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  • PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. Please have a seat.

    奧巴馬總統:下午好,大家好。 請坐。

  • It is my pleasure to welcome President Karzai back to the White House, as well as his delegation.

    這是我的榮幸,歡迎卡爾扎伊總統 回到白宮,和他的代表團。

  • We last saw each other during the NATO Summit, in my hometown of Chicago -- a city that reflects

    我們最後一次看到彼此的北約首腦會議期間, 在我的家鄉芝加哥 - 一個城市,反映

  • the friendship between our peoples, including many Afghan-Americans, as well as the Karzai

    之間的友誼,我們的人民,包括 許多阿富汗裔美國人,以及卡爾扎伊

  • family. So, Mr. President, welcome.


  • We meet at a critical moment. The 33,000 additional forces that I ordered to Afghanistan have

    我們相聚在一個關鍵的時刻。的33000個額外的 的力量,我下令向阿富汗

  • served with honor. Theyve completed their mission and, as promised, returned home this

    服務與榮譽。他們已經完成了他們的 任務,既然答應了,回到家鄉這

  • past fall. The transition is well underway, and soon nearly 90 percent of Afghans will

    去年秋天。過渡正在有條不紊地進行, 很快,近90%的阿富汗人將

  • live in areas where Afghan forces are in the lead for their own security.

    住在阿富汗部隊在的地方 導致自己的安全。

  • This year, well mark another milestone -- Afghan forces will take the lead for security

    今年,我們將標誌著一個新的里程碑 - 阿富汗的安全部隊將帶頭

  • across the entire country. And by the end of next year, 2014, the transition will be

    在整個國家。並在年底 明年,2014年的過渡將是

  • complete --Afghans will have full responsibility for their security, and this war will come

    完成 - 阿富汗人將負全部責任 為他們的安全,這場戰爭會

  • to a responsible end.


  • This progress is only possible because of the incredible sacrifices of our troops and

    這種進步是可能的,因為 令人難以置信的犧牲,我們的軍隊和

  • our diplomats, the forces of our many coalition partners, and the Afghan people whove endured

    我們的外交官,我們的許多聯盟的力量 合作夥伴和阿富汗人民忍受了,

  • extraordinary hardship. In this war, more than 2,000 of America’s sons and daughters

    非凡的困難。在這場戰爭中,更 超過2,000個美國的兒子和女兒

  • have given their lives. These are patriots that we honor today, tomorrow, and forever.

    獻出生命。這些都是愛國者 我們今天有幸,將來,還是永遠。

  • And as we announced today, next month I will present our nation’s highest military decoration,

    正如我們今天宣布,下個月我會 目前我們國家的最高軍事裝飾,

  • the Medal of Honor, to Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha for his heroic service in Afghanistan.

    榮譽勳章,上士克林頓 Romesha為他的英勇服役,在阿富汗。

  • Today, because of the courage of our citizens, President Karzai and I have been able to review

    今天,由於我國公民的勇氣, 卡爾扎伊總統和我已經能夠檢討

  • our shared strategy. With the devastating blows weve struck against al Qaeda, our

    我們的共同戰略。隨著毀滅性的 我們已經碰到了“基地”組織的打擊,我們的

  • core objective -- the reason we went to war in the first place -- is now within reach:

    核心目標 - 我們發動戰爭的原因 擺在首位 - 現在是觸手可及:

  • ensuring that al Qaeda can never again use Afghanistan to launch attacks against our

    確保“基地”組織永遠不能再使用 阿富汗對我們發動襲擊

  • country. At the same time, we pushed the Taliban out of their strongholds. Today, most major

    國。同時,我們推的塔利班 從他們的堡壘。今天,大多數主要

  • cities -- and most Afghans -- are more secure, and insurgents have continued to lose territory.

    城市 - 和大多數阿富汗人 - 更安全, 和叛亂分子繼續失去的領土。

  • Meanwhile, Afghan forces continue to grow stronger. As planned, some 352,000 Afghan

    同時,阿富汗部隊繼續增長 更強。按照計劃,一些352,000阿富汗

  • soldiers and police are now in training or on duty. Most missions are already being led

    士兵和警察現在是在訓練還是 值班。已經導致大多數任務

  • by Afghan forces. And of all the men and women in uniform in Afghanistan, the vast majority

    由阿富汗部隊。和所有的男人和女人 在阿富汗,絕大多數的統一

  • are Afghans who are fighting and dying for their country every day.

    是阿富汗人誰是戰鬥和犧牲的 他們國家的每一天。

  • We still face significant challenges. But because of this progress, our transition is

    我們仍然面臨著重大的挑戰。但 因為這種進步,我們的過渡是

  • on track. At the NATO Summit last year, we agreed with our coalition partners that Afghan

    軌道上。去年舉行的北約峰會,我們 我們的聯盟夥伴,阿富汗同意

  • forces will take the lead for security in mid-2013.

    部隊將帶頭為安全 2013年年中。

  • President Karzai and his team have been here for several days. Weve shared a vision

    卡爾扎伊總統和他的團隊一直在這裡 數天。我們共享的願景

  • for how we're going to move ahead. Weve consulted with our coalition partners, and

    為我們要如何前進。我們的 諮詢我們的聯盟夥伴,

  • we will continue to do so. And today, we agreed that as Afghan forces take the lead and as

    我們將繼續這樣做。今天,我們同意 阿富汗部隊起帶頭作用,為

  • President Karzai announces the final phase of the transition, coalition forces will move

    卡爾扎伊總統宣布的最後階段 的過渡,聯軍將移動

  • to a support role this spring. Our troops will continue to fight alongside Afghans,

    到今年春天,一個支撐作用。我們的軍隊 繼續並肩作戰阿富汗人,

  • when needed. But let me say it as plainly as I can: Starting this spring, our troops

    在需要的時候。但讓​​我說,這清楚地 我可以從今年春天開始,我們的軍隊

  • will have a different mission -- training, advising, assisting Afghan forces. It will

    將有不同的任務 - 訓練, 諮詢,協助阿富汗軍隊。這將

  • be an historic moment and another step toward full Afghan sovereignty -- something I know

    是一個歷史性的時刻,另一個一步 全阿富汗的主權 - 我所知道的東西

  • that President Karzai cares deeply about, as do the Afghan people.

