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What's up, everyone?
I'm Andrea, your "Real Life English" fluency coach.
And today we have a great lesson for you to help you become more confident when speaking in English.
So, we often teach our students what to do to improve speaking English.
But today we're taking an alternative method, and we are going to be telling you the seven things not to do when speaking in English.
So, the first of our seven things not to do is don't be too ashamed to speak.
Now, this is really important because the way that you're going to improve is by speaking — and I mean speaking a lot.
You can only get better with practice, and if you feel too ashamed, so you are embarrassed or you make excuses so that you don't practice speaking in English, you actually won't progress as quickly as you could do.
Also, if you tell yourself that you can't speak in English, your mind will actually start to believe you, so it really will hinder your progress.
That means that you won't be able to progress further, and you'll start to believe what you are telling yourself.
So the only way that you will get better is by practicing on what I recommend you to do is start by practicing small wins.
Now, by this I mean doing small things that are going to help you to improve your speaking and to build your confidence.
For example, if you're traveling or you're going to a place where you know they speak English, you could order your coffee in English in a touristic place.
This way it's something very, very small, but you're giving yourself that opportunity to practice your English and to build your confidence at the same time.
Another great tip: If you don't have anyone to speak to or to practice speaking English with, you can record yourself speaking English.
Now, this is a great way just to build up your confidence of speaking and to practice and you can listen to yourself back as well, so that you can pick up on any errors that you've made.
And then you can work on those as well.
Another way you could do this is by talking in the mirror.
It may sound a bit strange or feel a bit funny at first, but it's a great way again just to practice your speaking, so either recording or speaking to yourself in the mirror, giving yourselves those positive affirmations and really building your confidence could do a world of wonders.
-Okay, so our second tip is... -What's up, guys?
So, I'm just stopping by to let you know that if you want to get the rest of Andrew's tips of things not to do when speak English, it's really simple.
Just head over to our second YouTube channel, "Real Life English," where every week we're creating fluency coaching lessons help you take your English skills to the next level.
So while you're there, be sure that that subscribe button so you don't miss any of our new ones.
And now it's time to go beyond the classroom and live your English, aw yeah.