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  • Hey, guys! What's going on? So I just recently  watched the new Mulan movie from Disney and  


  • the classic one was one of my favorites whenwas growing up so honestly I was a little bit  

    經典的一個是我的最愛 當我長大了,所以說實話,我是一個有點。

  • disappointed by what Disney decided to do with  this new version and for that reason we decided  


  • to make a lesson for you today with the classic  one. This is a really fantastic movie to learn  


  • with guys and today we're going to look atscene first off with Eddie Murphy as Mushu the  


  • dragon a really hilarious character and then  we'll look at one of the classic songs that I  


  • know you're going to love learning with. So before  we jump into all of that I want to let you know  


  • that if you are new here every single week we make  new lessons with your favorite movies series and  


  • so much more so that you can understand fast  speaking natives without getting lost, without  


  • missing the jokes and without subtitles just  like our fan Vijay who says that thanks to our  


  • lessons he can now understand natives even when  we speak really fast and you can too all you have  

    他現在能聽懂當地人的話了 即使我們說得很快,你也能聽懂,你所要做的就是

  • to do is hit that subscribe button and the bell  below so you don't miss any of our new lessons.


  • Hey again I hope you're having a lot  of fun already and if you enjoy making  


  • learning English simple and natural  like this then I highly recommend you  


  • don't miss out on our free three-part  masterclass now in this masterclass  


  • we teach you the three secrets that you  need to be able to understand natives at  


  • any speed and you can sign up absolutely free  by clicking up here or down description below.


  • Hey if you are enjoying this lesson  then don't forget to check out this  


  • playlist where you can find all of our  lessons featuring different Disney movies  


  • you can find that by clicking up  here or down the description below.


  • Hey if you've liked learning English with this  Disney song then I highly recommend that now  


  • you head over to our Instagram where we have an  exclusive lesson for you where you will learn four  


  • more common native expressions so I look forward  to seeing you over on Instagram @reallife.english


Hey, guys! What's going on? So I just recently  watched the new Mulan movie from Disney and  


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