    卡爾扎伊總統的深切關注, 因為這樣做的阿富汗人民。

  • This sets the stage for the further reduction of coalition forces. Weve already reduced

    為進一步減少,這台舞台 聯軍。我們已經降低

  • our presence in Afghanistan to roughly 66,000 U.S. troops. I’ve pledged well continue

    我們在阿富汗的大約66,000 美國軍隊。我承諾,我們將繼續

  • to bring our forces home at a steady pace, and in the coming months I’ll announce the

    以穩定的步伐,使我們的軍隊回家 在未來幾個月內,我將宣布 0:04:21.380,0:04:26.​​670 下一階段我們的提取 - 一個負責任的 提取的收益,保護我們的部隊 0:04:26.​​670,0:04:28.880 有。

  • next phase of our drawdown -- a responsible drawdown that protects the gains our troops

    卡爾扎伊總統和我還討論了 2014年後,我們的安全合作性質。

  • have made.

    我們的團隊繼續努力,朝著安全 協議。當他們這樣做,他們將被引導

  • President Karzai and I also discussed the nature of our security cooperation after 2014.

    我們尊重阿富汗的主權, 我們的長期的任務,這將是

  • Our teams continue to work toward a security agreement. And as they do, they will be guided

    很具體,很窄的 - 首先,培訓 並協助阿富汗部隊和,第二,針對

  • by our respect for Afghan sovereignty, and by our two long-term tasks, which will be

    有針對性的反恐任務 - 反恐 對“基​​地”組織及其附屬機構的任務。

  • very specific and very narrow -- first, training and assisting Afghan forces and, second, targeting

    我們的討論將集中在如何以最佳方式 2014年實現這兩個任務後,它的

  • counterterrorism missions -- targeted counterterrorism missions against al Qaeda and its affiliates.

    我們希望,我們可以達成協議 年。

  • Our discussions will focus on how best to achieve these two tasks after 2014, and it’s

    最後,安全的收益必須匹配 政治上的進步。所以我們recommitted

  • our hope that we can reach an agreement this year.

    國家之間的和解進程 阿富汗政府和塔利班。總統

  • Ultimately, security gains must be matched by political progress. So we recommitted our

    卡爾扎伊對阿富汗政府的更新,我 和平路線圖。而在今天,我們一致認為,

  • nations to a reconciliation process between the Afghan government and the Taliban. President

    這個過程中,應提前開幕 一輛塔利班的辦公室,以促進談判。

  • Karzai updated me on the Afghan government’s road map to peace. And today, we agreed that

    對賬也需要建設性的 來自該地區的支持,其中包括

  • this process should be advanced by the opening of a Taliban office to facilitate talks.

    巴基斯坦。我們歡迎最近的步驟 在這方面,我們來看看

  • Reconciliation also requires constructive support from across the region, including

    為更切實的步驟 - 因為穩定 的利益和安全的阿富汗

  • Pakistan. We welcome recent steps that have been taken in that regard, and well look

    不僅對阿富汗人民和聯合國 國家,而是整個地區。

  • for more tangible steps -- because a stable and secure Afghanistan is in the interest

    最後,我們重申了戰略合作夥伴關係 我們去年簽署的喀布爾 - 一個持久的

  • not only of the Afghan people and the United States, but of the entire region.

    兩個主權國家之間的夥伴關係。 這包括深化貿易,商業關係,

  • And finally, we reaffirmed the Strategic Partnership that we signed last year in Kabul -- an enduring

    加強制度建設,發展,教育 和所有阿富汗人的機會 - 男人和

  • partnership between two sovereign nations. This includes deepening ties of trade, commerce,

    婦女,男孩和女孩。這發出了一個明確的 向阿富汗和該地區的消息,因為阿富汗人

  • strengthening institutions, development, education and opportunities for all Afghans -- men and

    站了起來,他們將不獨立;美國 國和世界,代表與他們同在。

  • women, boys and girls. And this sends a clear message to Afghans and to the region, as Afghans

    現在,讓我說,這樣下去關閉 是一個非常艱鉅的任務。我們的部隊

  • stand up, they will not stand alone; the United States, and the world, stands with them.

    繼續留任,並作出了巨大的犧牲 每一天。阿富汗人民作出顯著的

  • Now, let me close by saying that this continues to be a very difficult mission. Our forces

    犧牲的每一天。阿富汗軍隊仍 需要發展壯大。我們保持警惕

  • continue to serve and make tremendous sacrifices every day. The Afghan people make significant

    對來自內部的攻擊。持久和平與 安全需要治理和發展

  • sacrifices every day. Afghan forces still need to grow stronger. We remain vigilant

    提供了對阿富汗人民和 最終,以“基地”組織及其同類的避風港。

  • against insider attacks. Lasting peace and security will require governance and development


  • that delivers for the Afghan people and an end to safe havens for al Qaeda and its ilk.

    但是,毫無疑問 - 我們的道路是明確的, 我們正在前進。每一天,更多的阿富汗人

  • All this will continue to be our work.

    加強和承擔責任 為自己的安全。當他們這樣做,我們的

  • But make no mistake -- our path is clear and we are moving forward. Every day, more Afghans

    部隊回家。明年,這 長期的戰爭將來到一個負責任的方式結束。

  • are stepping up and taking responsibility for their own security. And as they do, our

    卡爾扎伊總統,我要感謝您和您的代表團 的進步,我們已經取得了起來,

  • troops will come home. And next year, this long war will come to a responsible end.

