更多的光明

  • and words such as red so they would say red


  • so you can hear that i am rolling that r a little bit


  • but not too much so it's called a tapped r another interesting thing to note about

    但不是太多,所以它被稱為一個挖掘的R 另一個有趣的事情,注意到關於

  • the scottish accent is the way that they say words such as good and food and mood


  • so that double o sound in british english is most commonly that sound an ooh sound mood food


  • but in scottish accents you will hear that shorter sound as in good so they will say food rather than food


  • so as you've hopefully learned in today's lesson you will see that all around britain there are so many different


  • accents so many that we couldn't even cover them all in today's lesson so we just picked a handful for you


  • just to get started so that you can understand more native english so if you'd like to learn more british english

    只是為了開始讓你能理解更多的母語英語 所以如果你想學習更多的英國英語

  • i highly recommend that you check out our playlist to learn more about this


  • and hopefully in the future we'll bring some more lessons to you


  • to do with british accents and pronunciation


What's up everyone!


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