I overcame a lotofadversityon a lotofhardworktogetthatoff.
But I shall.
No, I'm just a symbol.
Youdon't carefromKremlin.
Dublin, Ireland.
I'm herelookingfor a fight.
Anytimeyouputyourselfintoanuncomfortablesituation, youwillgrowas a person.
Sothat's whathappenedtome.
I putmyselfoutthere, putmyselfintoanuncomfortablesituation, a situation I'm notasfamiliarwithonbats.
It I grewas a personas a fighter, asanathlete.
Now, here I am, backintointomygame.
Thegame I run.
It's goodtobebackhereontheenemy, readytogoagain.
Soafterthatfight, when I lost, I'm lookingatallthesepeopleandthey'reallcelebratingmydemiseandsaying I'm doinginthisandit's certainlylit a fireundermybelly.
SomeoneaskedmewaslikeWhenyoumakethatwork, whatit's likewhenyou'rewalkingintothearenaand I swearonmylifewhen I walkouttothearena I honestlyfeellike I'm gonnashockingchainsoffme.
I mean, I feellike I'm chainthat I'm carrying a crossorsomethingAndthenwhen I getthatouttheregoing, I'm I'm peelingitalloff.
When I finallysteppedfootinthatoctagonplacemybarefeetonthatspecialUFCcampus, I feelfree.
I trulybelieveweareallequalashumanbeings.
Ifweareobsessedwithsomethingandwetrulypursueourpassionwitheverythingwehave, regardlessofanyanythingelse, ifyou'reobsessed, I workhardputinthetimeyouwillsucceed.
Andthatis a philosophythat I carried.
I came.
I overcame a lotofadversityand a lotofhardworktogetthatoff.
You'repreparedtodieintheir I ampreparedtodieinthere.
I hadtobelieveinit.
I had a feeling I hadtohavefaithinitforittohappen.
Humblesbut E yeah, yeah.
here I amreturnedtotakebackmydrum.
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