    對您的承諾,我們共同的目標 - 一個強大的和主權的阿富汗

  • President Karzai, I thank you and your delegation for the progress weve made together and

    阿富汗人找到安全,和平,繁榮和 尊嚴。而在追求未來的希望,阿富汗

  • for your commitment to the goals that we share -- a strong and sovereign Afghanistan where

    在美國將有一個長期的合作夥伴 合眾國。

  • Afghans find security, peace, prosperity and dignity. And in pursuit of that future, Afghanistan


  • will have a long-term partner in the United States of America.

    卡爾扎伊總統:謝謝你。非常感謝你 多,主席先生,這非常有風度

  • Mr. President.

    熱烈歡迎我和阿富汗代表團 這次訪問華盛頓,並承擔

  • PRESIDENT KARZAI: Thank you. Thank you very much, Mr. President, for this very gracious

    正如我剛才所說,我們在我們的會談中 布萊爾宮,與所有的人群,

  • and warm welcome to me and the Afghan delegation on this visit to Washington, and for bearing


  • with us, as I mentioned during our talks in the Blair House, with all the crowds that

    今天在偉大的總統和我討論 所有細節之間的有關問題

  • we have there.

    兩個國家。我很高興地看到,我們 上的一些重要方面取得了進展,

  • The President and I discussed today in great detail all the relevant issues between the

    阿富汗問題。關於阿富汗 主權完整的回報,我們同意

  • two countries. I was happy to see that we have made progress on some of the important

    拘留中心和被拘留者到阿富汗 主權,並認為這將實施

  • issues for Afghanistan. Concerning Afghan sovereignty, we agreed on the complete return

    不久後,我返回阿富汗。我們還 討論過渡到阿富汗的各個方面

  • of detention centers and detainees to Afghan sovereignty, and that this will be implemented


  • soon after my return to Afghanistan. We also discussed all aspects of transition to Afghan

    我很高興聽到總統, 因為我們還討論過,在春季

  • governance and security.

    今年阿富汗部隊將全面 負責提供安全和保護

  • I'm very happy to hear from the President, as we also discussed it earlier, that in spring

    向阿富汗人民,而國際 力量,美國軍隊將不再

  • this year the Afghan forces will be fully responsible for providing security and protection

    目前在阿富汗的村莊,即任務 將是阿富汗的部隊提供

  • to the Afghan people, and that the international forces, the American forces will be no longer


  • present in Afghan villages, that the task will be that of the Afghan forces to provide

    我們也同意的台階上,我們應該 在和平進程中,這是

  • for the Afghan people in security and protection.

    最高優先級到阿富汗。我們同意 允許塔利班在卡塔爾 - 辦公室

  • We also agreed on the steps that we should be taking in the peace process, which is of

    多哈,塔利班將進行直接 在阿富汗的代表舉行會談

  • highest priority to Afghanistan. We agreed on allowing a Taliban office in Qatar -- in

    高和平委員會,在那裡我們將尋求 有關地區國家的幫助下,包括

  • Doha, where the Taliban will engage in direct talks with the representatives of the Afghan

    巴基斯坦 - 在這裡,我們將盡我們最大, 再加上美國和我們的其他

  • High Council for Peace, where we will be seeking the help of relevant regional countries, including

    盟國,返回阿富汗的和平與穩定 盡快,並採用所有

  • Pakistan -- where well be trying our best, together with the United States and our other

    這意味著,我們有我們有能力做 這一點,所以阿富汗人民能夠生活在安全性

  • allies, to return peace and stability to Afghanistan as soon as possible, and employing all the

    與和平,並為他們的繁榮和 教育自己的孩子。

  • means that we have within our power to do that, so the Afghan people can live in security

    總統和我還討論了經濟 阿富汗過渡導致

  • and peace and work for their prosperity and educate their children.

    阿富汗。一旦過渡到阿富汗 力,一旦完成了大量的

  • The President and I also discussed the economic transition of Afghanistan and all that entails

    國際部隊從阿富汗撤出, 我們希望這一轉變的股息

  • for Afghanistan. Once the transition to Afghan forces is completed, once the bulk of the

    經濟向阿富汗將有利於 向阿富汗人民,不會有不良反應

  • international forces have withdrawn from Afghanistan, we hope that the dividends of that transition

    對阿富汗的經濟和繁榮的影響 我們已經獲得了在過去的許多年。

  • economically to Afghanistan will be beneficial to the Afghan people, and will not have adverse

    我們還討論了選舉問題 阿富汗和選舉的重要性

  • effects on Afghan economy and the prosperity that we have gained in the past many years.

    為阿富汗人民,並希望 我們將進行自由和公平的選舉

  • We also discussed the issue of election in Afghanistan and the importance of election

    在阿富汗,我們在國際上的朋友 社區 - 特別是,美國

  • for the Afghan people, with the hope that well be conducting a free and fair election

    - 將協助進行這些選舉, 當然,阿富汗將有

  • in Afghanistan where our friends in the international community -- in particular, the United States

    合適的環境,進行選舉 沒有干擾,沒有過多的擔心

  • -- will be assisting in conducting those elections, of course; where Afghanistan will have the


  • right environment for conducting elections without interference and without undue concern

    我們還討論了一些細節, ,各方面的環境,我們有

  • in that regard for the Afghan people.

    之間的雙邊安全協議 阿富汗和美國,我告訴

  • We also discussed in a bit of detail, and in the environment that we have, all aspects

    總統,阿富汗人民已經 在支爾格大會,我們要求 -

  • of the bilateral security agreement between Afghanistan and the United States, and I informed

    我們之間的戰略合作框架協議 美國 - 由於其

  • the President that the Afghan people already in the Loya Jirga that we called for -- the

    批准這種關係和值 一個是阿富汗的好。因此,在

  • Strategic Partnership Agreement between us and the United States -- have given their

    這種情況下,雙邊安全協議 是,阿富汗人民的批准。和

  • approval to this relationship and the value as one that is good for Afghanistan. So in

    我敢肯定,我們會進行詳細的 雙方的利益,美國

  • that context, the bilateral security agreement is one that the Afghan people approve. And

    阿富汗的利益將被保留 的初衷。

  • I'm sure we will conduct it in detail where both the interests of the United States and

    我們有一些其他的問題,還談 有關。在我們的談話中,也許

  • the interests of Afghanistan will be kept in mind.

