There's justandeverything's a zoomlike I can't getusedto.
When I read a reviewof a play, it's just a pictureoftozoomsquareslikeyouread a reviewinNewYork, Timesoftheyfeellikeit's a stunningnewplay, andit's fourpeopleon a zoom, andthere's nowaythatthatthat's whatshowbusinesshasbecome.
Doyoufindthatwhenyou'reon a zoom, youthinkofyoufart?
Peoplecan't hearit.
I thinkthatthat's all.
I thinkthat's prettymuchall.
I havebeenthinkingthatthewholetime.
Youknow, ifit's all I think e itcan't getthroughthesound, itcan't getthroughthezoom.
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