    多次在那次談話中,開始 的談話,當然,我感謝

  • We had a number of other issues also to talk about. During our conversations, and perhaps

    總統說,美國的幫助 美國向阿富汗人民,

  • many times in that conversation, beginning with the conversation, of course, I thanked

    所有,我們已經獲得了在過去的10年裡, ,而這些收益將被保留,以任何標準

  • the President for the help that the United States has given to the Afghan people, for

    而我們正在努力的和平與穩定 在阿富汗,包括尊重

  • all that we have gained in the past 10 years, and that those gains will be kept by any standard


  • while we are working for peace and stability in Afghanistan, including the respect for

    我也感謝主席和贊同 他的犧牲的美國男性和

  • Afghan constitution.

    穿制服和其他國家的婦女。 因此,我還通知了美國總統奧巴馬

  • I also thanked the President and endorsed with him the sacrifices of American men and

    阿富汗人民的犧牲 - 阿富汗人民的巨大犧牲

  • women in uniform and those of other countries. Accordingly, I also informed President Obama

    在過去的10年裡,無論是軍人 和阿富汗人民。

  • of the sacrifices of the Afghan people -- of the immense sacrifices of the Afghan people

    我會在晚上要回阿富汗 給阿富汗人民帶來的消息

  • in the past 10 years, both for the servicemen and of the Afghan people.

    阿富汗比肩而立 美國作為一個主權獨立的國家,

  • I’ll be going back to Afghanistan this evening to bring to the Afghan people the news of


  • Afghanistan standing shoulder to shoulder with America as a sovereign, independent country,


  • but in cooperation and in partnership.

    奧巴馬總統:非常感謝你,先生 總統。

  • Thank you, Mr. President, for the hospitality.

    好了,我們每一個我認為有兩個問題 從美國和阿富汗記者。我將開始與

  • PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very much, Mr. President.


  • Okay, weve got two questions each I think from U.S. and Afghan press. I will start with


  • Scott Wilson of The Washington Post.

    主席先生,不動的最後期限 過渡到阿富汗的安全角色

  • Q Thank you, Mr. President and President Karzai.

    導致在春天的意思是你會被清盤 讓美國士兵的速度比你的預期

  • Mr. President, does moving up the deadline for the transition to an Afghan security role

    今年呢?而且盡可能具體, 你期望多少部隊離開

  • lead in the spring mean youll be winding down U.S. troops faster than you expected

    阿富汗2014年以後的兩個任務 貴公司提出的嗎?你會考慮離開

  • this year? And as specifically as possible, how many troops do you expect to leave in

    在該日期之後的任何部隊在阿富汗 沒有對自己的行為豁免協議? 0:14:57.769,0:15:0​​3.730 ,卡爾扎伊總統,你經常提及 對威脅美國的存在 0:15:0​​3.730,0:15:0​​8.899 阿富汗對你的國家的主權。 我想知道你是否會考慮 0:15:0​​8.899,0:15:14.879 和代表的豁免協議 保留一些美軍在阿富汗

  • Afghanistan beyond 2014 for the two missions you outlined? And would you consider leaving

    經過2014年的日期,以及有多少美軍 時間後,你會接受。

  • any troops in Afghanistan beyond that date without an immunity agreement for their actions?


  • And, President Karzai, youve spoken often about the threat the American presence in

    奧巴馬:斯科特,我們的首要任務 一直以滿足我們設定的過渡計劃,

  • Afghanistan poses to your nation’s sovereignty. I’m wondering if you will be considering

    首先在里斯本,然後在芝加哥。而且,由於 已經取得的進步,我們的

  • and working on behalf of an immunity agreement to preserve some U.S. forces in Afghanistan

    軍隊,因為所取得的進展的 在阿富汗安全部隊,他們的

  • after the 2014 date, and how many U.S. troops you would accept after that time.

    帶頭的能力,我們能夠 實現這些目標,他們有所加快。

  • Thank you.

    因此,讓我再次重申:會發生什麼 這個春天,阿富汗將在

  • PRESIDENT OBAMA: Scott, our first task has been to meet the transition plan that we set

    導致全國各地。這不 意味著聯軍,包括美國

  • first in Lisbon, then in Chicago. And because of the progress that’s been made by our

    力量,不再參與戰鬥。他們將 仍然是阿富汗軍隊並肩作戰。

  • troops, because of the progress that’s been made in terms of Afghan security forces, their

    它的意思是,雖然,阿富汗人將有 採取的帶領下,我們的存在,自然

  • capacity to take the lead, we are able to meet those goals and accelerate them somewhat.

    我們的工作會有所不同。我們將 在一次訓練中,協助,指導的作用。

  • So let me repeat: What’s going to happen this spring is that Afghans will be in the

    很顯然,我們仍然有駐軍 這意味著,我們的男性和女性會

  • lead throughout the country. That doesn’t mean that coalition forces, including U.S.

    仍然會受到傷害的方式,將有 仍然是需要保護力。 “

  • forces, are no longer fighting. They will still be fighting alongside Afghan troops.

    環境將仍然是非常危險的。 但我們所看到的是,這名阿富汗士兵

  • It does mean, though, that Afghans will have taken the lead, and our presence, the nature

    正在加緊,在極大的風險, 並且允許我們使這個過渡

  • of our work will be different. We will be in a training, assisting, advising role.


  • Obviously, we will still have troops there and that means that our men and women will

    這轉化為精確的條款 如何提取美軍進行

  • still be in harm’s way, that there will still be the need for force protection. The

    是的東西,還沒有完全確定。 我將在未來幾週內得到

  • environment is going to still be very dangerous. But what weve seen is, is that Afghan soldiers

    艾倫將軍和其他的建議 地面指揮官。他們將被設計

  • are stepping up, at great risk to themselves, and that allows us then to make this transition

    塑造一個負責任的計劃,以確保 我們不會失去的收益

  • during the spring.

    已經作出,以確保我們的 在支持阿富汗部隊時的位置

  • What that translates into precisely in terms of how this drawdown of U.S. troop proceeds

    他們在劇場,以確保 我們的員工也得到了保護,甚至就在我們

  • is something that isn’t yet fully determined. I’m going to be over the coming weeks getting


  • recommendations from General Allen and other commanders on the ground. They will be designing

    所以我不能給你一個準確的數字, 了這一點。我可能會建立一個獨立的

  • and shaping a responsible plan to make sure that were not losing the gains that have

    公告一旦我得到的建議 從部隊 - 從將軍和我們的指揮官

  • already been made, to make sure that were in a position to support Afghan units when

    在提取可能看起來是什麼 等等。

  • theyre in theater, and to make sure that our folks are also protected even as were

    對於2014年後,我們有兩個 目標 - 我們今天談話

  • drawing down.

    建立一個會議的頭腦條款 這些目標將與後續

  • So I can’t give you a precise number at this point. I’ll probably make a separate

    美軍的存在。數一,訓練, 協助,並建議阿富汗軍隊,讓他們

  • announcement once I’ve gotten recommendations from troop -- from the generals and our commanders

    可以維護自己的安全和數量 2,並確保我們能繼續去

  • in terms of what that drawdown might look like.

    後殘餘的“基地”組織或其他關聯 可能威脅到我們的家園。

  • With respect to post-2014, weve got two goals -- and our main conversation today was

    這是一個非常有限的任務,並且它是 不是一個,需要相同的種

  • establishing a meeting of the minds in terms of what those goals would be with a follow-on

    的足跡,很顯然,我們已經有超過 過去10年來在阿富汗。

  • presence of U.S. troops. Number one, to train, assist, and advise Afghan forces so that they

    提取的問題,我還是 從五角大樓獲得的建議

  • can maintain their own security; and number two, making sure that we can continue to go

    我們的指揮官在地上條款 看起來像什麼。當我們

  • after remnants of al Qaeda or other affiliates that might threaten our homeland.

    有更多相關信息,我會 描述的是美國人民。

  • That is a very limited mission, and it is not one that would require the same kind of

    我認為卡爾扎伊總統的首要關注 - 很明顯,你會聽到直接從

  • footprint, obviously, that weve had over the last 10 years in Afghanistan.

    他 - 是確保阿富汗的主權 是尊重。如果我們有一個後續部隊

  • Similar to the issue of drawdown, I’m still getting recommendations from the Pentagon

    的任何排序過去的2014年,它必須是在 阿富汗政府的邀請,

  • and our commanders on the ground in terms of what that would look like. And when we


  • have more information about that, I will be describing that to the American people.

    我會說 - 我已經說過了總統 卡爾扎伊 - 我們有這樣的安排

  • I think President Karzai’s primary concern -- and obviously youll hear directly from

    與世界各地的所有國家,無處 我們有什麼樣的安全協議

  • him -- is making sure that Afghan sovereignty is respected. And if we have a follow-on force

    一個國家沒有我們的軍隊免疫力。 這就是我作為統帥,可以

  • of any sort past 2014, it’s got to be at the invitation of the Afghan government and

    確保保護我們的人 非常艱鉅的任務。

  • they have to feel comfortable with it.

    因此,我認為,卡爾扎伊總統明白 這一點。我不想得到超前

  • I will say -- and I’ve said to President Karzai -- that we have arrangements like this

    的談判仍然在 其餘的雙邊安全協議,

  • with countries all around the world, and nowhere do we have any kind of security agreement

    但我認為這是公平地說,從 至少在我的角度來看,它不會是可能的

  • with a country without immunity for our troops. That’s how I, as Commander-in-Chief, can

    我們有什麼樣的美國駐軍 後的2014年,我們的人不保證

  • make sure that our folks are protected in carrying out very difficult missions.

    婦女誰在那裡經營在一些 不受管轄的另一個

  • And so I think President Karzai understands that. I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves


  • in terms of the negotiations that are still remaining on the bilateral security agreement,

    卡爾扎伊總統:嗯,先生,雙邊 安全協議是在考慮的利益

  • but I think it’s fair to say that, from my perspective at least, it will not be possible

    這兩個國家。據我們了解, 豁免問題是非常特殊的重要性

  • for us to have any kind of U.S. troop presence post-2014 without assurances that our men

    美國,是我們的問題 主權和拘留,並持續

  • and women who are operating there are in some way subject to the jurisdiction of another

    國際部隊在阿富汗的存在 村莊和戰爭本身的行為。

  • country.

    解決這些問題,因為我們今天所做的, 它的一部分 - 其餘的前面做的 - 我

  • PRESIDENT KARZAI: Well, sir, the bilateral security agreement is in mind for the interests

    可以去阿富汗人民和主張 美軍在阿富汗的豁免權

  • of both countries. We understand that the issue of immunity is of very specific importance

    阿富汗主權的方式,將不 妥協,阿富汗法律的方式,將

  • for the United States, as was for us the issue of sovereignty and detentions and the continued

    不會被損害,在一種方式的規定 通過我們的會談,我們到達會給

  • presence of international forces in Afghan villages and the very conduct of the war itself.

    美國滿意的是什麼 它的目的,也將提供阿富汗

  • With those issues resolved, as we did today, part of it -- the rest was done earlier -- I

    人的利益,他們正在尋求 通過這次合作,和隨後的

  • can go to the Afghan people and argue for immunity for U.S. troops in Afghanistan in


  • a way that Afghan sovereignty will not be compromised, in a way that Afghan law will

    問:你是否有任何意義了多少部隊 你會願意有嗎?

  • not be compromised, in a way that the provisions that we arrive at through our talks will give

    卡爾扎伊總統:這不是由我們來決定。 這是美國的一個問題。數字

  • the United States the satisfaction of what it seeks and will also provide the Afghan

    不會有所作為的 阿富汗的局勢。這是更廣泛的

  • people the benefits that they are seeking through this partnership and the subsequent

    關係,將有所作為 阿富汗,除此之外,在該地區。 “

  • agreement.

    具體數字是軍事問題 會決定,阿富汗將不會

  • Q Do you have any sense of how many troops you would be willing to have?

    當我們正在談論的特別關注 數字和它們是如何部署的。

  • PRESIDENT KARZAI: That’s not for us to decide. It’s an issue for the United States. Numbers


  • are not going to make a difference to the situation in Afghanistan. It’s the broader

    問:我是阿卜杜勒·卡迪爾,喀布爾,阿富汗。我 喜歡問我的問題,我自己的語言。

  • relationship that will make a difference to Afghanistan and, beyond, in the region. The

    (解釋)。主席先生,使命 - 作戰任務後,美國

  • specifics of numbers are issues that the military will decide, and Afghanistan will have no

    2014年 - 此任務將是如何?將它 類似相同的任務,因為它是在

  • particular concern when we are talking of numbers and how they are deployed.

    11年來,或者是有區別的,不同的 樣的任務?誰在巴基斯坦,

  • Any Afghan press? English-speaking press?

    特別是,在巴基斯坦的避風港 你有什麼樣的政策?謝謝。

  • Q I am Abdul Qadir, Kabul, Afghanistan. I prefer to ask my question to my own language.

    奧巴馬:我想重​​申,我們的主 原因,我們應該有在阿富汗的駐軍

  • (As interpreted.) Mr. President, the missions of -- combat missions of United States after

    後,於2014年在阿富汗的邀請 政府將確保我們

  • 2014 -- how this mission will be? Will it be resembling the same mission as it was during

    阿富汗安全培訓,協助並指導 現在已經率先力量

  • 11 years, or is there a difference, different kind of mission? Those who are in Pakistan,

    阿富汗全境的安全負責, 和美國的利益,有

  • particularly the safe havens that are in Pakistan, what kind of policy will you have? Thank you.

    - 這個原因,我們去阿富汗 擺在首位 - 這是使

  • PRESIDENT OBAMA: Just to repeat, our main reason should we have troops in Afghanistan

    確保“基地”組織及其附屬機構不能 對美國發動攻擊

  • post-2014 at the invitation of the Afghan government will be to make sure that we are


  • training, assisting and advising Afghan security forces who have now taken the lead for and

    我們相信,我們能夠實現這一使命 非常不同的方式,是在 0:24:19.440,0:24:26.​​100 非常活躍的身影,我們已經在阿富汗 在過去的11年。卡爾扎伊總統 0:24:26.​​100,0:24:33.100 強調株,美軍的存在 例如,在阿富汗的村莊,已創建。

  • are responsible for security throughout Afghanistan, and an interest that the United States has

    嗯,這不會是一個應變, 如果有一個後續的操作,因為

  • -- the very reason that we went to Afghanistan in the first place -- and that is to make

    不會是我們的責任; 將阿富汗國民的責任

  • sure that al Qaeda and its affiliates cannot launch an attack against the United States

    安全部隊,以維持和平與秩序 和穩定性,在阿富汗在阿富汗的村莊

  • or other countries from Afghan soil.


  • We believe that we can achieve that mission in a way that’s very different from the

    因此,我認為,很明顯,我們仍然 兩年的時間,我可以有把握地說,

  • very active presence that we've had in Afghanistan over the last 11 years. President Karzai has

    這是一個非常不同的任務和 不同的任務和一個非常不同的足跡

  • emphasized the strains that U.S. troop presences in Afghan villages, for example, have created.

    美國,如果我們能夠來一個 相應的協議。

  • Well, that's not going to be a strain that exists if there is a follow-up operation because

    而巴基斯坦和避風港 在那裡,阿富汗和美國

  • that will not be our responsibility; that will be the responsibility of the Afghan National

    巴基斯坦所有有興趣在減少 這些邊界在一些極端主義的威脅

  • Security Forces, to maintain peace and order and stability in Afghan villages, in Afghan

    阿富汗和巴基斯坦之間的地區。 而這將需要的不僅僅是

  • territory.

    軍事行動。這是真的需要 在阿富汗的政治和外交工作

  • So I think, although obviously we're still two years away, I can say with assurance that

    和巴基斯坦。美國明顯 有興趣在促進和

  • this is a very different mission and a very different task and a very different footprint

    參與兩者之間的合作 主權國家。

  • for the U.S. if we are able to come to an appropriate agreement.

    但我認為卡爾扎伊總統已表示, 這是很難想像的穩定與和平

  • And with respect to Pakistan and safe havens there, Afghanistan and the United States and

    在該地區,如果巴基斯坦和阿富汗 不來一些基本的協議和諒解

  • Pakistan all have an interest in reducing the threat of extremism in some of these border

    到這兩個國家的極端主義的威脅 兩國政府和兩國首都。和

  • regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. And that's going to require more than simply

    我想你已經開始看到一個更清晰的認識 的一部分,巴基斯坦政府。

  • military actions. That's really going to require political and diplomatic work between Afghanistan

    卡爾扎伊總統:(解釋)。問題 您所做的 - 我們談論

  • and Pakistan. And the United States obviously will have an interest in facilitating and

    這個問題詳細的囚犯的今天, 的拘留中心。所有這些

  • participating in cooperation between the two sovereign countries.

    將轉移到阿富汗的主權,並 美軍將撤出村莊,

  • But as President Karzai I think has indicated, it's very hard to imagine stability and peace

    會去他們的基地,阿富汗的主權 將被恢復。

  • in the region if Pakistan and Afghanistan don't come to some basic agreement and understanding

    2014年後,我們正在研究這種關係。 這種關係將具有不同性質的

  • about the threat of extremism to both countries and both governments and both capitals. And

    和將根據不同的原理。 它可能會像土耳其 - 美國

  • I think you're starting to see a greater awareness of that on the part of the Pakistani government.

    - 土耳其和德國。我們正在研究這些 關係,我們將做到這一點。

  • PRESIDENT KARZAI: (As interpreted.) The question that you have made about -- we talked about

    Q謝謝你,總統先生。當你考慮 結束這場戰爭,你能說統帥

  • this issue in detail today about the prisoners, about the detention centers. All of these

    巨大的人力和財力成本, 這已經引起有道理的,

  • will transfer to the Afghan sovereignty, and the U.S. forces will pull out from villages,

    一個事實,即阿富汗,世界 會留下有所下降

  • will go to their bases, and Afghan sovereignty will be restored.

    重建和民主的願景 是一種普遍的開始

  • And after 2014, we are working on this relation. This relation will have a different nature


  • and will be based on different principles. It will resemble probably Turkey-United States

    此外,卡爾扎伊總統,許多獨立的研究 批評阿富汗腐敗

  • -- Turkey or Germany. We are studying these relationships and we will do that.

    和治理不善。你站在你的 斷言上個月,這在很大程度上是

  • Q Thank you, Mr. President. As you contemplate the end of this war, can you say as Commander-in-Chief

    由於外國人的影響?而且是 你完全致力於下台的

  • that the huge human and financial costs that this has entailed can be justified, given


  • the fact that the Afghanistan that the world will leave behind is somewhat diminished from

    奧巴馬:我想我們要記住,為什麼 我們去了阿富汗。我們進入阿富汗

  • the visions of reconstruction and democracy that were kind of prevalent at the beginning

    因為惡毒的謀殺了3000名美國人 一個恐怖組織的運作

  • of the war?

    公開和那些誰的邀請, 當時執政的阿富汗。

  • And, President Karzai, many independent studies have criticized Afghanistan for corruption

    這是絕對正確的事情做對 我們去後,該組織;去後,

  • and poor governance. Do you stand by your assertion last month that much of this is

    東道國政府的協助及教唆, 或至少​​允許這些攻擊行動

  • due to the influence of foreigners? And are you completely committed to stepping down

    的地方。而且,由於工作,我們的英雄 穿制服的男人和女人,並因為

  • as President after the elections next year?

    合作和犧牲的阿富汗人 也被摧殘,然後主機

  • PRESIDENT OBAMA: I want us to remember why we went to Afghanistan. We went into Afghanistan

    政府,我們實現了我們的中心目標, 這是 - 或者已經非常接近實現

  • because 3,000 Americans were viciously murdered by a terrorist organization that was operating

    我們的核心目標 - 這是去與能力 “基地”組織拆除,以確保

  • openly and at the invitation of those who were then ruling Afghanistan.


  • It was absolutely the right thing to do for us to go after that organization; to go after

    一切,我們已經做了最後的 10年從美國的角度來看

  • the host government that had aided and abetted, or at least allowed for these attacks to take

    一直關注國家安全利益 這個目標。在結束這場衝突,

  • place. And because of the heroic work of our men and women in uniform, and because of the

    我們可以說,犧牲 ,由那些穿制服的男人和女人的

  • cooperation and sacrifices of Afghans who had also been brutalized by that then-host


  • government, we achieved our central goal, which is -- or have come very close to achieving

    現在,我們也很早就認識 是,這是在我們的國家安全利益

  • our central goal -- which is to de-capacitate al Qaeda; to dismantle them; to make sure

    有一個穩定的,主權的阿富汗, 是一個負責任的國際參與者,那

  • that they can't attack us again.

    與我們合作,且該 阿富汗有其自身的安全需要

  • And everything that we've done over the last 10 years from the perspective of the U.S.

    的能力,並在路徑更 有可能實現繁榮與和平

  • national security interests have been focused on that aim. And at the end of this conflict,

    自己的人民。我認為,卡爾扎伊總統 將是第一個承認阿富汗

  • we are going to be able to say that the sacrifices that were made by those men and women in uniform

    仍然有工作要做,以實現這些目標, 但是這是毫無疑問的可能性

  • has brought about the goal that we sought.

    在今天的阿富汗的和平與繁榮 高於之前,我們走了進去。

  • Now, what we also recognized very early on was that it was in our national security interest

    也有一部分是因為犧牲 美國人民在

  • to have a stable, sovereign Afghanistan that was a responsible international actor, that


  • was in partnership with us, and that that required Afghanistan to have its own security

    因此,我認為 - 我們得到了一切 有些人可能想像我們實現

  • capacity and to be on a path that was more likely to achieve prosperity and peace for

    在最好的情況下?很可能不會。這 是一個人的企業,你功虧一簣

  • its own people. And I think President Karzai would be the first to acknowledge that Afghanistan

    比較理想的。我們實現我們的中心目標, 我們能夠我想塑造一個強有力的

  • still has work to do to accomplish those goals, but there’s no doubt that the possibility

    與負責阿富汗政府的關係 是願意與我們合作,使

  • of peace and prosperity in Afghanistan today is higher than before we went in. And that

    確保它是為未來的跳板 針對美國的襲擊嗎?我們有

  • is also in part because of the sacrifices that the American people have made during

    實現了這個目標。我們在這個過程中 實現這一目標。而對於這一點,我覺得

  • this long conflict.

    我們要感謝我們的非凡的軍事, 情報和外交團隊,以及

  • So I think that -- have we achieved everything that some might have imagined us achieving

    阿富汗政府的合作 和阿富汗人民。

  • in the best of scenarios? Probably not. This is a human enterprise and you fall short of

    卡爾扎伊總統:主席先生,問題 腐敗,是否有外國元素

  • the ideal. Did we achieve our central goal, and have we been able I think to shape a strong

    它,如果我有正確的認識, 你的問題,是阿富汗的腐敗。

  • relationship with a responsible Afghan government that is willing to cooperate with us to make

    是在阿富汗政府的腐敗 我們的打擊,採用不同的

  • sure that it is not a launching pad for future attacks against the United States? We have

    手段和方法。我們已經成功地在某些 的方法。但是,如果你的問題是,我們是否

  • achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal. And for that, I think

    滿意 - 當然不是。

  • we have to thank our extraordinary military, intelligence, and diplomatic teams, as well

    而上的腐敗,是外籍人 但發生在阿富汗,我一直在

  • as the cooperation of the Afghan government and the Afghan people.

    很清楚的,明確的,我不認為 阿富汗可以看到這個腐敗,除非

  • PRESIDENT KARZAI: Sir, on the question of corruption, whether it has a foreign element

    有我們和國際之間的合作 糾正了一些方法的合作夥伴

  • to it, if I have correct understanding of your question, there is corruption in Afghanistan.

    或應用程序提供援助 阿富汗 - 沒有合作,

  • There is corruption in the Afghan government that we are fighting against, employing various


  • means and methods. We have succeeded in certain ways. But if your question is whether we are

    在選舉中,對我來說,我最大的成就, 最後,阿富汗人民將看到

  • satisfied -- of course not.

    是正確的,精心組織,干擾自由 選舉中,阿富汗人民可以選擇

  • And on the corruption that is foreign in origin but occurring in Afghanistan, I have been

    他們的下一任總統。當然,我會 一個退休的總統,而得很開心,一個退休 0:34:26.​​389,0:34:27.589 總統。

  • very clear and explicit, and I don’t think that Afghanistan can see this corruption unless

    問:我的名字是Mujahed Kakar。我的問題是, 給你,總統先生。阿富汗婦女擔心,

  • there is cooperation between us and our international partners on correcting some of the methods

    他們將是真正的受害者和解 在阿富汗的過程。什麼保證你

  • or applications of delivery of assistance to Afghanistan -- without cooperation and

    可以給他們,他們不會受到影響,因為 這一進程?

  • with recognition of the problems.


  • On elections, for me, the greatest of my achievements, eventually, seen by the Afghan people will

    奧巴馬:嗯,美國 已經很清楚了,任何和平過程中,任何

  • be a proper, well-organized, interference-free election in which the Afghan people can elect

    必須阿富汗主導的和解進程。 這不是美國確定

  • their next president. Certainly, I would be a retired President, and very happily, a retired

    和平的條款,這將是什麼。但 我們也一直很清楚是

  • President.

    ,從我們的觀點來看,這是不可能 沒有塔利班和解放棄

  • Q My name is Mujahed Kakar. My question is to you, Mr. President. Afghan women fear that

    恐怖主義,沒有認識到阿富汗 憲法和認識,如果有

  • they will be the real victim of reconciliation process in Afghanistan. What assurances you

    變化,他們要如何 阿富汗政府的運作,則有

  • can give them that they will not suffer because of that process?

    是做一個有序的制憲進程 這一點,你不能訴諸暴力。

  • Thank you.

    阿富汗憲法保護的權利 阿富汗婦女。美國強烈

  • PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, the United States has been very clear that any peace process, any

    認為,阿富汗能不能成功,除非 它的女性提供了機會。我們相信,

  • reconciliation process must be Afghan led. It is not for the United States to determine


  • what the terms of this peace will be. But what we have also been very clear about is

    因此,我們將繼續的聲音很強烈 支持阿富汗憲法,它的保護

  • that, from our perspective, it is not possible to reconcile without the Taliban renouncing

    少數民族,婦女的保護。和 我們認為,如果不能提供的保護

  • terrorism, without them recognizing the Afghan constitution and recognizing that if there

    不僅會令和解不可能 來實現,但也會使阿富汗

  • are changes that they want to make to how the Afghan government operates, then there


  • is a orderly constitutional process to do that and that you can't resort to violence.

    單最好的指標,或一個單最好 指標,一個國家的繁榮,周圍

  • The Afghan constitution protects the rights of Afghan women. And the United States strongly

    世界是如何看待它的女性。 教育,有一半的人口?

  • believes that Afghanistan cannot succeed unless it gives opportunity to its women. We believe

    它是否給他們機會嗎?當它, 您徹底發揮每個人的力量,而不僅僅是

  • that about every country in the world.

    一些。我覺得有大智慧 阿富汗批准的憲法

  • And so we will continue to voice very strongly support for the Afghan constitution, its protection

    認識到這一點。這應該是的一部分。 過去10年遺留下來的這些。

  • of minorities, its protection of women. And we think that a failure to provide that protection


  • not only will make reconciliation impossible to achieve, but also would make Afghanistan's


  • long-term development impossible to achieve.

  • The single-best indicator, or one of the single-best indicators, of a country's prosperity around

  • the world is how does it treat its women. Does it educate that half of the population?

  • Does it give them opportunity? When it does, you unleash the power of everyone, not just

  • some. And I think there was great wisdom in Afghanistan ratifying a constitution that

  • recognized that. That should be part of the legacy of these last 10 years.

  • PRESIDENT KARZAI: Indeed. Indeed.

  • PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very much, everybody.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. Please have a seat.

奧巴馬總統:下午好,大家好。 請坐。

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B1 US 阿富汗 總統 部隊 人民 安全 美國

阿富汗戰爭會結束嗎?美國撤軍。奧巴馬-卡爾扎伊新聞發佈會 (Will the Afghanistan War Ever End? U.S. Withdrawal: Obama-Karzai Press Conference)

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    Wallace posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary